Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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Those cows didn't die from heat. I seriously doubt it. Texas has been in the 90's and due to get 100's (up to 106º next week). There are cattle ranches all around the place and the cows don't look heat-stressed to me. The longhorns next to our place are just fine, too (I know, as two jumped the fence and got on our property last week). To get to my BOL I drive by 44Farms, one of the largest cattle producers in the state (1000's of acres), providing steaks and beef to most of the major and 5-star restaurants in the state. His cattle looked just fine last Friday. This is all a lie. Someone posted on TruthSocial a post from a farmer that said he was offered $2300/head by the FDA to kill off his heard. I posted my experience in Texas of late, not seeing cattle drop dead from heat and within minutes, my post was deleted (I tried to correct a typo and got "post not found"). The post about the FDA seems to have disappeared, too. Man, the Feds are everywhere, when you say something they don't want getting out.
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Those cows didn't die from heat. I seriously doubt it. Texas has been in the 90's and due to get 100's (up to 106º next week). There are cattle ranches all around the place ahd the cows aren't stressed a bit. The longhorns next to our place are just fine, too (I know, as two jumped the fence and got on our property last week). To get to my BOL I drive by 44Farm, one of the largest cattle producers in the state and his cattle looked just fine last Friday. This is all a lie. Someone posted on TruthSocial a post from a farmer that said he was offered $2300/head by the FDA to kill off his heard. I posted my experience in Texas of late, not seeing cattle drop dead from heat and within minutes, my post was deleted (I tried to correct a typo and got "post not found"; The post about the FDA seems to have disappeared, too. Man, the Feds are everywhere, when you say something they don't want getting out.

I said they had to be poisoned and today I'm seeing that suggested in news articles. There should be an investigation and testing done.
Those cows didn't die from heat. I seriously doubt it. Texas has been in the 90's and due to get 100's (up to 106º next week). There are cattle ranches all around the place and the cows don't look heat-stressed to me. The longhorns next to our place are just fine, too (I know, as two jumped the fence and got on our property last week). To get to my BOL I drive by 44Farms, one of the largest cattle producers in the state (1000's of acres), providing steaks and beef to most of the major and 5-star restaurants in the state. His cattle looked just fine last Friday. This is all a lie. Someone posted on TruthSocial a post from a farmer that said he was offered $2300/head by the FDA to kill off his heard. I posted my experience in Texas of late, not seeing cattle drop dead from heat and within minutes, my post was deleted (I tried to correct a typo and got "post not found"). The post about the FDA seems to have disappeared, too. Man, the Feds are everywhere, when you say something they don't want getting out.
When a dark colored calf is born during the summer months is all we have to worry about, the older ones do just fine, so yes I would be very suspicious seeing black/brown colored cows dying off by the hundreds and thousands in Kansas. I saw a video earlier today. Just so sad of them all laying out bloated for the most part cause that is what happens after death and heat.
When my friend asks me who is doing this, I feel so crazy saying the govt. It is like something out of conspiracy 101. I believe it is though. Too many within a short period of time.

The other possible would be China. Or China working with biden. There is no way in hell this is natural!!! Anyone who still believes that, should be thrown out of your life…because they are worthless to what we are facing next.
`Per serving, Underwood's Deviled Ham has exactly the same amount of calories, less saturated fat, less cholesterol, significantly less sodium, and more protein than Spam. Plus, I like it a lot better.
Price is comparable.
And Underwood isn't owned by a company founded by pedophile and NAMBLA supporter, James Hormel.

World's Largest Cricket protein 'factory' completed in Ontario — "you really will eat ze bugs":

Aspire’s new plant will reportedly produce 9000 metric tons of crickets every year for human and pet consumption. — about two billion insects to be distributed annually across Canada and throughout the United States.

Aspire also reports that it already has orders for the next two years.

Crickets are currently being explored as a protein-rich superfood. They contain fibre and are already found in grocery stores and restaurants, and have a smaller environmental footprint than traditional protein sources.

View attachment 1655639074831.jpeg


World's Largest Cricket protein 'factory' completed in Ontario — "you really will eat ze bugs":

Aspire’s new plant will reportedly produce 9000 metric tons of crickets every year for human and pet consumption. — about two billion insects to be distributed annually across Canada and throughout the United States.

Aspire also reports that it already has orders for the next two years.

Crickets are currently being explored as a protein-rich superfood. They contain fibre and are already found in grocery stores and restaurants, and have a smaller environmental footprint than traditional protein sources.

View attachment 16658

No thanks. I'll stick with beef, pork, chicken, fish and Spam. I know, they can feed this crap to anyone on welfare. Good way to get the takers back to work and off the dole.
No thanks. I'll stick with beef, pork, chicken, fish and Spam. I know, they can feed this crap to anyone on welfare. Good way to get the takers back to work and off the dole.
Nothing is free. Insects will not be any more efficient as a food source than cows.

This is to humiliate us. Communism is all about humiliation.
--- For many the above link will be too horrific to mentally accept and will simply go into denial that this may be our future in about 2 months . Are you guys ready for $12.00 a dozen for eggs around this coming September ?

No, but that is why I have bought more hens. Also why I am raising rabbits…and my son is raising hogs…and another relative a few beef cows. People need to get busy working with others to replace the food that is ABSOLUTELY going to be harder to find and much more expensive!
That's a possibility.but I don't think that they'll be prepared for that well enough to get more than 1/4 of them that they might want to take control of them once they start producing.

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