Friday Fives

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Tried this again:
Commanders are bold, imaginative, strong willed, bold always finding a way or making a way.
Yep, this is me.
That applies to me also. I mean people that piss me off usually live to regret it.

I think that goes along with that line.
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So do you guys want the questions this evening or tomorrow evening? I will be baking tomorrow so I won't have time during the day , but I do have the questions ready so I can post them whenever I have time to type them in here
If it's a vote, I'm thinking this evening!!😃
Sonja, just put them up when you have time.
I am done for the day so I will type them up now since after I have to go take care of animals and then probably go to bed early since I am baking tomorrow ( meaning get up really early)

So here they are :

1. in honor of the day tomorrow, are you superstitious? Doesn't have to be about Friday the 13, but anything

2. what was the last book you finished reading ? ( name and author)

3. Do you have a best friend other than SO?

4. What is your biggest fear other than losing a loved one?

5. how much weight can you lift ( now not when younger) approximately?
1. Not superstitious, just a little stitious. Kidding. No not really other than it being bad luck to look back at a helicopter you just rappelled or jumped out of. Never look back.

2. Neon Rain by James Lee Burke. Audio book if that matters. I intend to listen to all of them in order.

3. No.

4. That WWIII will hit and I will be too old to reenlist and will just have to show up in personal gear and fight anyway.

5. I do not believe in one repetition maximums. Good way to get hurt. I frequently lift 115lbs, but she doesn't mind. Back in the day I benched 315lbs for 5 reps to prove I could do it. I might have been able to push it for a 6th but again did not want something to snap or pop.
1. in honor of the day tomorrow, are you superstitious? Doesn't have to be about Friday the 13, but anything.

Nope, I have 2 black cats, they are VERY lucky :_)

2. what was the last book you finished reading ? ( name and author)

Task Force Zombie: Chaos Road Kindle Edition by William Alan Webb

3. Do you have a best friend other than SO?

A few, and they are 3 am friends.

4. What is your biggest fear other than losing a loved one?

Not being prepared to deal with an amergency.

5. how much weight can you lift ( now not when younger) approximately?

Usefully, around 50 lbs. Feed, etc.
1) Not at all
2) The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Everything, by Martin Culy
3) Several friends, but not really a best friend
4) Losing my health. Damned if that didn't happen out of the blue.
5) Never really measured weights, just do the things that need doing. Best I can answer, carrying 2 5 gallon buckets of water.
1. We were married on August the 13th, so I typically like the number.
2. "The Chosen", book two Come and See, by Jenkins
3. My favorite cousin, Irene Miller, an old order amish lady in her mid 70's.
4. Me having health problems while taking care of husband
5. I limit to 40 lb feed bags, since I've had recent bad arthritis issues. We moved 15 of them this afternoon, but little granddaughter and neighbor boy Levi helped.
WOW, great questions Sonya!! 1) My LUCKY DAY!! My Dad had a major surgery and was given 2 MONTHS to live, I was three!! He lived until I was 21!! 2). Lords of Destruction by James Silken!! 3) I have an AMAZING best friend, Mary!! We text almost daily, best friends from Junior high when she moved to my school district!! I love her dearly!! 4). Health problems! 5). 110# hay bales! Not easy, but I do it!!💕💗💕
I believe there are supernatural forces, or presence, in this world. I’m just not smart enough to be scared of them.

I’m not much of a reader, so - pass

I’m likable, but too much of a loner to be the ‘best friend’ type. And you get what you give… so never had a best friend.

Biggest fear is growing old, weak, sick, suffering, etc

Not sure how much I lift, but I can move a full 55 gallon drum.
1. in honor of the day tomorrow, are you superstitious? Doesn't have to be about Friday the 13, but anything. I am but only slightly, I believe in the supernatural and things happen to detour your course for a reason

2. what was the last book you finished reading ? ( name and author) Today I will finish 'The Witches of Vardo by Anya Bergman

3. Do you have a best friend other than SO? No, I would have years ago- but more just sporadically in touch now.

4. What is your biggest fear other than losing a loved one? Something happening to my children when I'm gone

5. how much weight can you lift ( now not when younger) approximately? I actually don't know. I do less lifting than before because I'm not allowed, but if no one is about...well, I get stuff shifted if not 'carried'

Thank you!
I am done for the day so I will type them up now since after I have to go take care of animals and then probably go to bed early since I am baking tomorrow ( meaning get up really early)

So here they are :

1. in honor of the day tomorrow, are you superstitious? Doesn't have to be about Friday the 13, but anything
Not at all. But I may use it as an opportunity to prank others, kinda like April 1st.

2. what was the last book you finished reading ? ( name and author)
The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli

3. Do you have a best friend other than SO?
I have several close friends, but not a best friend.

4. What is your biggest fear other than losing a loved one?
Losing my ability to be useful to others and instead becoming a burden.

