Friday Fives

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Sorry I missed that dasemoss, been on the road all day so thank you for taking this on again. Only fair I answer the questions now.

1. What operating system is your phone? Android, Apple, other or just a phone?
Apple—linked up with the iPad and Mac.

2. What Computer operating system if you use a computer? Windows, MacOS, Linux or other? Mac

3. What is your favorite garden crop? Though I can’t grow very well—corn

4. Regarding Pets: Cat, Dog, or both or other? Dog man, but the Mrs has 4 cats running around here.

5. Favorite TV show, radio program or podcast? (Somebody suggested Saturday morning cartoon, but I never listen :p ) my go to is Seinfeld, but I can easily watch Cheers, Andy Griffith, Duck Dynasty or Young Sheldon or Big Bang Theory if they’re on. Radio used to be Rush. Podcast, I’m torn between Unashamed or the Duck Call Room
Well, Well, this is what happens when there is a nap before dinner!!

EDT, it is now 00:17, and the next Friday Fives are going active.

First off, I will be a bit scarce for the next couple weeks, lots of wheels in motion in 3 different counties.

That being said, I would ask @Cabin Fever to take the challenge for next weeks questions.

Now, for the questions , Drum Roll PLEASE:

1. What operating system is your phone? Android, Apple, other or just a phone?

2. What Computer operating system if you use a computer? Windows, MacOS, Linux or other?
Two Linux (Mint) computers, a couple Raspberry Pi's running Linux, and two Windows computers.

3. What is your favorite garden crop?
Tomatoes! Lots of varieties - please don't make me choose!

4. Regarding Pets: Cat, Dog, or both or other?
Three cats, a dog and a Senegal parrot. The parrot is the boss.

5. Favorite TV show, radio program or podcast? (Somebody suggested Saturday morning cartoon, but I never listen :p )
Favorite TV show would be Firefly. I really don't watch TV anymore. Favorite radio program is probably Echoes. I used to regularly listen to The Survival Podcast by Jack Spirko, but I haven't in a while. Maybe I'll listen to TSP today while I work.

Great questions!
1. I have a T Mobile flip phone that sometimes I know where it is, and sometimes not.
2. I use an old Dell laptop, so that's windows. But husband uses everything under the sun and also Raspberry Pi.
3. I love to grow tomatoes, too
4. 11 cats and one six month old Heeler
5. Lunchtime favorite: Wagon Train or Gunsmoke. Favorite podcast: probably Glenn Beck Radio Show, Favorite as a kid: Flintstones.
Woowhooo.......1) Android 2) No computer, I will not pay for Internet or TV. My Moto G 5G Power phone is my computer . 3) Squash 4) Five cats, one dog, one donkey, do the deer count as pets? 5) Fox Weather!! Great questions Dave, be sure to check in occasionally!!
if you can pet them, they are "pets" :)
1. What operating system is your phone? Android, Apple, other or just a phone? I don't know. I have a flip phone that can do nothing on the internet and it has no apps.

2. What Computer operating system if you use a computer? Windows, MacOS, Linux or other? Windows 11

3. What is your favorite garden crop? Asparagus

4. Regarding Pets: Cat, Dog, or both or other? No pets

5. Favorite TV show, radio program or podcast? (Somebody suggested Saturday morning cartoon, but I never listen :p ) Northern Exposure
Well, Well, this is what happens when there is a nap before dinner!!

EDT, it is now 00:17, and the next Friday Fives are going active.

First off, I will be a bit scarce for the next couple weeks, lots of wheels in motion in 3 different counties.

That being said, I would ask @Cabin Fever to take the challenge for next weeks questions.

Now, for the questions , Drum Roll PLEASE:

1. What operating system is your phone? Android, Apple, other or just a phone?

2. What Computer operating system if you use a computer? Windows, MacOS, Linux or other?

3. What is your favorite garden crop?

4. Regarding Pets: Cat, Dog, or both or other?

5. Favorite TV show, radio program or podcast? (Somebody suggested Saturday morning cartoon, but I never listen :p )
1) android, cause rotten fruit goes in the compost
2) window 7 cause, I never get around to loading linux, , again rotten fruit belongs in the compost
3)Gotta be snap or snow peas
4) Shop cats, I like other peoples well disciplined dogs.
5) No tv signal, I try to check in with HCL, Suspicious observers, some times check fakebook, If I watched Cartoons it would be the Lion king spin off Timone and Pumba
I so agree with you. I was raised Catholic, but left the church when I was about 23. Some of my family were so angry about it. Since then, many other relatives have left, but not all. One of my favorite cousins leads the rosary at church once a week.
My sister prays the rosary. I always found my mind wandering when I said those repetitive prayers one just memorized. I prefer to ‘talk’ with God.
I have begun my list of odd questions, be afraid. Be Very Afraid. :p
I’m only afraid of MO’s questions. I’m not smart enough to even understand them.
1. What operating system is your phone? Android, Apple, other or just a phone?

