Friday Fives

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How interesting..I think alot of those are reading physical body reactions like heart rate, breathing , pressure and body language interpretation too..hard to fake that stuff unless your pretty zen.
Do they teach how to interrogate females too? I imagine it's a different approach and style??

If I asked you did you kill that guy? And you repeatedly think "Did I kill Guy Fieri?" and really focus on your question before saying "No" while imagining Guy Fieri alive and well, your body will not always respond with heightened blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, etc. Because you're not lying. Polygraphs are a tool and not a great one. The best poly examiners are actually the ones who get to the truth, the machine is just a prop, the average to crappy examiner relies on the machine.

I learned how to interrogate anyone and everyone, then spent years in the field putting it to use. Then I worked for and trained with people who did not have to comply with the Geneva convention and found their methods to be a little more effective. Everyone's breaking point is a mystery and you have to press buttons and pull levers until you find it.
I guess it would matter as to how important the information is to them too..or more likely ...regardless of whether they give a crap about what they know..what will happen to them if it is found out they sang..

In a show I liked, Firefly, the main characters were being roughed up by a guy who thought they stole from him.
Anyways, the crazy guy said something like you don't know really who the real person is untill you feel intense pain, then we meet the real you. ..well something to that effect.

I'm sure there is some truth to that.
I guess it would matter as to how important the information is to them too..or more likely ...regardless of whether they give a crap about what they know..what will happen to them if it is found out they sang..

In a show I liked, Firefly, the main characters were being roughed up by a guy who thought they stole from him.
Anyways, the crazy guy said something like you don't know really who the real person is untill you feel intense pain, then we meet the real you. ..well something to that effect.

I'm sure there is some truth to that.

Pain can open the door, so can the right carrot, sympathetic bonding, fear of what you will do to others and a host of other button and levers. The problem with pain is some people will start lying and provide ample amounts of bad intel in the hopes you stop. Fear of death however often has a different result.
Friday Fives: 09 AUG 2024

1. How did your parents meet? If you don’t know, how do you meet the love of your life?

2. If you could return to your youth, and set out on a new path, knowing what you know about the world today, what career or lifestyle would you select? Railroad traveling bum is an option.

3. What is the most flattering compliment you have ever received from someone?

4. What is the worst injury, physical or emotional, you have ever sustained?

5. If you had to sing a song at a karaoke bar, what song would you belt out? Not asking for your favorite song, but a song you would actually be willing to sing in front of others.

Bonus Q: What was the very first firearm you pulled a trigger on?
1. They were chaperones of their older siblings while they're dating.
2. It would be the same, it's what me made the person that I am today.
3. Amish Heart called me a "Lady" on the forum.
I have been been called a lot things as Army Military Police Officer, but Lady wasn't one of them.
4. *******
5. It wasn't "God" who made Honky Tonk Angels- Kitty Wells.
Baby Shark- Pink Fong
Bonus questions: 38 Special, 22 rifle, double barrel shot gun,
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There are ones you don't have to pay for. Dademoss linked a site.
You never used to have to pay but alot has changed..
The personality tests interest me.
I took this one:

Tried to answer honestly, rather how I’d prefer to be, wondering if I’d be correctly defined. Turns out… I’d say good analysis. I’m INFJ-A:

It is a free test there and they only ask for an email if you want the results sent to you.
The personality tests interest me.
I took this one:

Tried to answer honestly, rather how I’d prefer to be, wondering if I’d be correctly defined. Turns out… I’d say good analysis. I’m INFJ-A:

It is a free test there and they only ask for an email if you want the results sent to you.
Guess what else I just found…

Myers Briggs Personality subtype INFJ-A (The Advocate). This article will give you insight into the rarest personality type in the world and what their experience is like. The article also discusses their characteristics and a few secrets about this personality type.


I suppose you’re all welcome to know the rarest personality type. It should be an honor. 😊 🤣
1. INFJ. and Taurus ♉

2. This question has had some interesting answers for sure. I think some folks focased on intuition alone, which is ok but i was alluding to a specific skill that helps your intuitive knowing and communication.
So I will refrain on answering to allow folks to smoke their brains a bit..some have said it by disclosing their ability to get along better with animals.
It really is a skill humans don't really talk about much but comes in very handy in certain careers and circumstances.

3. I'm like nature and animals largely. I was very comfortable with my SAR teams community but I've always felt the oddball even when others wanted me in the club.

4. Since this is magical daydreaming..

1. I would wish for a personal starship to transport me to any time or place anywhere in the universe. The starship would looking function like a comphy home with a shop and small bay for the pups to crap in. I could communicate with the ship from anywhere in it and it never needs maintenance or breaks down and has a cloaking feature as well as a holodeck that provides me with anything i need. It's magical and my fantasy..
I would start with exploring earth..ancient Egypt, go whale watching, go to Alexandria library..
2. I would wish for no animal or child fall victim to the cruelty and anger of another human and that adults everywhere evolve to learn how to corroborate towards a better human existence.
3. Set the creature free ..cuz I'm nice like that too.

