Friday Fives

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Ok..not as original or thoughtful as I like but I ended up not having the time to catch up n do stuff like I wanted..but here ya go...

1. In your world , does mind, body and spirit equate to consciousness as a whole or do your involve this at all in your view of consciousness? How do you define it?

2. What combination of items that you might buy that might make a cashier raise a eyebrow?

3. Does only motivation matter in someone's action even if the result is morally good but the motivation in the first place was based on some kind of manipulation of impression?

4. If you could change , remove or add one law which would it be and why?

5. If you could choose to shape-shift at will into two animals or creatures what would they be and why?
1}They are three parts of a whole, if one part is hurt, another one will fill in. Everything is basic on the three in one.
2)Cable ties, rope & Duct tape, a tarp & shovel.
3)No, everything matters.
4) Add! Child Molester are put to death.
5) A wolf with my consciousness.
Ok..not as original or thoughtful as I like but I ended up not having the time to catch up n do stuff like I wanted..but here ya go...

1. In your world , does mind, body and spirit equate to consciousness as a whole or do your involve this at all in your view of consciousness? How do you define it?
In my world, they are at once separate but intertwined, but in the end the body is just a container and often at odds with the other parts, few get to unite them.
2. What combination of items that you might buy that might make a cashier raise a eyebrow?
A cucumber, Crisco, tampons, and zip ties.
3. Does only motivation matter in someone's action even if the result is morally good but the motivation in the first place was based on some kind of manipulation of impression?
Motivation is the only reason to do anything unless you're chaotic.
4. If you could change , remove or add one law which would it be and why?
the 68 GCA because it's unconstitutional.
5. If you could choose to shape-shift at will into two animals or creatures what would they be and why?
A snow leopard and a dragon. They're some of the coolest and smartest of all beings, plus dragons can puke fire if they get mad.
Friday 5's. Simple and easy to copy&paste:

1. How many hours per day do you spend on the forum? (Tell the truth now! :waiting:)
2. What is your favorite wild animal?
3. What is the most annoying sound you hear (or have heard)?
4. What is the most fun thing you get to do every day?
5. What is the best/worst prank you have ever pulled on somebody (or people)?
Friday 5's. Simple and easy to copy & paste:

1. How many hours per day do you spend on the forum? (Tell the truth now! :waiting:)
2. What is your favorite wild animal?
3. What is the most annoying sound you hear (or have heard)?
4. What is the most fun thing you get to do every day?
5. What is the best/worst prank you have ever pulled on somebody (or people)?
1) as little as one hour, as much as four in twenty four hours , if it is cold & wet outside.
2)wolf, eagle, bear, humming bird in that order.
3) Automobile alarm
4)Time with DW, eat good food, on the web & read.(Lots of other thing, but do not do them everyday,)
5)When little sister was two I act like I going to eat her toes, it was years late that she told me that she believe i was go to eat her toes.
Good morning early FIVERS!! 1) Am I ever not on here? Lol! Ok , real answer, too many hours!! 2) I won't say deer, they are almost pets here. I'll go with Mountain Lions! Very intriguing, they are showing up on many people's game cameras around here lately! 3) The TV if Hubby has it on! It's annoying! 4) Enjoy my animals and nature! 5) I'm coming back for #5, I used to be quite the prankster. Need to think on that one! Awesome questions SuperV!! Thank you!!
1. How many hours per day do you spend on the forum? (Tell the truth now! :waiting:)
2. What is your favorite wild animal?
3. What is the most annoying sound you hear (or have heard)?
4. What is the most fun thing you get to do every day?
5. What is the best/worst prank you have ever pulled on somebody (or people)?

1.) Hard to say. I am logged in and on the internet, but not always on this forum. I'm probably on the internet 3-4 hours a day, and always checking here to see what it new.

2.) Wolves would be my land animal. Maybe it is an extension of a love for dogs. Sharks would be a water animal.

3.) A fire alarm or a car alarm I hate the most. Oddly enough as much as I love dogs, I hate a dogs bark, especially when it is high and shrill.

4.) Make and eat breakfast. For most of my life I was not a breakfast eater. The last few years the location where I worked had a fantastic cafeteria, which had great breakfast food. Ever since I have really come to enjoy breakfast.

5.) I was never a prankster, but I had BIL who was. We used to enjoy getting each other gag gifts for Christmas. This goes back to the days of Polish jokes, so please, don't be offended. I got him a brick. The kind that has three holes through it. On one side it said Polish bowling ball. On the other side the brand name was painted: Brunswickski. It was a big hit. He passed away 20 years ago, and I still miss him dearly.


