Friday Fives

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1. My mother in laws Turkey and dressing.

2. A co workers fish at a fishfry.

3. The day I passed on a multi billion dollar investment that could have helped some charities I love.

4. My children, their families and My recently deceased Aunt that was absolutely sure of her faith and that she was going HOME.

5. The day I left the Democrat party forever and decided that their criminal grifting was really treason against the people of this country.
BECAUSE I had finally seen the treachery and wanton disregard for the people of this country for what is was first hand from within.
A little late, but it’s Friday, so our questions.

1. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you sad?

2. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you grateful?

3. You have the opportunity to go back in time and relive one day. You only get that day. So what’s the day and why relive it?

4. You been told you only have 7 days left on this earth. Who do you want to see most and what do you want to tell them?

5. Was there a point where you truly changed your mind or belief (like you said to yourself, “hey I’m wrong about this.”) What made you change your mind and why ?

Looking forward to hearing from you all. And, as stated earlier, if any of these questions were already asked, be the politician and answer the question you wished you were asked instead…

1. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you sad?

Really, none. If I want something, I cook it. One of my favorite meals is a Czech meal of potato dumplings, kraut and pork or duck. Its a family favorite, a meal you might ask for for your birthday dinner. There are a couple of recipes or ways of making them, and my family recipe is not the common recipe. Peel potatoes, grate them, remove the extra moisture, add a little flour and salt, drop them in boiling water and watch because they will boil over easily and make a mess.

2. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you grateful?

Nothing. I fawn (Fight, flight, freeze or fawn) and when I was growing up, I did whatever I could as the scapegoat to take the abuse off of me, and that included eating anything and everything that we had. Being picky about food is a luxury that many people do not realize they have.
We never had mushrooms growing up and I am not a big fan of them. If I have a meal with mushrooms, I set them to the side of the plate. Not a fan of lima beans either.

3. You have the opportunity to go back in time and relive one day. You only get that day. So what’s the day and why relive it?

Seeing my mother in the hospital the last time before she died. Or maybe the last day before she got sick and was feeling well enough to be her kind, gentle, loving self.

4. You been told you only have 7 days left on this earth. Who do you want to see most and what do you want to tell them?

It would be my daughter. I would tell her what I tell her frequently, that I love her, and that I was so grateful to have had her.

5. Was there a point where you truly changed your mind or belief (like you said to yourself, “hey I’m wrong about this.”) What made you change your mind and why ?
Catholicism. See my comment following. Quit it as a young adult.
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A little late, but it’s Friday, so our questions.

1. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you sad?

2. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you grateful?

3. You have the opportunity to go back in time and relive one day. You only get that day. So what’s the day and why relive it?

4. You been told you only have 7 days left on this earth. Who do you want to see most and what do you want to tell them?

5. Was there a point where you truly changed your mind or belief (like you said to yourself, “hey I’m wrong about this.”) What made you change your mind and why ?

Looking forward to hearing from you all. And, as stated earlier, if any of these questions were already asked, be the politician and answer the question you wished you were asked instead…
1. buttered toast, I already miss it, but the gut problems make it a not gonna happen (its the bread)
2 rice, it is not a food, I have said that before,...............
3.I am pretty sure my soul came here to learn, so I will keep them all.
4. Make sure I made thing as smooth for my son as possible. thank those that really get me, Cause absolute mayhem where ever I end up.
5.when ever empirical data outweighs the teachings
5.) not to offend anyone, but when I finally decided Catholicism was not for me. I went to a Catholic school from grade 1-8. I felt like I was getting brain washed into feeling perpetually guilty and that I was not worthy of God’s love.
I so agree with you. I was raised Catholic, but left the church when I was about 23. Some of my family were so angry about it. Since then, many other relatives have left, but not all. One of my favorite cousins leads the rosary at church once a week.
1. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you sad? Some of my mothers recipes; like her weirdly wonderful burger pie

2. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you grateful?
Lol as a grown up, I'm very grateful if I don't want to eat cabbage I don't have too

3. You have the opportunity to go back in time and relive one day. You only get that day. So what’s the day and why relive it? Oh god, there's a few that would change alot.
I'll stick with a happy one. The day my now husband rocked up at my work on his bike with an extra helmet and offered me a lift home. Just to feel that 'whoa moment' again.

4. You been told you only have 7 days left on this earth. Who do you want to see most and what do you want to tell them? Just spend it with my family and pets. Probably writing lists and driving them demented with 'do you know where this is? 'Can you cook this?lol

5. Was there a point where you truly changed your mind or belief (like you said to yourself, “hey I’m wrong about this.”) What made you change your mind and why ?
Aging. I realise now those that I thought know everything were only the ones that spoke the loudest.
Also the internet/ tv, strangely. The ability to access other sides in real time makes me more likely to question. I often doubt myself so I presume I'm wrong most of the time 😂
My grandparents sauerkraut. Not because it was my favorite meal, I had to learn to like it. Because it brings back fond memories of family gatherings when they were here to cook it.

