Even it sounds now rassistic (and no, i'm not):
Since the 70thies we feed peoples in Africa as
@Schattentarn correctly wrote. Every year a few times different organisations collect money for help those people. The catholic church let the pope tell those people it's an sin to use condomes. The result we have seen in Europe since 2015 in an big mass: Trecks with tentausends of people who wanna life there where the money is on the street, free food everywhere (as they think).
What we became? Less rights to say what we think. We got limits to beware our on culture because it could hurt "guests". We got harder weapon laws. We need to lock our houses like an bank safe. We got terroristic acts, increased criminal records, raping, insecure places, more drug problems.
Thank for this to all those who dream about an "one race world" and "rescue everybody".
Don't missunderstand, i'm always agree to help those people who really needs our help. But i demande respecat about our citizens and i want the "guests" behave like guests.
Like an comedian over here said in an sketch: All the years we sent money to the 3rd world. And they didn't use it to optimize their situation. They collected it for the travel and now they are coming over... (He's blacklistet for that btw)