Great job Supe. I don't know why you were reluctant. These are great questions. Thanks for stepping up. :great:
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1. About an hour or 2 maybe more
2. My spirit guides are Bear, Wolf and Crow
3. The yip yap of little dogs that don't stop. I call them Yapamatics.
4. My hobbies, stamps, brass trains, making tools/equipment for my trains, annoying people
5. I refuse to answer on the grounds it could incriminate me (nothing comes to mind)
1. About an hour or 2 maybe more
2. My spirit guides are Bear, Wolf and Crow
3. The yip yap of little dogs that don't stop. I call them Yapamatics.
4. My hobbies, stamps, brass trains, making tools/equipment for my trains, annoying people
5. I refuse to answer on the grounds it could incriminate me (nothing comes to mind)
That's why I'm holding off on #5, lol!! Except too much comes to mind!😉
Well, a grand total of four (4) people answered my questions :(.
Even the "Indoor Chickens" thread even has 54 replies:rolleyes:, so I guess this is my 'back to top' bump...

1. How many hours per day do you spend on the forum? (Tell the truth now! :waiting:)
11-13, (I'm a junkie)🤪.
2. What is your favorite wild animal?
Oddly enough, the hummingbird. So many things about it that science can't explain, if they said they were brought here by aliens, I would believe it.
3. What is the most annoying sound you hear (or have heard)?
Worse than the Kamela Kackle, hands-down the winner is the whine of a mosquito buzzing my ear. I go bonkers slapping my hands in the air and dancing around.

4. What is the most fun thing you get to do every day?
Crawling into bed, pulling the covers over my grumpy shoulder, and knowing it is absolutely the last thing I will have to do that day.:)
5. What is the best/worst prank you have ever pulled on somebody (or people)?
I have always looked forward to, and celebrated April 1st! I think my best was when I posted a thread title that said Joe had resigned as president...
My first post said: "APRIL FOOLS!!!", but nobody clicked on the thread!:oops: They just read the thread title and went bonkers.

The mods had to edit the thread title to stop the madness. I was sure I would be in trouble, but they let it slide.
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Hilarious, @Supervisor42
1. How many hours per day do you spend on the forum? (Tell the truth now! :waiting:)
2. What is your favorite wild animal?
3. What is the most annoying sound you hear (or have heard)?
4. What is the most fun thing you get to do every day?
5. What is the best/worst prank you have ever pulled on somebody (or people)?
1. Lots
2. Too many: zebra, elephant, fox.
3. Tinnitus; the cat taking a bath on my bed.
4. Walk out to my car when I get off work. 🤣
5. Nothing real great. Pretended to be a ghost in the house and totally scared my sister, middle of the day. Messing with my other older sister’s arm hairs while she was watching Dark Shadows, made her scream and jump up.
I can’t remember the newer ones.
Friday 5's. Simple and easy to copy&paste:

1. How many hours per day do you spend on the forum? (Tell the truth now! :waiting:)
2. What is your favorite wild animal?
3. What is the most annoying sound you hear (or have heard)?
4. What is the most fun thing you get to do every day?
5. What is the best/worst prank you have ever pulled on somebody (or people)?
Snow Leopard.
Bed springs. (don't ask.)
Letting a border bunny steal a three-day-old sandwich from my lunchbox and watching him hauled out on a gurney bazooka pooping himself and barfing his guts up. I warned the boss to make him stop!
So I left a sandwich in my lunchbox and in my car over a July weekend just for him. Extra mayo!
Have you ever woken up somewhere and did not know how you got there? No
What was your favorite movie character, real or fictional? Strider in LOTR
What kind of pet did you have and you said "Never again!" Hamster
When was the first time you punched somebody in the face? Never
When did you first get properly drunk? New York in the 90's. I regret nothing :D

1. How many hours per day do you spend on the forum? (Tell the truth now! :waiting:) About ten minutes in the morning and again in the afternoon, depends on if I've looking for information/recipe or there is a good debate to catch up on.
2. What is your favorite wild animal? Moose
3. What is the most annoying sound you hear (or have heard)? certain people, particularly on reality tv
4. What is the most fun thing you get to do every day? Read or hug the pets
5. What is the best/worst prank you have ever pulled on somebody (or people)? I can't of any decent ones. A friend once left a few prawns in the lining of her cheating partners curtains knowing he was away for two weeks at the height of summer.
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The best prank I ever heard was a Senior High School class, don't know where or when. Don't even know if it was real, but still a great idea. I guess in this school at the end of the year it was traditional for the Seniors to play a prank, and then ditch school for the rest of the day. This class released three live pigs to run around the school. They painted red numbers on each pig first was #1, second was #2, third was #4. The entire school students and staff spent the whole day looking for pig #3. I still laugh hearing that.
Friday 5's. Simple and easy to copy&paste:

1. How many hours per day do you spend on the forum? (Tell the truth now! :waiting:)
An hour or two total. I'm on for a while in the morning, then check in a few times later in the day.
2. What is your favorite wild animal?

j/k The lion is probably my favorite.
3. What is the most annoying sound you hear (or have heard)?
Cats barfing in the middle of the night.
4. What is the most fun thing you get to do every day?
Visit with or at least video chat with my granddaughters.
5. What is the best/worst prank you have ever pulled on somebody (or people)?
Senior prank day at my high school was a full 24 hour period where seniors were allowed to prank the whole school. The headmasters complete office was relocated to the ladies bathroom. The faculty lounge had sliding floor-to-ceiling windows which we used to fill the lounge completely with straw bales. The door opened into the lounge, so they couldn't easily remove those bales. :D
Friday 5's. Simple and easy to copy&paste:

