I’ve learned since making my own tinctures… 3hrs equals a day. For every 3hrs I delay taking antivirals it adds 24hrs of sick time on the back end. If I’m in town etc where I don’t have tinctures with me I go out of my way to get home and start taking antivirals. If, heaven forbid, I’m delayed until the next morning, I can count on being sick 3 to 4 days.
These days… the moment I feel anything, I cough or sneeze funny, get the slightest chill… I throw my whole arsenal of tinctures at it and I’m fine by the next morning.
Example… my cousin called last week. Said she had the flu and needed tinctures. During the conversation I learned she’d already been sick 3days… said ‘I kept meaning to call you’ ‘ I kept thinking I’d be better by morning…’
It was too late tinctures or vitamin C to help. She already had a full blown case of the flu. Nothing was going to help but time. I gave her several tinctures anyway… 2 days later she still ended up at a Doc-in-a-box with a sinus infection and bronchitis.
Time is everything with a virus. That’s why I throw everything I have but the kitchen sink the moment I even think I’m getting something. Probably why I’ve only gotten a full blown case of the flu but 3 times in the last 17yrs. Every time I got sick, I couldn’t get to my tinctures in time to help.
If you can’t fight the virus the right way… don’t wait… you can always stop at the market for a bottle of OJ and a small jar of honey! That’ll do more to fight the virus than a pharmacy full of otc’s to fight the symptoms!
Okay, I’m putting my soap box away now!