5. Both are important but I feel respect tops it off.
Knowing what I know now… I’m not surprised you’re INFJ

Welcome to the club. :D
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I was out of town enjoying family and didn’t answer the questions, so here goes:

1. EN I don’t remember after that but it’s the same all four times I took it. I’m an “explorer”. First time I took it it, I was one of 5 in a room of 300 people with this personality. The instructor said, “these are the hole my beer watch this folks”. He also said we were the ones who found “ holes in the rules” types. Sure enough he asked me to read my answer I wrote down at the start of the class. He told us to write down your name with your none dominant hand. I wrote “your name with your non dominant hand.” All five of us did something similar, that’s when he pointed out that we were likely smart *****—what can I say, he nailed it.

2. Everyday, especially when the task I’ve been given is just for busy work or if there’s a sense of urgency going with it.

3. Anywhere near where I grew up. Lots of family there and I’m the only one who left. It’s always great to go home.

4. House car and truck paid off. Kids to live a long healthy life. Infinite amount of wishes.

5. Women want love. The fairy tail that only focuses on love as depicted in all princess movies. Men want respect, that eternal drive that causes men to size each other up from the age they reach about three. If he doesn’t feel respected, he’ll shut down in order to avoid confrontation and maintain status quo or ease. If she doesn’t feel romantic attention, she has a large number of suitors willing to step in for the short term.

Working on my questions for Friday, expect it at midnight as I’ll be traveling later that day. Hopefully I won’t re ask any questions…but if I do, feel free to pull a politician move and answer the question you wished you were asked.
With all this personality chatter, I am going to put this here to give us something to talk about until Friday.

I'm pretending I didn't see it!!🫣

It's just a guideline..just like everything else.

Like a onion...People have many layers. And the layers can change and vary alot in conjunction with personality, age, amount of self reflection and healing..or if they have addictions , if they are using can vary widely with being sober..

People are adaptive and the will can change for better or worse depending on what's going on.

Information is power..if something looks familiar..if you don't like it..change.

I know I can see aspects of what my journey has been in all parts of this that leasd to purposeful un- fvuking myself over time. It has looked like over the years from a place of workaholic, overachieving, go getter. to a place of forgiveness, being grateful, healing, gaining wisdom, and a more balanced calm serenity approach to life.

I wouldn't have done all I have accomplished had I not had the challenges and sufferings I had to endure and overcome.

Fortitude and confidence...been a blessing really..
A little late, but it’s Friday, so our questions.

1. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you sad?

2. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you grateful?

3. You have the opportunity to go back in time and relive one day. You only get that day. So what’s the day and why relive it?

4. You been told you only have 7 days left on this earth. Who do you want to see most and what do you want to tell them?

5. Was there a point where you truly changed your mind or belief (like you said to yourself, “hey I’m wrong about this.”) What made you change your mind and why ?

Looking forward to hearing from you all. And, as stated earlier, if any of these questions were already asked, be the politician and answer the question you wished you were asked instead…
A little late, but it’s Friday, so our questions.

1. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you sad?
I'm not 100% certain what you mean, but here goes.

Hungarian goulash, 2nd grade lunch. Worst garbage I ever had to eat. Boy, did that make me sad. But I'm grateful I'll never have it again.

2. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you grateful?
My grandma, born in Italy, was a great cook. She would make all kinds of amazing food, but one of her typical Sunday after-church meals was homemade minestrone soup, eye of the round steaks and fried sliced potatoes. It doesn't sound like much, but it was delicious, and she was a wonderful person who I miss. So I'm grateful I got to experience that. And, I'm sad I'll never have it again.

3. You have the opportunity to go back in time and relive one day. You only get that day. So what’s the day and why relive it?
That's a difficult one to answer. It would be a good day, of course (otherwise, why relive it if I can't change anything?), so maybe the day I got married? The day my son was born? The day he got married? The day my granddaughter was born? I could come up with several...not sure, though, which I'd choose.

4. You been told you only have 7 days left on this earth. Who do you want to see most and what do you want to tell them?
Not sure about this...need to think on it.

5. Was there a point where you truly changed your mind or belief (like you said to yourself, “hey I’m wrong about this.”) What made you change your mind and why ?
Certainly. Growing up, my brothers, who are 12 and 14 years older than me, were very left-leaning politically. Not understanding economics, politics or history, I assumed they were correct. As I matured and learned, I knew that was all b.s. and that I was wrong.