I be grateful if lima beans never exist. Then I wouldn’t have had to endure my ‘no thank you helpings’ as a youngster.

I’m of the mindset that I wouldn’t change a thing but.. if I could relive one day: It would be the day I meet a crazy ex girlfriend… and I would have left town at sunrise. :D

My ideal mate so I could say: Where have you been all my life.;)

I’ve had friends that I thought were decent people, but in learning more about them… I changed my mind.
I read this days ago, but it keeps coming up in my mind. This is the truth for me. Cheat on me, lie to me, backstab me, and it is over forever!

I'm better at forgiving ..holding on to bad vibes like anger, hate n being bitter..all that negative juice is just poison to my soul.

Life is to short for that..I don't need it.

I've learned I can let go of all the bad mojo..forgive..we all screw up..and goodbye at the same time. Friends, family, lovers..doesn't matter..someone f____s with me in that department..ok..have a nice by..
1.) my Sicilian Nana’s spaghetti sauce. And her bracioli.

2.) caviar

3.) besides my children, marrying my current husband. 🥰

4.) see my children and grandchildren and tell them how much I love them.

5.) not to offend anyone, but when I finally decided Catholicism was not for me. I went to a Catholic school from grade 1-8. I felt like I was getting brain washed into feeling perpetually guilty and that I was not worthy of God’s love.
My parents were both raised catholic. I ran away for a day around probably 9 or 11 years old after I kept complaining I didn't like it, didn't want to go..regular school at the time was crappy enough, then the church after school n church on Sunday..and I saw all these people acting like hypocrites..although at the time I didn't have a word for the bull but I was over it.
Thankfully they didn't force it on me after that.
It definitely put me off on religion and faith..
It took a long time to be comfortable having faith that there is more to this universe and one can be spiritually inclined without the controlling and contradicting nonsense the churchs propose.
Yeah, that's kinda the way I feel about the mainstream media. I get the vibe I'm not alone.
Haha, My television has barely been on, maybe less than an hour since Fauci and his virus lies about no need to wear a mask, wear a mask, but only N95's, no need for N95's, cloth masks are sufficient, all within a few days time. Done, done, done!
The personality tests interest me.
I took this one:

Tried to answer honestly, rather how I’d prefer to be, wondering if I’d be correctly defined. Turns out… I’d say good analysis. I’m INFJ-A:

It is a free test there and they only ask for an email if you want the results sent to you.
Well, I just took this little test.
I must say I am surprised by their results.
Architects are imaginative and strategic thinkers with a plan for everything.
1. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you sad?
Guess I should answer my own questions now.

Anything my Mammaw made, especially her pork chops, they were the best or Pappaw’s red gravy.
2. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you grateful?
First deployment, the burger meat was green, or basic, powdered eggs…yuck!
3. You have the opportunity to go back in time and relive one day. You only get that day. So what’s the day and why relive it?
The day I met my wife. Both in college, it was fun and I was so smooth that day. Smoother than I’ve ever been before or since. I’d like to feel that again
4. You been told you only have 7 days left on this earth. Who do you want to see most and what do you want to tell them?
My wife and kids. Teach them again how to shoot and fish and make sure they know how much I love them.
5. Was there a point where you truly changed your mind or belief (like you said to yourself, “hey I’m wrong about this.”) What made you change your mind and why ?
1992 presidential debates, I was young but believed that most politicians were trying their best and not overtly lying. Then Clinton was asked how tough the recession was in him personally. He said that since Arkansas was such a small state, he knew people who lost their jobs if a factory closed (really in the whole state? We had two factories close one town over, I didn’t know anyone in one of those factories.) Clinton would later sign the NAFTA agreement. Despite a lot of warning that this would lead to factories closings all across the U.S., he signed it saying it would benefit Americans. The factory my parents worked at shut down. It moved to Mexico as was predicted. Clinton didn’t care. Dad had 4 years to retire, mom had 9. I’ve not believed a democrat has the best interest of blue collar folks in mind since.

So who has yet to go? I’m hoping someone will fess up so I don’t have to back and find someone, but I will do that if I have too.
1. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you sad?
Dad's fried eggs on Sunday Morning before church.

2. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you grateful?
Grandmas hockey puck hamburgers.

3. You have the opportunity to go back in time and relive one day. You only get that day. So what’s the day and why relive it?
The day I proposed to Lori and she said yes :)

4. You been told you only have 7 days left on this earth. Who do you want to see most and what do you want to tell them?
Mostly just Lori, and tell her I love her and it's been a great time :). Might drop in on some old friends to say goodbye.

5. Was there a point where you truly changed your mind or belief (like you said to yourself, “hey I’m wrong about this.”) What made you change your mind and why ?
Been shown wrong more than a few times, but nothing belief changing.
I be grateful if lima beans never exist. Then I wouldn’t have had to endure my ‘no thank you helpings’ as a youngster.

