El Paso mass shooting

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Robin, I'm with you on that. But people keep looking for the verse that goes something like "The first generation to use the iPhone 666 will see the end", and I just can't find it!

But I agree, the signs just keep getting more obvious and people keep running the other way faster. When Israel rebuilds the Temple, then I'm digging a hole & getting in it. Until then, just keep leading by example to the lost. BTW, I'd estimate 10% of the adult men in my church are carrying. I don't think the preacher does, but at least half the deacons and many more. But we are a compassionate group... if a shooter came in, within seconds he'd be down, but within a minute or two several men would be standing over him praying that he accept Christ before his last breath and talking to him about it. It wouldn't matter to us why he did it, why he chose our church, but just that he chooses the right path at his last opportunity. Keeping it simple.

For anyone that wants to start the "ain't no God" discussion, just stop... no point to it. This is all I have to say.

come on TF,,,,,,,the state of things all the BS that happens is a strong argument that there is no GOD,,,don't hand me the free will argument..............

I mean think about it,,,,are we just entertainment and he's sitting back watching eating popcorn and saying ,,,,,,,,,WOW DID YOU SEE WHAT THAT ******* JUST DID,,,,,,,
The media will milk this for all its worth. Who was the shooter? Where did he live? Did his parents know? What did his classmates think of him? How about his next door neighbor? His 3rd grade teacher? After they have gotten everything they can from that, then it goes to gun debate, racism, Trump’s response, mental health (we are probably at week 3 by now) remembering the victims etc. But you will never hear about, does this 24/7 coverage about every aspect of encourage others to do it?
The media will milk this for all its worth. Who was the shooter? Where did he live? Did his parents know? What did his classmates think of him? How about his next door neighbor? His 3rd grade teacher? After they have gotten everything they can from that, then it goes to gun debate, racism, Trump’s response, mental health (we are probably at week 3 by now) remembering the victims etc. But you will never hear about, does this 24/7 coverage about every aspect of encourage others to do it?

It is amazing how these stories are dropped from sight If the shooter is not white or an American. BUT, whoa If He is a middle class white boy. I agree, the media is and will stay all over this.
There is a story link on World Net Daily that say 5 things you need to know.

1. He was a climate change believer
2. He said he had no motivation to do much. He stayed on the computer about 8 hours per day so he thought would help him get a software job.
3. He was a loner.
4. He blamed both Democrates and Republicans for the state of the country.
5. He was bullied a lot all through school.

Funny how you don't hear most of these facts from the MSM.
I don't buy into it's the parents fault,,,this is not 1960 anymore ,kids are watched closer now

It's not a question of being 'watched'. It's about what is 'taught' and 'caught'. Kids growing up without a dad in the house is a top priority problem. Yes, you and I were thrown out to go play. But dad was around and a role model. How a man treats a woman is a huge learning opportunity (father to mother). Nationwide, I'd say shooting video games have a greater influence on building a child's character than do fathers... let that sink in.

The el paso shooter, look at Robin's #2 point: 8 hours a day playing on his computer?

1. He was a climate change believer
2. He said he had no motivation to do much. He stayed on the computer about 8 hours per day so he thought would help him get a software job.
3. He was a loner.
4. He blamed both Democrates and Republicans for the state of the country.
5. He was bullied a lot all through school.
Funny how you don't hear most of these facts from the MSM.

But on the important stuff, like what brand of nail clippers did he use, they will be all over it. The #1 question I would ask: what mind-altering legal and illegal drugs has he been on?

Regarding your list, the 1st 3 & 5th are big indicators of being liberals.

