We had that set up at our place up the river. Be sure to flip the main before firing up the generator or like
@angie_nrs said, could be bad. Our power went out on a semi regular basis so it was very handy. We also had wood heat like
@hashbrown mentioned. (Our power went out all seasons). On the generator, if moving it or have it in the back of a rig traveling, be sure the carb. has no fuel in it. Someone mentioned running it out of gas each time - guess I'm agreeing.
I have a question about refilling the small propane tanks though. I see the pix of the regulator - is that what you are using to refill them? Can you (or someone) share more on that please?
As far as holes in preps: where can I pick up some spare sanity? Dealing with stupidity is evidently not my forte. A few frustrations in that we are only renting this house until we find property to purchase so our hands are tied as far as the structure is concerned. I can't tell you how much I miss wood heat and being able to cook on it also. That's a big hole.