Looking forward to hearing from you all. And, as stated earlier, if any of these questions were already asked, be the politician and answer the question you wished you were asked instead…
Great questions!
1) Anything that my Mom cooked!! Makes me sad she is not here to cook all the wonderful foods she made! 2) Same as above, but I'm grateful she cooked with such love! 3) The day I got my job with a very prestigious Thoroughbred breeding farm in NJ. I knew all my hard work and knowledge was being seen and appreciated! I just turned 18 years old!! 4).I would want to see my Dad and thank him for everything he did for me!! 5) I really don't think I've ever had a moment like that!! Very good questions!!
A little late, but it’s Friday, so our questions.

1. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you sad?

2. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you grateful?

3. You have the opportunity to go back in time and relive one day. You only get that day. So what’s the day and why relive it?

4. You been told you only have 7 days left on this earth. Who do you want to see most and what do you want to tell them?

5. Was there a point where you truly changed your mind or belief (like you said to yourself, “hey I’m wrong about this.”) What made you change your mind and why ?

Looking forward to hearing from you all. And, as stated earlier, if any of these questions were already asked, be the politician and answer the question you wished you were asked instead…

1.) My Mother's Lasagna. She used a spicy Italian suasage , and it was to die for. My sister has the recipe, and she does a pretty good job, but not as good as Mom.

2.) Liver, I guess Calves liver. Defies my whole logic about food. How can anything that smells so good when it is being cooked, taste so bad.

3.) The day I saw my first professional Baseball game. My Dad took my sister and I and my uncle, and we saw the New York Yankees in 1961. I saw Mickey Mantle, my hero at the time. Saw Roger Maris hit two of his 61 home runs that year. It was in the old (original) Yankee Stadium, and the Yankees won 7-2. I saw many of the greats that day.

4.) My family. My wife and kids. My brother and sister. I would tell them all how much I love them.

5.) I remember like it was yesterday. I was more of a political moderate at the time, and my political views were not fully formed. It was 1979. Jimmy Carter was president and the Arab oil embargo was still fresh in everybody's mind. Carter had started the Department of Energy, and he wanted to tax the oil companies for excessive profits. I didn't like paying $1.00 a gallon to gasoline any more than the next guy, so the tax didn't seem so bad to me. I was working in Illinois at the time having lunch with a business associate, and the topic came up. He was older than I was, and his comment: " I have had my business in East St Louis Illinois for 25 years. In that time the Federal Government has put $10 Billion dollars into East St Louis, and you can't see where 10 cents of it has gone. Let the oil companies keep it, and invest it, and keep the Federal Government out of it." Truer words were never spoken. That day I became a full blown Consevative/Libertarian.
1. There was an old Indian lady who lived next to us when I was maybe 10-12 years old. She would keep an eye on me from time to time and loved to feed me. She made some kind of meat paste on fry bread that was very spicy and equally delicious. Then she moved away. I have been in 50 different Indian restaurants trying to find a similar meal to no avail.

2. Vomelet. The name given to the cheese and veggie omelet MRE that Uncle Sam made us eat to punish us for not being smart enough to just fast or try and trade it away with a cash enhancement.

3. The day my pops wife decided to walk out the door and not return. I would love to tell her to go **** herself and that we had a better life without her than we ever would have had with her.

4. Well, in this world I really only have two people in my life other than former battle buddies I rarely speak to. My pops and I have a tenuous relationship, so I would say the lady. If I only had a week left I wouldn't want to do much talking however.

5. Once I believed Taurus made crappy but serviceable firearms for those with little to no money. Then I watched as they fell apart at the range, wouldn't work out of the box and became the most successfully sued gun maker in history. Then a guy who wanted to convince me they were much better now nearly lost a finger when his G3 went kaboom with good ammo. That's when I knew they were complete **** and that I wouldn't even want the FBI to have them. Well, maybe the FBI should have them, but not people who want a good budget handgun. And yes, I used that because I did not want to talk about matters of the heart. Not quite there. Still have one foot in denial.
A little late, but it’s Friday, so our questions.

1. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you sad?

2. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you grateful?

3. You have the opportunity to go back in time and relive one day. You only get that day. So what’s the day and why relive it?

4. You been told you only have 7 days left on this earth. Who do you want to see most and what do you want to tell them?

5. Was there a point where you truly changed your mind or belief (like you said to yourself, “hey I’m wrong about this.”) What made you change your mind and why ?

Looking forward to hearing from you all. And, as stated earlier, if any of these questions were already asked, be the politician and answer the question you wished you were asked instead…
1 and 2.
My neighbors homemade bread and whatever Bulgarian dish she fed me..she was a great baker and cook.

