Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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Was watching Doug & Stacy on YouTube and she said to remove toxins in your soil, plant sunflowers all over it.
Just wondering, if the sunflowers take the toxins OUT of the soil, are they converting it into something LESS TOXIC or are they actually just storing the toxins inside themselves.
Do the seeds remain edible? Do you cut them down and burn them to get rid of the toxins and is the smoke a problem while burning???
Gotta look into this sis.
Great question my brother! Had to look it up!

“Sunflowers To The Rescue!​

Did you know this bright, cheerful flower can make lead-contaminated soil safe for gardening? Learn more!​


Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It is what sunflowers do.” – Helen Keller

Helen Keller knew enough about the wisdom of this bright and beautiful plant to share it with others. While she understood and celebrated the sunflower’s ability to follow the movement of the sun, she could not have known of its power to cleanse the earth. Thanks to the wonders of science, we do now, and it is a beautiful and useful wisdom!

The sunflower, or Helianthus annuus, from the Greek helios, meaning “Sun,” is a powerful plant in the world of industry and art. There are few people in the world who would be unable to recognize its shining yellow face in a garden or field. This bright, cheerful flower has given us a delicious and hardy seed, a versatile cooking oil, leaves for cattle feed, a stem strong enough to make paper, and of course, much beauty. It has also, as of late, brought us something even more special: the ability to remove harmful toxins from our soil, helping us to more safely handle the earth around us and grow food for ourselves and our communities.

The sunflower is one of many plants that are now known to aid in “phytoremediation,” a process that employs various types of plants to remove, transfer, stabilize, and/or destroy contaminants in the our soil, water and air. Compared to other cleanup methods, such as soil excavation or pumping polluted groundwater, phytoremediation has become a clean, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly way to reclaim and reuse land that has been tainted by poisonous chemicals and heavy metals…”

“…Almost as important as planting the sunflowers, though, was what we did afterward. After the sunflower season ended, we did not permit our sunflowers to decompose in our garden space or put them in the compost, as that would only have returned the contaminants into the newly cleansed land. Instead, we took them to the dump, and though the levels of lead concentrated in their stems, leaves, and flower heads would have been relatively low, we labeled them “hazardous materials,” just to be safe…”

Read the rest on Farmers Almanac!
I think I posted this video before, BUT I am going to highlight the VERY IMPORTANT issue that David brought to light.

David Dubyne of Adapt 2030 went to Europe for a few weeks to do research on a cycle that he says is hitting us now. It involves the 4 gas giants that were last in the formation in 79 AD that they will be in come October of this year. While over there he checked out historical records and paintings. He showed two on the video depicting the huge difference in coastline! He believes that the higher tidal action that is coming will be disruptive to global shipping…and tides to be 2-3x higher.

He believes this is why governments worldwide are implementing a lot of policies as well as stockpiling like crazy. The Farmers doing what they are doing over there is really blocking their ability to stockpile a lot of food for themselves.

BOTTOM LINE. Be more than ready for disruptions in food and medicines.

“EUROPEAN FARMERS REVOLT: Tractors Break Through Barriers in Brussels – Agricultural Workers Surround EU Headquarters, Spray Liquid Manure at Police in Major Show of Force (VIDEOS)​


With each passing day, the great European Farmers Revolt gets bigger, louder, and… well, more foul smelling.

Hundreds of tractors and thousands of farmers have completely surrounded the meeting of EU agriculture ministers.

“Farmers clashed with police in Belgium on Monday, spraying officers with liquid manure and throwing eggs and flares at them in a fresh show of force as the European Union’s agriculture ministers met in search of ways to address the protesters’ concerns.

….Security was tight around the EU offices, with police clad in riot gear. Tractors rushed police barricades in several places, breaking through the razor wire in at least one location, according to videos posted on social media. The area around the building where EU agriculture ministers are meeting on Monday was littered with hay, barley and burning tires.

The tractors carried various slogans, including ‘I feed you but I die’, ‘1Europe wants us to die’ and ‘Our death is your hunger’. Some tractors also blocked a key intersection providing access to the main Brussels airport.”

Not sure if this is the same protest as Gary posted above, or another one of many?
Did you know that they are now feeding toxic chemicals to cows in order to get them to fart less? Yes, you read that correctly.

There is now a new “climate milk” that is made from cows that are being fed methane suppressants. Can you guess who has recently invested in companies that make methane suppressants? None other than Bill Gates.

If you haven’t already, make sure to check out my in-depth investigation into this world of “climate milk” and methane blockers that are being fed to cows.

Without farmers, we don’t have any food. One of the most important things for a country is to have a secure food supply. Now it seems like farmers are being attacked because they are deemed to be bad for the environment. It really doesn’t make any sense.

No farmers = No food.

Independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen has dedicated years to reporting the things the mainstream media ignores. You can follow him at
Sigh. Time to find a milk seller…for the dogs of course. Farmers aren’t allowed to sell milk for humans to drink. 🤪 Being raised on real, unpasteurized cows milk I call BS on these type of ignorant laws!
Shame you are not closer. My goat baby benefits, but way too much for just the 2 of us and one little bottle fed. It's actually a great plant food for the garden too.
Shame you are not closer. My goat baby benefits, but way too much for just the 2 of us and one little bottle fed. It's actually a great plant food for the garden too.

Really, really wish I were closer! When I was an infant I had to drink goats milk as nothing else stayed down. I was born early.
I go to hardware stores for hardware, grocery stores for food, gunshops for guns, but the various miscellaneous things I usually get at Walmart because I just don't have time to source them locally. It comes down to getting it at Walmart or online, and I would rather buy local, even if it is from the devil's spawn Walmart. I do draw the line with Target however, that is just too over the top evil.

If there were another one stop shop besides Walmart or Target, I would go there. There just isn't here.
I've never been to a Target store before and Walmart is over 100 miles away. Except for food, almost everything I need is at the farm/ranch supply store; guns, ammo, tools, fencing, fuel, clothing, feed, seed, etc. It's also 100+ miles away. Its in another state that doesn't have sales tax, so it's worth the drive.
At BOL1, the nearest Walmart is something like 32 miles. No Tractor Supply, Lowes, Home Depot, Target, Sams or COSTCO anywhere around.
Even though BOL2 is actually more remote than BOL1, it has a Walmart, Tractor Supply, Lowes, and Harbor Freight all within about a 15 minute drive. On the other side of the river though.