Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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Just an article to suggest we all stop growing a garden because it can lead to death. . . Oh good grieve! This is just another way to push their agenda down our throats!! Another way to do that and cover for the fake vaxx deaths.
Well, we've been growing food in the very same soil for ages, so I figure the damage is already done to my body. Why stop growing in the soil just all of a sudden? It IS really getting to be a non-stop joke what they'll ltell us.
Happening over in the Dutch world with laws being implemented to cut down their carbon footprint. . . Good for the farmers there fighting back!! In my location, we have a lot of cattle ranchers. Just try in my area and you will have something like this!! Bring it om cause I will be right there!!

If you are not in the know. . .
Happening over in the Dutch world with laws being implemented to cut down their carbon footprint. . . Good for the farmers there fighting back!! In my location, we have a lot of cattle ranchers. Just try in my area and you will have something like this!! Bring it om cause I will be right there!!

If you are not in the know. . .
View attachment 16741

Pretty soon, the citizens are going to have to TAKE OUT the politicians…or they will all be starving in the streets to weak to fight.
This is Sky News over in Australia, warning it's citizen about the 2 farmer protest going on. . . saying this could easily be happening to them.

Small farmers in the Netherlands are desperately fighting back against their government's "radical" nitrogen emissions policy, says Sky News host Rowan Dean. Mr Dean said the Netherlands' government planned to cut emissions between 30 to 70 per cent "as part of their green agenda". "Completely arbitrary bureaucratic madness, but this is what happens when you legislate climate targets," he said. "The little people, the farmers, the small businesses get crushed under the wheels of the bureaucrats who believe they are 'saving the planet'."

Happening over in the Dutch world with laws being implemented to cut down their carbon footprint. . . Good for the farmers there fighting back!! In my location, we have a lot of cattle ranchers. Just try in my area and you will have something like this!! Bring it om cause I will be right there!!

If you are not in the know. . .
View attachment 16741

Just remember, a lot of farmers have taken government money to NOT farm for years. They'll just throw out money to NOT raise livestock too. Cut out government milk subsidies and most dairymen will fold. A lot of farmers and ranchers couldn't make it today without government handouts. Many are getting old and would like to retire, they would welcome a payout.
I think that farming, like most industries, are so intertwined with "free" and easy government money that they will bend over to whatever the government demands.
The Dutch had to deal with Nazis before.
This is their way of saying No More!
Dutch farmers have Purchased a Tank to use to
block distribution centers.

When your government tells you you're not allowed to grow food, you no longer have a government; you have a hostile and violent enemy.



Now here at home?

There are millions of homesteads in America. They might be able to buy off the commercial farmers, but no way all the smaller ones!
It’s easy to think the Dutch aren’t strong people, but then you remember history. Not only did they take on the Nazi’s…they had the Dutch East India Company that practically controlled about 80% of the world at one point!

BTW... I was a few times in the Netherlands. They learn german and english language in the school, the most dutch talk both. But always if i ask them which one they prefer it's always english, never the language of their neighbourcountry Germany. They didn't forgot until today.
The Dutch had to deal with Nazis before.
This is their way of saying No More!
Dutch farmers have Purchased a Tank to use to
block distribution centers.

When your government tells you you're not allowed to grow food, you no longer have a government; you have a hostile and violent enemy.

View attachment 16774


Now here at home?

There are millions of homesteads in America. They might be able to buy off the commercial farmers, but no way all the smaller ones!

And there using what looks like an old American Sherman tank.
The Dutch had to deal with Nazis before.
This is their way of saying No More!
Dutch farmers have Purchased a Tank to use to
block distribution centers.

When your government tells you you're not allowed to grow food, you no longer have a government; you have a hostile and violent enemy.

View attachment 16774


Now here at home?

There are millions of homesteads in America. They might be able to buy off the commercial farmers, but no way all the smaller ones!
THEY seem to have some BALLS!!!!! WISH ours did!!!
New rules will effectively SHUT DOWN U-Pick farms in NSW Australia

View attachment 16577

New planning rules proposed by Planning NSW risk destroying ALL Pick your own farms in NSW. They currently have a proposal underway to deciminate all the Pick your own farms in NSW and want to put unrealistic limitations on the number of visitors per day that attend these farms. The current proposal they have is to only allow 50 people per day to attend the farms and a maximum of 10 days per year that these farms are allowed to open for PYO. This is just not viable for farmers and we want this proposal stopped immediately and want the Department to consult with the farmers to get their input on what is viable for us. If this proposal in mandated, we feel that farmers will just pull out their trees and visitors will not be able to attend theses farms. We understand that there have to be regulations but we need them to be sustainable for the farmer and we would like the opportunity to consult and comment on these rules.

Help us by signing this petition to have this stopped immediately. Please share this with your family and friends and get them to sign it also. This is important to the agriculture and farming of our country. We already import a lot of fruit and vegetables in the country, if this goes ahead there will be fewer farmers in Australia and more imported fruit to make up for the farms that have disappeared. Don't let this happen. Support the Australian farmers.

Follow link and SIGN PETITION if in the area!
Yes, the more control over the food, less food, less people.
They've been complaining there's too many people on the earth for decades! Georgia Guide stones, 3/4's of the population dead. Cutting off water to grow food, cutting off the food, hearding people into crowded cities where food is not grown, equals and easy decimation of the population.

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