5. how much weight can you lift ( now not when younger) approximately?
North of 100 pounds if I have to, but most of the heavier items I routinely move are between 40 and 60 pounds.
1. Not superstitious much, Plus if some body doesn't mention it I have no idea what day it is.
2. I don't just sit down and read much anymore, Lord of the rings JRR Tolkien
3.quite a few friends, no Best friend, maybe my new younger sister if I have to pick
4.That idiocracy gets much deeper.
5. Useful lift not much if my back is involved 150# , I could prolly still bench a crap load, but that was only useful for transmission swaps, I grew up and have jacks now.
1. in honor of the day tomorrow, are you superstitious? Doesn't have to be about Friday the 13, but anything

2. what was the last book you finished reading ? ( name and author)

3. Do you have a best friend other than SO?

4. What is your biggest fear other than losing a loved one?

5. how much weight can you lift ( now not when younger) approximately?

1.) No. I am not superstitious.

2.) Smolder. I can't remember the name of the author, but he has picked up the Stuart Woods line. Stuart Woods passed away I believe in 2022. The new guy is ghost writing, same style, same characters, I couldn't tell the difference, and I enjoyed it just like the old ones.

3.) Yes, I have a few. A couple go back to college days, and a couple from work.

4.) I guess I have two: heights, and outliving my money.

5.) Well I haven't been tested in quite a while. I can still carry the 40# bags of dog food. Not much around the house or yard that I can't handle. Much like d-Marsh, back in the day I was a power lifter, and I could get a 1200# combination, so I guess I have retained some of my strength.
1. in honor of the day tomorrow, are you superstitious? Doesn't have to be about Friday the 13, but anything Not superstitious at all

2. what was the last book you finished reading ? ( name and author) I finished reading ALL of the Louis L'Amour novels a few months ago. Since then, I picked up a new author for two reasons: One, I met him at a campground years ago and, two, he writes westerns. His name is Dusty Richards and the last novel of his I read was, "Zekial."

3. Do you have a best friend other than SO? Yes. Known him in college, we worked at the same agency, and we moved out of the Twin Cities decades ago. Today, we live about 20 miles apart.

4. What is your biggest fear other than losing a loved one? Growing old and not being able to do things that I used to do. So far, at age 71, it hasn't happened yet.

5. how much weight can you lift ( now not when younger) approximately? No idea. Off the ground, I'd say 100#. Some of the oak rounds I lift onto the splitter have to weigh that much. I think my wife can lift 100#, too.
I am done for the day so I will type them up now since after I have to go take care of animals and then probably go to bed early since I am baking tomorrow ( meaning get up really early)

So here they are :

1. in honor of the day tomorrow, are you superstitious? Doesn't have to be about Friday the 13, but anything

2. what was the last book you finished reading ? ( name and author)

3. Do you have a best friend other than SO?

4. What is your biggest fear other than losing a loved one?

5. how much weight can you lift ( now not when younger) approximately?
1. No, I got married on Friday 13th Dec.
I got divorced on Friday 13th June 13 years later.
2. The Lucky Trilogy-author no clue
3. yes,
5. 150
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ok I have 15 minutes

1. I guess I am the only one that is somewhat superstitious. Not particularly about Friday the 13th but I would not say book a flight on that day. Must have been put in my mind by my very superstitious grandmother and mother. They had all sorts like " if you see a spider in the morning, it is bad luck, in the evening it is good luck" " If a bird hits your window, someone in the family will die" , " do not wish someone a happy birthday before the day or something bad will happen to them" and so on . I lost my good luck necklace on the trip to Germany this year and it was all bad from there on out ( got sick and all that)

2. A Jack Reacher book I didn't actually like much. No Plan B, first one I didn't like much

3. I had one growing up, Sabine, she is still alive and we are still friends, later I had one that sadly passed away in 2019 , Otto. Now I still have some friends but not like those

4. getting disabled in some way, or plane crash

5. About 50 ( and yes, D Marsh, that is reps not just a one time lift that could hurt your back) , hay bale or feed bag. I used to be able to life way more
1. in honor of the day tomorrow, are you superstitious? Doesn't have to be about Friday the 13, but anything
In sports, yes. Right sock, then left, right shoe then left, neVer wash winning dirt off you shoes don’t step in the chalk line prior to the game….
In other things not at all

2. what was the last book you finished reading ? ( name and author) reading, a military retirement book, audio book, The Guns of August about WWI

3. Do you have a best friend other than SO? Yes, a cousin who is like a brother

4. What is your biggest fear other than losing a loved one? Someone I love not being saved and not spending eternity together

5. how much weight can you lift ( now not when younger) approximately? Probably 200 right now or so

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