That video about Britain is just clickbait nonsense. Laws about life in 2050? The UK government just rescinded it's laws about no gasoline powered cars to be sold by 2030. Listen to what they say with a pinch of salt. As for the global austerity for decades to come, well that was inevitable anyway given the depletion of cheap oil and the massive debts that have accumulated. Call it the Greater Depression, but without $2 a barrel oil to pull us out of it it's over rover for our way of life.
There are always depressions but they are exacerbated by the level of debt and the debt we have accumulated is beyond all rational accounting. Look at the SS funding for the next 50 years, it's only being paid now because the U.S. is borrowing trillions a year. The SS 'fund' is nothing more than a pile of US bonds (Debt) in a filing cabinet. It will simply collapse one day soon and no one will get a cent, just like when the USSR collapsed.
So no cheap oil to rebuild economies with and no 1970's green revolution that increased crop yields by 800%. The reverse in fact as fossil fuel fertilizers made from natural gas and pesticides made from oil become too expensive and farmers have to go back to natural methods. That's happening already across the globe, Russia controls nearly half the production. It's gas remember.
This is the real motive for the climate change fear campaign. To hide from the public the simple truth that the coal and oil age is ending and that you can't pave roads and make concrete and grow abundant food with solar panels (made from oil and coal) Even now oil supply is declining year on year and the result is the collapse of living standards across the globe. As each Year passes we extract less and less and by 2030 people in the UK, where they have no native oil left, will suffer many of the points made in the video as a matter of course.
Forget US shale, that was a scam from the get-go and the figures on oil increases a pack of lies basically. All the Gas liquids go to make plastic bags, which is all it's good for, and the frack oil (mostly gasoline fractions) is produced using vast quantities of diesel to mine and shift the millions of tons of frac sand, drill the endless new wells and then transport the oil away for refining. It's robbing Peter to pay Paul and the only winners are Wall Street, some workers, and the company execs. If you believe otherwise you need to research the matter, not listen solely to media talking heads.
U.S. shale peaking & having “never made money,” investors lose billions
If it was a true Boom like the 1920's it wouldn't have needed massive gov subsidies and would have paid for itself and generated a massive profit. Instead it generated hundreds of billions in debt. Frac oil is like sucking the dregs off the bar at closing time.
It takes the industry on the left to make the dreams on the Right.