I feel exactly the same, although I would put a lot of vegetables in that category. When we were first married my wife would make something, and I would tell her I didn't like it and wouldn't eat it. I was quite specific. I never said don't make it. If you like it make it for you, just don't make it for me. Then I would get an "excuse". "I made it a different way. You'll like it this way."

We finally got to the point where I told her: " I didn't eat it for my Mother, and I'm not going to eat it for you." That pretty much solved the problem.
What is your personality type ? and if you don't know or want to add..what is you sign too?
I am a Taurus, but I am not a horoscope person. Also year of the dragon according to Chinese zodiac.

Personality type!

I have been distracted and just took the test again today. I must have really answered somethings wrong, because I have known I am an introvert. I'm the person who went to kindergarten and spoke to no one, including my kindergarten teacher, whose home I had been in prior to going to school. My k teacher was a friend of my mothers. I also remember a corner on the playground that I went and stayed by myself during recess. I didn't even ask to go to the restroom. My teacher had to tune in to my need.

I know that this is not correct, although I am much more outgoing now and have no problem meeting new people and speaking to anyone and everyone, including complete strangers unless I have already seen them be unkind or overbearing to others.

This is not right! I have never been and will never be an entertainer! I am much more a counselor, the observer, the quiet wallflower. I do know that I am much more confident as I have aged, especially since going no contact with some abusive family members.

I will come back and take this test again.

Your personality type is:
Your full personality type code isESFP-A53% Extraverted
Extraverted individuals readily enjoy group activities and value social interaction. They tend to be outwardly enthusiastic and express their excitement.

\68% Observant
Observant individuals are pragmatic and down-to-earth. They tend to have a strong focus on what is happening or very likely to happen.
64% Feeling
Feeling individuals value emotional expression and sensitivity. They place a lot of importance on empathy, social harmony, and cooperation.
56% Prospecting
Prospecting individuals are very good at improvising and adapting to opportunities. They tend to be flexible nonconformists who value novelty above stability.
61% Assertive
Assertive individuals are self-assured, even-tempered, and resistant to stress. They refuse to worry too much and tend to be self-confident when striving to achieve goals

Entertainers are spontaneous, energetic, and enthusiastic people – life is never boring around them.

I don't remember exactly, but in the past, I have been more INTJ.
1. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you sad? Raw arctic char and raw caribou

2. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you grateful? Chow chow

3. You have the opportunity to go back in time and relive one day. You only get that day. So what’s the day and why relive it? The day when my wife and I realized the miracle of how we met in the past.

4. You been told you only have 7 days left on this earth. Who do you want to see most and what do you want to tell them? I would just want to spend it with my wife, a bottle of bourbon, a few good cigars, and our front porch rockers.

5. Was there a point where you truly changed your mind or belief (like you said to yourself, “hey I’m wrong about this.”) What made you change your mind and why? I may be doing this in the upcoming election.
I could be mistaken, but I don’t believe dademoss has asked any questions. Are you up to the task you self described cranky codger?
I have asked questions, I made the list of questions asked :) . The list grows and grows, easy to miss somebody.

However, if you don't get any other takers, I can take another go at it :)
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If it's Dade, he'll ask what your favorite Saturday Morning Cartoon is....
(What is yours, Dade?)
HEY, no peeking :)

now I have my last question, TYVM

There's no need to fear, Underdog is here :p. (not my answer) :p
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Do you have celiac or gluten intolerance?

My daughter has celiac. She eats gluten free bread.
I have gluten issues, and what I believe would be called insulin resistance. if I eat much that needs insulin to digest it, I get hungry and cannot get satisfied , and the gut issues etc. Ruminant food belongs in ruminants. Not me
Well, Well, this is what happens when there is a nap before dinner!!

EDT, it is now 00:17, and the next Friday Fives are going active.

First off, I will be a bit scarce for the next couple weeks, lots of wheels in motion in 3 different counties.

That being said, I would ask @Cabin Fever to take the challenge for next weeks questions.

Now, for the questions , Drum Roll PLEASE:

1. What operating system is your phone? Android, Apple, other or just a phone?

2. What Computer operating system if you use a computer? Windows, MacOS, Linux or other?

3. What is your favorite garden crop?

4. Regarding Pets: Cat, Dog, or both or other?

5. Favorite TV show, radio program or podcast? (Somebody suggested Saturday morning cartoon, but I never listen :p )
My answers:

1. What operating system is your phone? Android, Apple, other or just a phone?
I have an Apple smartphone , and an Alcatel flip phone for fishing.

2. What Computer operating system if you use a computer? Windows, MacOS, Linux or other?

All 3, mostly either apple or windows. Also use a raspberry Pi

3. What is your favorite garden crop? Tomatoes

4. Regarding Pets: Cat, Dog, or both or other? Both, 9 cats, 1 dog

5. Favorite TV show, radio program or podcast? (Somebody suggested Saturday morning cartoon, but I never listen :p ) My favorite Saturday morning cartoon is Chilly Willy, followed by coyote/roadrunner.

Mostly, as background my tv is tuned to MeTv, which specializes in older tv shows.
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