Ever WONDERED....What is the most "HORRIFIC" it could possibly GET ? Answer: "ENEMY at the GATES".

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Mankind is more savage than most of us can fathom. In the US, we have fooled ourselves thinking we have perfected war to be surgical to eliminate collateral damage of the innocent. Almost believable when we wage war against third world nations in some far away location that most can’t find on a map. What is shown in that movie is not too different than what is playing out today in a western nation.
I've never seen the movie, but as a WWII student for over 65 years, one of my big areas of interest is the Eastern Front and the titanic struggle between German and Russian.
The Battle of Stalingrad was the apex of this struggle, with over 1 million deaths. The brutality, the savagery, everything about it made it the most horrific battle in human history.
I just finished reading yet another book on Stalingrad. And will no doubt buy another for my library and read it before fall.
that was a great movie, i think ill watch it again. i love history. i am a very boring person, i look at everything thru the lens of mankinds history. history shows us generally people never really change. technology changes, medicine, better knowledge of how things work changes, opportunities and challenges change, but we dont really change. except for those who believe the power of God can come into their lives and change Them.

but over all, nah, people dont really change. history shows us whata gonna happen--like theres a pattern. theres always gonna be those who think they are super elite chosen to rule , convinced they know whats best for 99.99% of the people on the planet and will shove their plans on us not carrying what we want or need and dont care how many die to get their way.

that ends up with civil and regional wars, economic collapse, crop interference, famine, rise in disease, decline inb medical care and standards, , violence and unrest. pretty nasty crap that comes around every few generations or so. kinda like that Fourth Turning book---worth reading. weve had it pretty safe and comfortable in the US for decades now. its just our turn. we lost interest in watching what the heck the elected officials were actually doing and didnt really hold them accountable for their lies and corruption.

toss in the physical changes from the the solar minim,um brings for decades, yeah, i think its gonna get bug ugly

over the years God gave me some dreams-movies like. 10 now. its ok if you think im a nut. but i saw details of me some things gonna happen in some places. it was not pretty anywhere. the gist is
1-stay close to God daily and do what He says
2-be willing to help others but ask for discernment
3-all governments/banks will lie t to save their own butts
4 theres no such thing as too much food or supplies
5- theres no such thing are too much food and supplies
6 theres no such things as too much food and supplies
7-God Himself is with us & will guide us thru Every Storm but we got to be willing to trust Him even when it looks freaking crazy

each of us, we were born for These Days
we arent meant to survive the crap, we are here to serve
God already has a plan for each of us
God wins in the end and so do we
i posted about this part at our 'old forum' several times. there were several professors and other types in Leningrad and surrounding area seen what was going to happen so took it upon themselves to huge crop seeds and to move certain things away from fighting areas to protect crop genetics.they done grafting of fruit trees transplanted seedlings and so much more. some actually starved while sitting on wheat seed because it was probably the last of its kind.true heroes..be hard to guard wheat seed and not grind it up for flour to eat while to starved slowly.

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