For the greater good, the masses pay for it

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Sep 22, 2020
The investors make lots of money. I wasn't sure where to post this, here or the political section. Need to
prep for it though
My dad would start talking about stuff in the news, mind you I was just a kid and stuff like that kind of went over my head, as it should...I remember he didn't like HK and that was way back. I trusted my dad's opinion on a lot of things, mostly everything.
Oh, see, I forgot HK was secretary of state from 1973-1977.
The investors make lots of money. I wasn't sure where to post this, here or the political section. Need to View attachment 157038prep for it though
My Dad liked both this guy and Nixon. I knew for sure they were both very smart, but I personally thought they were both corrupt a-holes and liars.
Of course, no one was more corrupt and arrogant than Johnson. I had buddies that would never forgive him for throwing away so many lives. He was a truly stupid smart man. After, Johnson, Nixon was briefly my Commander in Chief at the start of '69, but I was out before he got a chance to make any of his own stupid command decisions. When Nixon resigned in '74, Kissinger stayed on, but he was about as "deep state" as you can get. He was into controlling everyone and everything, so I can see why people might think he said the "game over" stuff, but he didn't.
By the way, PolitiFact also has a good lie catcher for Biden.
Biden's "Promise Tracker Scorecard" looks pretty dismal!
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My Dad liked both this guy and Nixon. I knew for sure they were both very smart, but I personally thought they were both corrupt a-holes and liars.
Of course, no one was more corrupt and arrogant than Johnson. I had buddies that would never forgive him for throwing away so many lives. He was a truly stupid smart man. After, Johnson, Nixon was briefly my Commander in Chief at the start of '69, but I was out before he got a chance to make any of his own stupid command decisions. When Nixon resigned in '74, Kissinger stayed on, but he was about as "deep state" as you can get. He was into controlling everyone and everything, so I can see why people might think he said the "game over" stuff, but he didn't.
By the way, PolitiFact also has a good lie catcher for Biden.
Biden's "Promise Tracker Scorecard" looks pretty dismal!
If Faceplant says it is disinformation then I’m inclined to believe it is true.
This never happened. Complete fake.
Kissinger talking about vaccine makers making billion$... 10 years before covid-19 was even invented? :LOL:
Aw c'mon man, you just gotta believe! 🤪
Kissinger talking about vaccine makers making billion$... 10 years before covid-19 was even invented? :LOL:
Aw c'mon man, you just gotta believe! 🤪
Oh, I believe it could have happened. I have no doubt there are rich and powerful people in the world who hold views like that.

But it didn't. That quote and news clip are a complete fabrication. Just the creation of someone with photoshop. There isn't even such a thing as 'the WHO council on eugenics".
I believe the idea now days of the GREATER GOOD is nothing more than a sales gimmick used by people in power.

We went to bio fuel for the GG. It not only pollutes more but you have to burn more of it because it gets less mpg.
We were pushed into electric cars (pollution again), yet they don't work well in hot or cold weather & our battery technology isn't such that they are usable for most people. And now they say they pollute more than gas cars because of the cars themselves & the mining for minerals to make them.
We shifted away from coal thus raising energy prices & coal was almost totally clean in the first place.
We went from oil sellers to oil buyers because gas is bad, again for the GG. We are paying almost a third more for the GG.
And how much pollution were we putting out in the world, 3% of the worlds pollution.
Where did those companies move to that were "polluters"? China, India & other countries that are building coal energy plants right & left because coal is cheap energy. "They" have probably increased world pollution by 10%, at least.

And it's only costing the taxpayers billions & trillions of dollars to do less than nothing. The whole thing is nothing but a gimmick to make people wealthy & US taxpayers poorer.

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