Tomorrow is… Thursday
Tomorrow is… Thursday
On a more serious note...let's begin
Socrates , the Athenian philosopher quoted, " To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom."
Often, more people will be familiar with their Sun sign, but have no idea what threads of wisdom and self discovery lay in wait to be explored in the vast tapestry of their personality type.
The Meyers -Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) was developed as a psychological tool utilized to measure the assign of individuals in 16 core personality types.
What is your personality type ? and if you don't know or want to add..what is you sign too?
" There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen. " Rumi
There is a language older than words. It is that intuitive knowing that can transcend the barriers between species or offers a bridge of understanding between those who speak different languages. Everything on this planet speaks it , but humans are the least attuned to its existence or value.
When was a notable time you used this skill And how often do you intentionally use it?
Where do you or did you feel the strongest sense of community with and why?
Imagine, you find yourself a interesting bottle upon a soft, warm sandy beach. You pick it up to inspect it's patterns in the bright sunlight and give it swipe to dispel dried sand upon its textured surface.
Out swirls a beautiful flowing creature granting you 3 wishes ...
For a relationship?5.
What is mire important in a relationship,
Love or Respect or both and why?
I answered before you asked.Are we supposed to be good kids and wait for tomorrow to answer this ?
And for those that don't know who Aristophanes is... what is that?For now … I’ll just answer 1 and say is closer to my personality type.
He was a funny guy and a bit of a rebel it seems back in the day when Athens was a thing.And for those that don't know who Aristophanes is... what is that?
We should all know by now that I have a problem with rules so I am going to be one of the firsts brats to answer, unless someone beats me to itOk...
On a more serious note...let's begin
Socrates , the Athenian philosopher quoted, " To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom."
Often, more people will be familiar with their Sun sign, but have no idea what threads of wisdom and self discovery lay in wait to be explored in the vast tapestry of their personality type.
The Meyers -Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) was developed as a psychological tool utilized to measure the assign of individuals in 16 core personality types.
What is your personality type ? and if you don't know or want to add..what is you sign too?
" There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen. " Rumi
There is a language older than words. It is that intuitive knowing that can transcend the barriers between species or offers a bridge of understanding between those who speak different languages. Everything on this planet speaks it , but humans are the least attuned to its existence or value.
When was a notable time you used this skill And how often do you intentionally use it?
Where do you or did you feel the strongest sense of community with and why?
Imagine, you find yourself a interesting bottle upon a soft, warm sandy beach. You pick it up to inspect it's patterns in the bright sunlight and give it swipe to dispel dried sand upon its textured surface.
Out swirls a beautiful flowing creature granting you 3 wishes ...
What is mire important in a relationship,
Love or Respect or both and why?
He was a student of Socrates and great thinkers of the time, but found his way to fame as a comedian. The thing is that in being ‘funny’ he was criticizing the powers that be at the time. Oddly enough… ‘they’ accepted him … inviting him to events of the the elites.And for those that don't know who Aristophanes is... what is that?
It was probably a ‘know your enemy’ thing … being invited to gatherings of ‘elites’ and accepting the invitation.He was a student of Socrates and great thinkers of the time, but found his way to fame as a comedian. The thing is that in being ‘funny’ he was criticizing the powers that be at the time. Oddly enough… ‘they’ accepted him … inviting him to events of the the elites.
No, this circumstance makes you a winner!!I answered before you asked.
Am I disqualified due to a false start?
On a more serious note...let's begin
Socrates , the Athenian philosopher quoted, " To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom."
Often, more people will be familiar with their Sun sign, but have no idea what threads of wisdom and self discovery lay in wait to be explored in the vast tapestry of their personality type.
The Meyers -Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) was developed as a psychological tool utilized to measure the assign of individuals in 16 core personality types.
What is your personality type ? and if you don't know or want to add..what is you sign too?
" There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen. " Rumi
There is a language older than words. It is that intuitive knowing that can transcend the barriers between species or offers a bridge of understanding between those who speak different languages. Everything on this planet speaks it , but humans are the least attuned to its existence or value.
When was a notable time you used this skill And how often do you intentionally use it?
Where do you or did you feel the strongest sense of community with and why?
Imagine, you find yourself a interesting bottle upon a soft, warm sandy beach. You pick it up to inspect it's patterns in the bright sunlight and give it swipe to dispel dried sand upon its textured surface.
Out swirls a beautiful flowing creature granting you 3 wishes ...
What is mire important in a relationship,
Love or Respect or both and why?
On a more serious note...let's begin
1. What is your personality type ? and if you don't know or want to add..what is you sign too?
2. When was a notable time you used this skill And how often do you intentionally use it?
3. Where do you or did you feel the strongest sense of community with and why?
4. Imagine, you find yourself a interesting bottle upon a soft, warm sandy beach. You pick it up to inspect it's patterns in the bright sunlight and give it swipe to dispel dried sand upon its textured surface.
