Resurrecting this thread from the dead... I did indeed splice the replacement cord to the hair clippers today, and I taped the splices very well before carefully positioning them inside the hard plastic case or shell of the clippers. I even padded the area between taped-up splices with more electrical tape, and all of that is in the very end of the clippers body, nowhere near the electric motor or any parts or wiring. Well, with one exception: the splices & additional tape interfered with switch operation (the switch has a metal spring which slides between contacts), so I simply decided to tape the switch in place with it on, and use the heavy-duty plug as a switch instead, lol. Not a problem, as the plug is large and heavy-duty, easy to plug into and pull out of sockets. The clippers work like gangbusters again, I oiled 'em and put 'em away so they're ready for my next Waffen SS cut, lol. I taped up the end of the clippers where the cord exits the body, but due to the tapered nature of everything I had to leave some wrinkles in the tape, but those just add extra grip, so no worries. I taped that whole device HARD, so the cord isn't going anywhere, and it should easily last until I'm dead, at which point I will no longer need 'em, lol. Y'all suppose angels or devils give cuts in the high place or the hot place? Oh, yeah, I need to thank Backlash for suggesting the replacement cord! Good job, hand!
While I was repairing these clippers, I thought about WHY I was so ready to simply toss 'em and buy another set... part of that was due to the relatively low cost of the clippers when I bought 'em (around $20, and definitely under $25 total), but I think another incident might have caused me to readily abandon 'em. Years ago in Coronado, I was fixing an electric dryer, moving at my usual meticulous and rather slow rate (compared to a pro) when the phone rang. I answered it, and wound up talking long-distance to a friend for over an hour, right? Well, by the time I returned to the task, I had forgotten about two dangling wires and contacts inside the dryer body, out of sight... when I went to plug in the "repaired" appliance, I employed my standard safety tactic of not touching ANY part of the dryer except for the plug in my hand, aye? And good thing too, because when I plugged it in, the entire metal body of the 220v dryer was COVERED in an interwoven SHEET OF BLUE ELECTRIC LIGHTNING, lol. I hastily unplugged the damned thing, then figured that if hadn't been FRIED earlier, before my so-called "repair" job, then it was DAMNED SURE FRIED NOW, lol. I just said, "F#% IT, I'LL BUY ANOTHER ONE!" Which I did, since I was trucking at the time and making good money, lol. I suppose the NEARNESS of a FATAL SCREWUP made me just readily toss that dryer... same for the clippers, 10-4?
Anyway, here's a shot of the taped-up clippers, those car thieves who tape up plates gots NOTHIN' on ME, lol. I know the tape job looks ugly, perhaps downright cattywampus, but it's SOLID with many layers of tape pulled tight around the hard plastic case and the cord. I even wrapped the junction of cord & body many different ways, some tape segments angled, some slit and wrapped around the cord to adhere to the body, with subsequent wrappings around the body itself to hold everything in place. Meh, if my "Dademoss-Approved OCD" kicks in, I'll tape the goldurned thing even more, but it has quite a bit of tape on it already, and some of that electrical tape was the wide heavy-duty electrical tape which I bought for another purpose (wrapping some insulating foam around some hoses leading to my outdoor A/C unit, not that I need that right now, but I wanna do it before snow flies). So ugly or not, the tape job is SOLID and I'm in business again with the clippers. Ya know, had this been a more expensive tool such as a circular saw or grinder (as Magus mentioned), I wouldn't have been so ready to toss it, I just would've replaced the cord and driven on with it, but for some reason, when those electrical sparks start a-poppin' in my vicinity (like bullets), I'm ready to ditch the POS and just buy another, lol. To this I attribute my readiness to ditch the clippers: no $25 Sunbeam clippers are worth my friggin' life, lol.