I've got an idea. How about a federal sales tax on every copy of a shooter video game sold? Even 'free' games require paying the tax. Money from the tax will go toward a fund for victims/families of these shooter-type game players? $2 per copy? $5? I don't know, but make those who cause these problems to pay to fix them (as best money can).
The problem with public executions for mass shooters is that a lot of them kill themselves. I think that a lot of them do it for the "publicity" aka infamy. They don't feel they have anything worth living for (a product of our "prosperous" society that nevertheless denigrates the hard work required for prosperity) and are looking for a way to make a name for themselves.
On side note, I think that the same type of people who commit mass shootings would be the type of violent attention-seekers who might voluntarily participate in Roman-style gladiatorial contests. So there might be an alternative to mass shootings but some people wouldn't like it either.
Broadcasting executions is not new . I watched a couple as a Kid in the 1970's maybe early 80's . Including one of the first lethal injections .
As to some of the other post . Most mainstream media includes suicide , Gangland killings , accidents , accidental discharges , domestic violence and others when they count public shootings.
The El Paso killer may be Hispanic .
He also was a Globalists , universal economy , universal healthcare , environmental extremists .
The Dayton shooter was a satanist with lots of domestic issues .
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That was from wickepedia. Here is a list since columbine.
Maybe all don’t fit your criteria for mass shootings, but no one can say that we don’t have a problem.

The problem is not the weapon but the people. Change the mental health laws and start institutionalizing these nut case before they start shooting up folks. Don't deny me my ability to defend myself and family with what ever chosen weapon I feel is required. I guarantee the criminals will have those weapons. Make committing a crime with a firearm mandatory death sentence. No parole and out again, no more 30 or 40 years of tax payer supported food and housing. Use a firearm in the commission of a crime and you die. That will serve several purposes. Lower gun crimes and lower prison populations.
I don't like it but these shootings will continue and like it r not approve or disapprove in time the gun laws will change and in my opinion not for the better,,,,,,so the time is now if there is something you want you best buy it,and the same goes fr ammo,,,,regulations are going to change,,,,,it is just a matter of time:(:(:(:(


I agree with you. That is the same logic I used when purchasing my AR15 platforms. I was concerned that hellirary would win, so I bought my rifles. I do see the DemoRATS continuing to push for more and more gun control and more and more people being stupid enough to buy into the lies and exaggerations. When the DemoRats start talking about doing more with Metal Health and mental Health laws, then I will believe they are really concerned .
Broadcasting executions is not new . I watched a couple as a Kid in the 1970's maybe early 80's . Including one of the first lethal injections .
As to some of the other post . Most mainstream media includes suicide , Gangland killings , accidents , accidental discharges , domestic violence and others when they count public shootings.
The El Paso killer may be Hispanic .
He also was a Globalists , universal economy , universal healthcare , environmental extremists .
The Dayton shooter was a satanist with lots of domestic issues .

If the Drudge Report article with his alleged manifesto is really his manifesto, he was none of what you say is true:


Sadly, we may never know the truth....
If the Drudge Report article with his alleged manifesto is really his manifesto, he was none of what you say is true:


Sadly, we may never know the truth....

Exactly, the World Net Daily story I mentioned is the same. Plus, this dad sounds more like a Lib than a Conservative. Not exactly the White Supremacist type.
If the Drudge Report article with his alleged manifesto is really his manifesto, he was none of what you say is true:


Sadly, we may never know the truth....
Read it again , get past his political view then you see its just what I said he was . Blame the free market , blame the population for using resources , blame the American People .
Read it again , get past his political view then you see its just what I said he was . Blame the free market , blame the population for using resources , blame the American People .

I took it as more of him being against corporations who want cheap labor so they can continue to assure we will buy their stuff.

He also was going off on all the Hispanics taking over his ‘beloved Texas’.
I took it as more of him being against corporations who want cheap labor so they can continue to assure we will buy their stuff.

He also was going off on all the Hispanics taking over his ‘beloved Texas’.
Its obviously anti free market anti American rhetoric . One of them if you could just see it his way clowns . Notice His appeal to Europeans and How He thought He would show the way . The rantings of a lunatic . And He obviously isn't a firearm enthusiast His ramblings about guns and ammo must have came from a video game .
By the way free market means you are free to choose where you spend your $$ . Im not sure how you feel compelled to spend with any particular corporation .
Its obviously anti free market anti American rhetoric . One of them if you could just see it his way clowns . Notice His appeal to Europeans and How He thought He would show the way . The rantings of a lunatic . And He obviously isn't a firearm enthusiast His ramblings about guns and ammo must have came from a video game .
By the way free market means you are free to choose where you spend your $$ . Im not sure how you feel compelled to spend with any particular corporation .

No argument on the lunatic part, and other than a kid in the military, how many know about weapons? A lot of ‘real’ adults don’t, and most 21 year olds aren’t adults. That part sounded like an almost romanticized intent to get killed after he killed everyone he could.