2. What Computer operating system if you use a computer? Windows, MacOS, Linux or other?

3. What is your favorite garden crop?

4. Regarding Pets: Cat, Dog, or both or other?

5. Favorite TV show, radio program or podcast? (Somebody suggested Saturday morning cartoon, but I never listen :p )
Answers to follow.
Hard choice with this one. I love growing anything. Taters and onions would be my tops I guess, I grow more of these than anything else. Maters, garlic, melons, squash would be right there too.
1 little dog
I don't watch much tv, mostly reruns when I do. Favorite show would be Barnwood Builders.
Favorite cartoon was bugs bunny, well looney tunes in general
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1. What operating system is your phone? Android, Apple, other or just a phone?
2. What Computer operating system if you use a computer? Windows, MacOS, Linux or other? M
Dell computer, Windows OS
3. What is your favorite garden crop?
Do I have to choose just one? I like growing onions, celery, green beans, melons, potatoes, corn
4. Regarding Pets: Cat, Dog, or both or other?
Dogs, but I like cats as well.

5. Favorite TV show, radio program or podcast?
I like several shows, but I haven't watched television since Fouci and the virus.

I don't have just one show that is a favorite. I could name several shows that I have liked over the years, but not just one: Poldark, Downtown Abby, Pride and Prejudice, Anne of Green Gables. I know there are more. I am not into Sci-fi or fantasy.

I am currently watching The Big Bang Theory on Hulu. There are many episodes so it may take me months. I watched Young Sheldon earlier this year and watched all of the episodes.

I watch several YouTube channels. mostly about preparedness, homesteading, etc.
Well, Well, this is what happens when there is a nap before dinner!!

EDT, it is now 00:17, and the next Friday Fives are going active.

First off, I will be a bit scarce for the next couple weeks, lots of wheels in motion in 3 different counties.

That being said, I would ask @Cabin Fever to take the challenge for next weeks questions.

Now, for the questions , Drum Roll PLEASE:

1. What operating system is your phone? Android, Apple, other or just a phone?

2. What Computer operating system if you use a computer? Windows, MacOS, Linux or other?

3. What is your favorite garden crop?

4. Regarding Pets: Cat, Dog, or both or other?

5. Favorite TV show, radio program or podcast? (Somebody suggested Saturday morning cartoon, but I never listen :p )
1. Uggh..techy's a android. Half the crap on this phone is worthless to me..I have no idea or could care less about what it does. I can make a call, text, take a picture and get on the internet..I don't have the interest or time for all the other crap.

2. Windows sounds Familia

3. watching them grow and cucumbers.. but lately pretty much whatever will grow dispite the heat and millions of hungry grasshoppers..

4. I'm a doggy kinda gal. I have cats..they are ok..but I love my pups.

5. I don't subscribe to cable, I do have internet. I don't have much time when the weather Is nice to sit n watch alot. Wintertime I get more time to sit and be entertained. I love Sci fi and fantasy like GOT for entertainment.
I do listen to alot of podcasts news type stuff usually on YouTube. Current news, Financials, woowoo stuff like cliff high or people who had near death experiences. I like listening to motivational, better your life kinda stuff , testimonies and interviews
I rarely listen to music anymore..I like it just would rather educate myself on something if I have time. But if it'sa music mood kinda time, stuff from my era 70, 80s n 90 rock, metal n country or music from around the world. Doesn't matter if I can't understand the words if my booty understands the rhythm..if it moves moves me.
I was watching a documentary on shift in the jail called, Crackheads Gone kidding..and the music that played in the opening was really good.
I'm not a rap fan..but this got my attention. The lyrics described probably 90% of the peoples story into the downfall of lives into drug abuse to jail or prison. Plus the style of's not all rap..they guy has a great voice and can it's ..different..I looked him up n he is a Christian music artist..American parents but mostly raised in Rawanda untill the genocide in the 90's (I think) almost killed him and his family as they tried to escape. He isn't a black dude either but no one was safe during that mess.
Anyways..the song that got my attention is called, Cocaine by Crusafix...ok I'm spelling it wrong..I'll go look it up.
I used to play it over the intercom for the inmates..since it was a Christian artist it was ok. They liked it too especially the guys that liked rap. Hit home with many..
1. Android via Samsung which also has it's own crap in there.

