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My testosterone and "Y" chromosome forbid me to drive a Tesla, eat tofu or bugs, or wear any combination of pink, purple, or paisley.
I had to look and see what thread I was reading!😃 I'm going that early too!! And I am up at 3am also!;🤔😮 I still feel more rested than I do in the summer!!
I’m struggling a bit. We have been super busy at work too so feel like I’m not up to par.
I’m still struggling to make it to 8pm. If I make myself stay up until 8-8:30, I’m waking up at midnight to 2 am. I’m up to about 7:30-7:45 and can sleep through the night. When I say my system is stubborn, I ain’t just a’whistlin Dixie.
No rhyme nor reason for me. Sometimes it is 2130 and I'm hitting the sheets. Other times it's 0230. Sometimes I wake up at 0430, can't go back to sleep, so I go downstairs and read a book until 0700. Then back to bed until 1100. Or not back to bed until the next night. I seem to be totally random. If I was forced to come up with some "average" to document, that would be something like to bed at 2330 and wake up at 0730. But I am so variable that I defy averaging. I'll often have a night with 5 or 6 hours total sleep that is then followed by a night with 10 hours total sleep. I can't determine why any given night is one over the other. Sometimes it seems like I'm up often to pee - maybe twice, other times I go through an entire long night without getting up once. Usually when I wake up in the middle of the night it is because of some minor "worry" that got my brain thinking and I can't shut it off to go back to sleep. That's where reading a book helps. Makes me forget what I was worried about. I either fall asleep quickly while reading, or I get engrossed in the story and read for hours. I used to get up and practice piano in the middle of the night if I couldn't sleep. It felt like I made good progress during those middle of the night sessions, but my teacher told me no, that was bad, and not a good way to practice.

A psychiatrist or a sleep specialist would have a field day with me.
Used to I would go to bed, be asleep within 5 to 10 minutes and sleep thru the night. Usually would be 7-9 hours. Now days I seem to have too much running thru my brain and can't shut it off. Might be work, might be just some random something. Once I do go out I might sleep till the alarm, others I wake up 3 or 4 times. Drives me nuts ( I know that a really short trip). But I end up knowing I'm gonna be tired and sleepy the next day. And that just makes it worse.
I’m still struggling to make it to 8pm. If I make myself stay up until 8-8:30, I’m waking up at midnight to 2 am. I’m up to about 7:30-7:45 and can sleep through the night. When I say my system is stubborn, I ain’t just a’whistlin Dixie.
I replied with the laughing emoji because you made fun of me!😉 I think I finally made it to some realm of normalcy! 9-9:30 and sleeping (my kind of sleeping, very light and up a lot) until 4am!! I guess I should say Bear tries for 9-9:30 and sleeps until 4am!🤔🙄
No rhyme nor reason for me. Sometimes it is 2130 and I'm hitting the sheets. Other times it's 0230. Sometimes I wake up at 0430, can't go back to sleep, so I go downstairs and read a book until 0700. Then back to bed until 1100. Or not back to bed until the next night. I seem to be totally random. If I was forced to come up with some "average" to document, that would be something like to bed at 2330 and wake up at 0730. But I am so variable that I defy averaging. I'll often have a night with 5 or 6 hours total sleep that is then followed by a night with 10 hours total sleep. I can't determine why any given night is one over the other. Sometimes it seems like I'm up often to pee - maybe twice, other times I go through an entire long night without getting up once. Usually when I wake up in the middle of the night it is because of some minor "worry" that got my brain thinking and I can't shut it off to go back to sleep. That's where reading a book helps. Makes me forget what I was worried about. I either fall asleep quickly while reading, or I get engrossed in the story and read for hours. I used to get up and practice piano in the middle of the night if I couldn't sleep. It felt like I made good progress during those middle of the night sessions, but my teacher told me no, that was bad, and not a good way to practice.

A psychiatrist or a sleep specialist would have a field day with me.

I do very much the same thing. There is no rhyme or reason to it, except I never sleep through the night. I am always up two or three times to pee. Usually I can go back to sleep, but sometimes I can't. When I can't I either read or get on the computer. Pearl, God love her, will tease me about making comments at 3:00 in the morning. I am retired, so I don't have the work issues running through my head and keeping me awake. Being retired also allows me to nap almost any time I want, so I don't worry about my sleep habits. Sometimes the nap will be an hour. Sometimes it will be three hours. Those are the times I just figure my body needed the rest. Must be from that mechanical work I did all day, putting a rear end in a recliner.
I get up several times during the night to put wood on the fire. If it's not too cold I can close the damper and the stove will keep a fire all night, but won't put out much heat. A lot of times I end up sleeping on the couch to be closer to the fire. The wife sleeps all night no matter what.
I get up several times during the night to put wood on the fire. If it's not too cold I can close the damper and the stove will keep a fire all night, but won't put out much heat. A lot of times I end up sleeping on the couch to be closer to the fire. The wife sleeps all night no matter what.
Opposite in my house! This time of the year I don't have to get up to put wood on the fire, it will stay warm until 4am. But when we have our cold weather in February, I am the one up keeping the fire going, Hubby sleeps all night every night! You'd think living with me he wouldn't be able to sleep without one eye open!!🤔😉😃
I do very much the same thing. There is no rhyme or reason to it, except I never sleep through the night. I am always up two or three times to pee. Usually I can go back to sleep, but sometimes I can't. When I can't I either read or get on the computer. Pearl, God love her, will tease me about making comments at 3:00 in the morning. I am retired, so I don't have the work issues running through my head and keeping me awake. Being retired also allows me to nap almost any time I want, so I don't worry about my sleep habits. Sometimes the nap will be an hour. Sometimes it will be three hours. Those are the times I just figure my body needed the rest. Must be from that mechanical work I did all day, putting a rear end in a recliner.
I was just worried about you eating too many Doritos!😉😃
I replied with the laughing emoji because you made fun of me!😉 I think I finally made it to some realm of normalcy! 9-9:30 and sleeping (my kind of sleeping, very light and up a lot) until 4am!! I guess I should say Bear tries for 9-9:30 and sleeps until 4am!🤔🙄
Yeah- going to bed early but also still waking up about 3:30 am. It’s all good you can laugh at me.
I do very much the same thing. There is no rhyme or reason to it, except I never sleep through the night. I am always up two or three times to pee. Usually I can go back to sleep, but sometimes I can't. When I can't I either read or get on the computer. Pearl, God love her, will tease me about making comments at 3:00 in the morning. I am retired, so I don't have the work issues running through my head and keeping me awake. Being retired also allows me to nap almost any time I want, so I don't worry about my sleep habits. Sometimes the nap will be an hour. Sometimes it will be three hours. Those are the times I just figure my body needed the rest. Must be from that mechanical work I did all day, putting a rear end in a recliner.
Me too. Most of us old guys that used their prostate in their younger years, dance to the same tune :(.
As far as bedtime goes, I usually feel my best for the entire day, between 10pm and 1am and just don't want to shut it down.:(
Me too. Most of us old guys that used their prostate in their younger years, dance to the same tune :(.
As far as bedtime goes, I usually feel my best for the entire day, between 10pm and 1am and just don't want to shut it down.:(
Put me down for that time period as well.

( retired and have plenty of time to talk about it)

Getting Soon and so is VOTE Time...!!! 🦅

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