Depopulation......yes.....that is the main goal of the agenda.
But people only see the pretty wrapping paper that the agenda is wrapped up in.
Governments "helping" it's people....ah hu......
Oh no, people are sick from that virus we developed in one of the many secret labs scattered around the planet? Here, take this handy dandy little vaccine we just happened to make so quickly (coughs), that will help you all get better
Oh, by the way, it won't make you better, you have to keep taking it. Oh, and if you have complications, it's your own fault if you die. Or get infertile. Or any other side affects.
And we should shut down farms with too many farm hands picking-they all have covid.
And we should shut down food processing plants, too many employees-they all have covid.
Maybe burn down a few processing plants while you're at it.
Get those dandy shiny jets in the air to fill the air with metals and chemicals of all kinds to increase breathing disorders and help pollute the land, and waters all over the earth, those Japanese didn't do a good enough job with Fukashima. That radiation only affected the oceans. All the sea life is dieng, but the people are still eating seafood...and still they are not dieing fast enough.
And we should kill all the animals on farms- they are standing too close- they all are sick...bird flu, pig flu....anything you can come up with. When people are scared, they'll believe anything. Hahahahah.
And in some countries, people's covid somehow. maybe say, "from you since you didn't get the vaccine"-kill the pets too. (Northern Europe and Britain I think it was, coming to a country near you?)
Farmers should turn their crops into the ground, no trucks to deliver the food.
Truckers didn't get the jab? trucking for food to the stores.
What? people are driving to farms and getting food there? .....raise the price of gas for some reason so they can't go driving around too far, hey, let's say it's Russia's fault. That'll work. The People will believe that.
Get the news stations to report it's all Russia's fault, everything is Russia's fault too. And cut off the pipelines too.
What? what canal blockage? Forget that, I'm sure everyone's forgotten about that.
China stock piling shipping containers and then shutting down exports?...I'm sure most have forgotten about that too.
There, that should do it for a while, oh wait, lets start a nice war starting in Europe to kill off more people, they aren't dieing fast enough.
Let's draw straws......oh, sorry Russian, you drew the shortest'll have to start it all off. It's okay, you'll get some help.
After a few months we'll spread the war into other countries, and then those war hungry leaders can jump in and we'll have several wars going at one time, and no one will be able to fight back, because they are too weak from hunger, and starvation. Let's get someone to invade North America. First we'll say they are just "practicing" here. Then...when the time is right.....
They'll never know what hit them. Or, who's behind it. LOL
Good plan.
Make sure you say repeatedly on all media, that the government, we only care about our people, and want to help them.
End of G-20 meeting for now folks. see you next year.