2. Unlicensed Windows 11.

3. Heirloom tomatoes or Limes, the only two plants I own but neither have produced anything yet.

4. Neither, but if I had to choose I would definitely go Dog.

5. CHiPs. Da Da Duh Da Dah. I loved that show when I was a kid. As a grown up I would probably say Star Trek. Pretty much any Star Trek. Mostly because when I watch television I want reality to fade away.
1. What operating system is your phone? Android, Apple, other or just a phone? Just a phone

2. What Computer operating system if you use a computer? Windows, MacOS, Linux or other? Windows

3. What is your favorite garden crop? Probably strawberries, because they take little care, you get more plants for free and they save me a fortune

4. Regarding Pets: Cat, Dog, or both or other? Both- I used to be more of a dog person. We now have 6 cats though.

5. Favorite TV show, radio program or podcast? I don't really have a favorite show- what I enjoy depends on the time of day, and its an opportunity to sit, maybe get some crafting done at the same time.
I don't do girly stuff, or reality TV unless there is an axe involved. I do enjoy a documentary series told through the eyes of Bat Masterson 'Wild West Chronicles', and short series like Ripper Street
1. What operating system is your phone? Android, Apple, other or just a phone?

2. What Computer operating system if you use a computer? Windows, MacOS, Linux or other?

3. What is your favorite garden crop?

4. Regarding Pets: Cat, Dog, or both or other?

5. Favorite TV show, radio program or podcast? (Somebody suggested Saturday morning cartoon, but I never listen :p )

We have been out of town, so I am playing catch-up.

1.) No operating system. I use the Alcatel flip phone all the time.

2.) Windows

3.) We don't have a garden, so we don't have a crop.

4.) 1 dog

5.) Of all time? Probably The Avengers, John Steed and Emma Peel. Currently: Blue Bloods
Sorry, I slept in a bit late today. I gave blood yesterday and a bit more rest felt so good on this cool, rainy Minnesota morning. Forgive me if any of my questions are repeats. We took a 10,000 mile, 11-week driving trip to Alaska and I missed those 11 weeks of Friday Fives.
I'll answer my questions later.

1. Have you ever donated blood? If so, how many pints?

2. What is your guilty pleasure?

3. What is the most amazing/surprising thing that showed up in your yard?

4. What are the coldest and hottest outdoor air temperatures you've ever experienced. For this question, wind chill temp or heat index temps DO NOT count, only actual outdoor air temps. Where did you experience these temperatures?

5. What do you feel your greatest accomplishment has been? (Wonderful children to not count for this question.)
Sorry, I slept in a bit late today. I gave blood yesterday and a bit more rest felt so good on this cool, rainy Minnesota morning. Forgive me if any of my questions are repeats. We took a 10,000 mile, 11-week driving trip to Alaska and I missed those 11 weeks of Friday Fives.
I'll answer my questions later.

1. Have you ever donated blood? If so, how many pints?

2. What is your guilty pleasure?

3. What is the most amazing/surprising thing that showed up in your yard?

4. What are the coldest and hottest outdoor air temperatures you've ever experienced. For this question, wind chill temp or heat index temps DO NOT count, only actual outdoor air temps. Where did you experience these temperatures?

5. What do you feel your greatest accomplishment has been? (Wonderful children to not count for this question.)

1.) Yes. Not sure how many. Red Cross used to come to work once or twice a year.

2.) Smoking good cigars. Evidenced by the thread on this forum.

3.) Three way tie: a goose landed in the front yard. I guess he was tired. A opossum in the back yard that one of the dogs caught. A raccoon that made a nest and had babies in the attic.

4.) Coldest was -15 in Montreal. Hottest was 115 in Arizona.

5.) I was a co-holder of a patent. A device we designed for work.
1. Have you ever donated blood? If so, how many pints?
I'm in the 2 gallon club.
2. What is your guilty pleasure?
Key Lime Pie
3. What is the most amazing/surprising thing that showed up in your yard?
Had a pup coyote that got stuck in my garage, a mountain lion on my wall, and numerous bobcats.
4. What are the coldest and hottest outdoor air temperatures you've ever experienced. For this question, wind chill temp or heat index temps DO NOT count, only actual outdoor air temps. Where did you experience these temperatures?
124⁰ at my vacation home at Lake Havasu
5. What do you feel your greatest accomplishment has been? (Wonderful children to not count for this question.)
Performing CPR on 7 people with successful outcomes.