And yes, I understand free market very well. I’m not sure you understood my point, but I’m too tired to argue tonight.
Brent, do you have a link to source the numbers for shootings? I'd like to see it broken down by month, it seems June/July have been the quietest months of the year.

Edit: I found your numbers on Wikipedia. Most of those are clearly not 'mass shootings'. 2,3,4 people shot. Many are murder/suicide (typically family/girlfriend type situations), and usually between people who know each other. I'm talking about going out & after unknown civilians out of pure evil. There is so much 'noise' in the list that I can't really find where the real numbers are.
I think I heard on FOX this morning that the number was 6 but could be wrong. . . We had a busy morning.
Earlier you mentioned how many of these shooters take mind-altering drugs. Here is an article that talks about much of that:

Not the greatest website, but you can verify any of the details on your own. It lists page after page after page of tragedies related to the many legal drugs out there.

I know that years ago if you had taken Ritalin or other same type drugs, the military didn't want you.

My Special son was hyper when young and he was on Ritalin one month until I said hell no. I hated the way it altered him. He was hyper because he couldn't communicate and was frustrated. He just needed more speech therapy. Now he won't shut up. Lol
I hope your "busy" isn't problems with granny. Hopefully, a goat got out of the pen.
I could only wish it was a goat. . . Granny had an explosion during the night. . . I noticed the smell pretty much when I went in to get her up. Room had to get scrubbed, granny halfway cleaned up before I could put her in shower, had more there, so shower cleaned too. That morning before getting her up I had only thought I was staying on top of laundry washing two loads, one for us and one for her. After everything was done with her bedding, towels and rugs, I had a total of 6 loads done before I had to go into work. Then to top everything off, our water pump went out for the well, so while hunny was out trying to get that fixed, I was out hauling water to three different pastures. . . . This is what I mean by being busy.

At work my boss was saying that since business has picked up so much she is going to be needing a person to do what I do one more day during the week. I am very tempted to tell her I will do it just so my hunny will have to do more, but on days I work, I have to get up at 3 AM instead of 4 now so I can wake granny up, take her to the bathroom, dressed, and then back to bed. I really hate doing that to her anymore than what I already have to. I give an hours time just because I never know what I am walking into. . . I have a rubber mat on top of the mattress which at least protects it. Then I had 1 absorbent padding on top of the bottom sheet but after yesterday, she now has two. . . . Not that they would soak that up, but at least protect the sheets a little more I hope.
Saturday after I got home from work at 2 pm, I asked granny if she had a good lunch? Hunny chimes in and said she wasn't hungry so he didn't fix her anything. . . Since it was late in the day, I just made her a peanut butter and Mayhaw sandwich with some fritoes. For dinner she ate all of her ribs, corn, pork n beans and fried squash. . . She will tell you she is not hungry, but if you put food in front of her, she will eat.
I could only wish it was a goat. . . Granny had an explosion during the night. . . I noticed the smell pretty much when I went in to get her up. Room had to get scrubbed, granny halfway cleaned up before I could put her in shower, had more there, so shower cleaned too. That morning before getting her up I had only thought I was staying on top of laundry washing two loads, one for us and one for her. After everything was done with her bedding, towels and rugs, I had a total of 6 loads done before I had to go into work. Then to top everything off, our water pump went out for the well, so while hunny was out trying to get that fixed, I was out hauling water to three different pastures. . . . This is what I mean by being busy.

At work my boss was saying that since business has picked up so much she is going to be needing a person to do what I do one more day during the week. I am very tempted to tell her I will do it just so my hunny will have to do more, but on days I work, I have to get up at 3 AM instead of 4 now so I can wake granny up, take her to the bathroom, dressed, and then back to bed. I really hate doing that to her anymore than what I already have to. I give an hours time just because I never know what I am walking into. . . I have a rubber mat on top of the mattress which at least protects it. Then I had 1 absorbent padding on top of the bottom sheet but after yesterday, she now has two. . . . Not that they would soak that up, but at least protect the sheets a little more I hope.

Please don't let the stress get you down. I'm sorry that your hunny and my hunny are so much alike in some aspects.