5. What is mire important in a relationship, Love or Respect or both and why?
Therr are a few good sites that offer the test for free. It is not something to be rushed or have distractions . Dadem mentioned a site..1: Can’t remember and went to find the test but not paying $60. I know the first is Introversion- can’t remember on the others. Aries
2: Oh yeah with intuition. Can’t explain it really. I just say it’s God telling me something.
3: Community- the first thing that came to mind was a leadership group I was a part of in HS. There were a half dozen of us from all over the county. Have only seen 1 of them since HS, but they were the kind of folks I would probably trust to this day.
4: Hmm Geniein a bottle
. Have to give that one more thought.
5: I will assume this is like a husband and wife relationship- both. I can respect my enemies but to love is to see past flaws and have a fondness not only in spite of but partially because of those flaws
Thoughtful questions H. Hope you have a smooth day at work.
ISTJ (based on this:–Briggs_Type_Indicator#/media/File:MyersBriggsTypes.png)Ok...
On a more serious note...let's begin
Socrates , the Athenian philosopher quoted, " To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom."
Often, more people will be familiar with their Sun sign, but have no idea what threads of wisdom and self discovery lay in wait to be explored in the vast tapestry of their personality type.
The Meyers -Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) was developed as a psychological tool utilized to measure the assign of individuals in 16 core personality types.
What is your personality type ? and if you don't know or want to add..what is you sign too?
I'm not certain what you mean, but I communicate better with animals than I do some people.2. " There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen. " Rumi
There is a language older than words. It is that intuitive knowing that can transcend the barriers between species or offers a bridge of understanding between those who speak different languages. Everything on this planet speaks it , but humans are the least attuned to its existence or value.
When was a notable time you used this skill And how often do you intentionally use it?
I have a core group of close friends. Our families are close - kids are friends - and trust is very strong.3. Where do you or did you feel the strongest sense of community with and why?
First, make the media honest and objective. Let them shine a bright light on the evil being done to kids. Epstein's client list might be a good place to start. Was pizzagate really just nonsense? We know child trafficking is big business, so disclose who's doing what. Dig into corruption of all sorts so it can be ended. This ties into media, corporations, entertainment and politics. Punish them all appropriately.4. Imagine, you find yourself a interesting bottle upon a soft, warm sandy beach. You pick it up to inspect it's patterns in the bright sunlight and give it swipe to dispel dried sand upon its textured surface.
Out swirls a beautiful flowing creature granting you 3 wishes ...
Both are equally important to me. I couldn't live with someone I didn't both love and respect.5. What is mire important in a relationship,
Love or Respect or both and why?
1. INFJ. and TaurusOk...
On a more serious note...let's begin
Socrates , the Athenian philosopher quoted, " To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom."
Often, more people will be familiar with their Sun sign, but have no idea what threads of wisdom and self discovery lay in wait to be explored in the vast tapestry of their personality type.
The Meyers -Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) was developed as a psychological tool utilized to measure the assign of individuals in 16 core personality types.
What is your personality type ? and if you don't know or want to add..what is you sign too?
" There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen. " Rumi
There is a language older than words. It is that intuitive knowing that can transcend the barriers between species or offers a bridge of understanding between those who speak different languages. Everything on this planet speaks it , but humans are the least attuned to its existence or value.
When was a notable time you used this skill And how often do you intentionally use it?
Where do you or did you feel the strongest sense of community with and why?
Imagine, you find yourself a interesting bottle upon a soft, warm sandy beach. You pick it up to inspect it's patterns in the bright sunlight and give it swipe to dispel dried sand upon its textured surface.
Out swirls a beautiful flowing creature granting you 3 wishes ...
What is mire important in a relationship,
Love or Respect or both and why?
@Pearl ...I'll go back to question #2! The skill I have that helps my intuitive knowing and communication is absorbing, as in listening, hearing, and watching!!
On a more serious note...let's begin
Socrates , the Athenian philosopher quoted, " To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom."
Often, more people will be familiar with their Sun sign, but have no idea what threads of wisdom and self discovery lay in wait to be explored in the vast tapestry of their personality type.
The Meyers -Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) was developed as a psychological tool utilized to measure the assign of individuals in 16 core personality types.
What is your personality type ? and if you don't know or want to add..what is you sign too?
" There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen. " Rumi
There is a language older than words. It is that intuitive knowing that can transcend the barriers between species or offers a bridge of understanding between those who speak different languages. Everything on this planet speaks it , but humans are the least attuned to its existence or value.
When was a notable time you used this skill And how often do you intentionally use it?
Where do you or did you feel the strongest sense of community with and why?
Imagine, you find yourself a interesting bottle upon a soft, warm sandy beach. You pick it up to inspect it's patterns in the bright sunlight and give it swipe to dispel dried sand upon its textured surface.
Out swirls a beautiful flowing creature granting you 3 wishes ...
What is mire important in a relationship,
Love or Respect or both and why?
Sooo...what specific skill...are you utilizing ...when you are..for example...absorbing as you say...ALL the information your donkey is telling you when it is about to roll in the dirt or how does Bear tell you he has to poop..
Your donkey isn't verbally telling you he or she is about to roll in the dirt..but it he/she is communicating that to you and the other animals with what kinda of language?