Great questions!
1. I routinely donated blood when in the service. Could not even guess how many pints, but as a universal donor the docs kept me busy. I have not donated blood since.

2. I have already been warned that this is a family forum and will not fall for your attempt to get me banned.

3. Not exactly what you're asking, but when I was around 15 or 16, mowing the lawn of an older woman for free because pops made me, I stopped to gas up the mower and saw something sparkly. It was a tarnished diamond ring just barely sticking out of the dirt. I dug it out, wiped it off and showed it to the woman who owned the house. It was her engagement and wedding ring set, lost a few years before hand. She gave me a 10 bill as a reward but my pops made me give it back as she was barely making it on social security.

4. I am going to have to guesstimate on the coldest, definitely below zero but not arctic below zero. Maybe -2 degrees F. We used to conduct patrols and TCP's in 115-120 F degree weather on the regular in the sandbox. Tack on 10+ degrees at your skin wearing all the battle rattle.

5. That was a tough question, I don't know that I have accomplished anything great; sans working my way through life without landing in prison. I will just claim satisfaction in knowing that I have removed some horrible people from this plane of existence and hopefully saved other people in the process. Maybe one of those people did something great and my contribution made that possible.
1) Nope. 2) Beer on the pool float on a hot sunny day! 3). My donkey, yep, he was a stray!!🫏. 4). 116° on Labor Day weekend the year 2000, and -10 during the killer ice storm in 2021. Both in Texas!! 5) Getting to work as a veterinary assistant fueling my passion for natural medicine! EXCELLENT QUESTIONS!!
1. Have you ever donated blood? If so, how many pints?: No.

2. What is your guilty pleasure? : A pipe or cigar on a nice evening.

3. What is the most amazing/surprising thing that showed up in your yard? : Had a fox in the backyard once, and this is a high density residential neighborhood

4. What are the coldest and hottest outdoor air temperatures you've ever experienced. For this question, wind chill temp or heat index temps DO NOT count, only actual outdoor air temps. Where did you experience these temperatures? Cincinnati, freezer bowl, -9 or -10 below. For hot, probably 103 or 4.

5. What do you feel your greatest accomplishment has been? (Wonderful children to not count for this question.) There was a time I would have said eagle scout, but it's become a meaningless rank. I think marrying and staying together for 33 years so far is pretty good for an accomplishment.
1. Have you ever donated blood? If so, how many pints?: No.

2. What is your guilty pleasure? : A pipe or cigar on a nice evening.

3. What is the most amazing/surprising thing that showed up in your yard? : Had a fox in the backyard once, and this is a high density residential neighborhood

4. What are the coldest and hottest outdoor air temperatures you've ever experienced. For this question, wind chill temp or heat index temps DO NOT count, only actual outdoor air temps. Where did you experience these temperatures? Cincinnati, freezer bowl, -9 or -10 below. For hot, probably 103 or 4.

5. What do you feel your greatest accomplishment has been? (Wonderful children to not count for this question.) There was a time I would have said eagle scout, but it's become a meaningless rank. I think marrying and staying together for 33 years so far is pretty good for an accomplishment.
I think #5 is Lori's accomplishment!😉
1 no idea
2 Like Morgan I love a fine cigar
3 we had a small Kestrel land in our yard, while my wife was trying to get a picture, a Red Tailed Hawk swopped in and snatched it. That was a beautiful little bird.
4 coldest, -24 both here at the house and when we lived in Louisville KY. Hotest 107 here at the house
5 making it to 40 years of marriage

Great questions
1. I routinely donated blood when in the service. Could not even guess how many pints, but as a universal donor the docs kept me busy. I have not donated blood since.

Look at me, I am making one of this week's questions educational!

I donate blood now and again. Used to also donate platelets when I heard there was a big need and it was blood type specific. I'm RH negative A.
My guilty pleasure is a big piece of homemade german chocolate cake in a bowl with milk poured into it.
In our school yard once, I arrived at 6 am, first one there. There was a big raccoon sitting up leaning against a tree. Turned out he had distemper.
Coldest here negative 7, hottest was 109
Married 41 years. It's been interesting, for sure.
2. I have already been warned that this is a family forum and will not fall for your attempt to get me banned.

Seems I may have overthought question #2 and went right to the naughty place with it, while everyone else had cigars, drinks, or a dessert pop into their heads. 🥸

So I will change my answer to cinnamon rolls. Big perfectly cooked, soft in the middle, covered in frosting, sweet and tasty, cinnamon rolls.