3. I wouldn't go back to change or relive any day..good or bad. It got me here today and I'm better for it and grateful.

4. Like were all going in 7 days as in good by world or it's a solo thing?? Probably my mom n brother. Hope we get a good show at least..grab a lawn chair on day 7 n a brew..see ya on the other side!

5. Yes... what helped..experience, reflection, growth, validation, a knowning..alot of things helped.
A little late, but it’s Friday, so our questions.

1. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you sad?

2. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you grateful?

3. You have the opportunity to go back in time and relive one day. You only get that day. So what’s the day and why relive it?

4. You been told you only have 7 days left on this earth. Who do you want to see most and what do you want to tell them?

5. Was there a point where you truly changed your mind or belief (like you said to yourself, “hey I’m wrong about this.”) What made you change your mind and why ?

Looking forward to hearing from you all. And, as stated earlier, if any of these questions were already asked, be the politician and answer the question you wished you were asked instead…
1. my grandmother used to make Trochelkuche mit Schaum, I can't get those berries here so I can't make it, she is long gone
2. I ate a raw oyster once on a dare and got sick like minutes later, it was the absolute most disgusting thing I have ever had ( I don't like any sort of shellfish, not even cooked)
3. hmmm, I wanted to say when my kids were born, but no, I really would not want to go through childbirth again LOL
So Christmas ski trip to Stowe Vermont with my best friend and his wife ( maybe like 14 years ago or so) , it was awesome, lots of snow, skiing was great, and in the evenings we had good meals and played games
we did this more than one year but one year was perfect, nothing went wrong . In my life that is a great day
4. I live with husband and son, so I would want to see daughter and grandkid, I would like to see my brother again maybe too but that would not happen since he is in France

5. I used to be a LCMS Lutheran, and really did believe or at least I thought I did. But there were always those questions in the back of my head that got no answers. The last straw was this woman in our Bible study going on and on how Jesus had saved her from cancer and she was still alive 5 years later. She insisted that was a miracle. I pointed out that this is nothing supernatural like Jesus turning water into wine or walking on water. People survive cancer for 5 years quite often nowadays. Christians and non Christians alike. And a lot of people that are faithful Christians die from it and do not survive. Where is their "miracle". The pastor got involved at that point and said something like " Jesus could have healed her, how do you know he did not? " His answer to my question why he would heal some and not others ( regardless of religion) was " it's part of God's plan, ALL prayers are answered , maybe just not the way YOU want" . Not good enough. That was just the tip of the iceberg for me. Why did I get panic attacks in church if God wants me there? We even switched churches, did no good. Why do animals suffer? They do not "sin" . Why would God creat such a crap world full of suffering? Why do bad things happen randomly to Christians and non Christians alike with no perceivable logical reason why that is? And so on

You asked me that question in a bad week LOL
A little late, but it’s Friday, so our questions.

1. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you sad?

2. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you grateful?

3. You have the opportunity to go back in time and relive one day. You only get that day. So what’s the day and why relive it?

4. You been told you only have 7 days left on this earth. Who do you want to see most and what do you want to tell them?

5. Was there a point where you truly changed your mind or belief (like you said to yourself, “hey I’m wrong about this.”) What made you change your mind and why ?

Looking forward to hearing from you all. And, as stated earlier, if any of these questions were already asked, be the politician and answer the question you wished you were asked instead…
1 My grandmas cream corn and her coconut pie. My mom has the recipes, but they just don't taste the same.
2 Some kind of green something other other we were served for lunch at a class I was taking in Austria. Looked and smelled awful, tasted worse.
3 Probably September 1987, we took our first vacation/honeymoon after being married 3 years. A deserted beach on Ocracoke Island, neeked all day, lots of sex, playing in the water. Even a little fishin.
4 My family, mainly tell them how much I love and cherish them
5 Nothing comes to mind. I am pretty hardheaded
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A little late, but it’s Friday, so our questions.

1. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you sad?

2. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you grateful?

3. You have the opportunity to go back in time and relive one day. You only get that day. So what’s the day and why relive it?

4. You been told you only have 7 days left on this earth. Who do you want to see most and what do you want to tell them?

5. Was there a point where you truly changed your mind or belief (like you said to yourself, “hey I’m wrong about this.”) What made you change your mind and why ?

Looking forward to hearing from you all. And, as stated earlier, if any of these questions were already asked, be the politician and answer the question you wished you were asked instead…

1.) my Sicilian Nana’s spaghetti sauce. And her bracioli.

2.) caviar

3.) besides my children, marrying my current husband. 🥰

4.) see my children and grandchildren and tell them how much I love them.

5.) not to offend anyone, but when I finally decided Catholicism was not for me. I went to a Catholic school from grade 1-8. I felt like I was getting brain washed into feeling perpetually guilty and that I was not worthy of God’s love.

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