1. How many hours per day do you spend on the forum? (Tell the truth now! :waiting:)
2. What is your favorite wild animal?
3. What is the most annoying sound you hear (or have heard)?
4. What is the most fun thing you get to do every day?
5. What is the best/worst prank you have ever pulled on somebody (or people)?
1. depends on the day and time of year, more in winter. Usually in summer, maybe 10 minutes in morning , lunch break and evening. In winter maybe an hour total. When I am discussing religion with Cannon last week it was more like 2 hours LOL (but that's an exeption)

2. elephants, lions, birds of all kinds

snoring , can't sleep when someone next to me is snoring, and even earplugs don't drown out that most annoying sound

4. I enjoy taking care of my animals but not sure you can call that "fun" when it's 15 degrees outside....
I have fun going swimming , but that's not every day. I have fun baking and cooking, but not every day. I don't think there is anything "fun" I do every day. My idea of fun is skiing down a mountain at 50mph, and I can no longer do that.

5. I don;t like people playing pranks on me at all, don't like surprises period, so I never pull pranks on anyone else either
I'm with Sonya...bad weather keeps me in, and reading a book or online. I am here right now having coffee, might check in at lunch, might not, and the evening time. A couple of hours today, I bet. And I'll think that's too much for sure.
Wild animal will be a macaw, used to raise them many years ago, and had 20 of them at one time. I love birds.
Bad sound would be people screaming at each other. Thankfully I don't hear that much.
Fun time is lunchtime, put my feet up in the recliner, have lunch with husband, and watch Wagontrain. Or bedtime, when I'm soooo tired and get into bed. I love to sleep. And time with the animals outside, but in good weather.
I don't do pranks. I get annoyed when pranked. It's not funny usually, just kinda mean.
Friday 5's. Simple and easy to copy&paste:

1. How many hours per day do you spend on the forum? (Tell the truth now! :waiting:)
2. What is your favorite wild animal?
3. What is the most annoying sound you hear (or have heard)?
4. What is the most fun thing you get to do every day?
5. What is the best/worst prank you have ever pulled on somebody (or people)?
These are new n good questions sup..

1. 0 to 1 on workdays usually..I just don't have alot of time ..but I make up fir it on weekends. I enjoy reading and interacting with you all here.

2. Humm...I love many wild critters. I've always had a special love for wolves and coyotes. The pack structure, behaviors, their beauty . My love for domesticated dogs extends to them I suppose. I understand why folks don't like them but .. I've also grown very fond of the Raven. I'd spend hours watching ravens on the coast..

3. My critters licking their butts..gah..there is a extra slurpy sound to that..maybe because they have to kinda contort a bit to reach
Or morning alarm clocks..

4. Humm..daily fun..probably eating something good..or
giving my birds a treat and watching them half fly half run towards me. I get a kick outta that.
Working on a rug or taking in the daily beauty around here..I make a effort to get some joy out of every day even if I have to work..

5. I'm not a big highschool I went along with the normal pranks like tping someone's house or putting toothpaste under Someones door handle..Im like Amish tho..I wasn't real into them and didn't like them done to me. Now that I'm remembering I was apart of ducttaping a freshman up onto a pole. Seniors got to initiate freshman the first week of our senior year, their first week as a freshman. Nowadays someone would be arrested for doing that..back then it was a honor to get picked on that first week.
Friday 5's. Simple and easy to copy&paste:

1. How many hours per day do you spend on the forum? (Tell the truth now! :waiting:)
5-6 hours a day, 7 days a week.
2. What is your favorite wild animal?
I have always been intrigued with wolves, including having a room full of oil paintings from one particular artist. They are indeed majestic creatures.
3. What is the most annoying sound you hear (or have heard)?
Any thing that whines. Whether it is a little kid whining for a piece of candy, to friends whining about how bad the food is, or my other half whining to me to schedule another vacation. I really hate whiners!
4. What is the most fun thing you get to do every day?
I like my daily walks. I like to either "just think" or listen to some great old music, which I have not heard in years while tuned into Spotify.
5. What is the best/worst prank you have ever pulled on somebody (or people)?
I went to visit my sister and her husband, who live in Hawaii. I bought a pretty little necklace for my sister, just as a way to let her know that I love her. It was nicely wrapped in a jewelry box... you know the type, all pretty blue velvet type. I also asked for an identical box, with identical wrapping to give to my brother in law, but his box contained a dried up dog turd from my little dog. I videoed the opening of gifts, and you should have seen the look on his face!

I went to visit my sister and her husband, who live in Hawaii. I bought a pretty little necklace for my sister, just as a way to let her know that I love her. It was nicely wrapped in a jewelry box... you know the type, all pretty blue velvet type. I also asked for an identical box, with identical wrapping to give to my brother in law, but his box contained a dried up dog turd from my little dog. I videoed the opening of gifts, and you should have seen the look on his face!
I would not have thought that was, did you really do that???

my friends did something funny one year for my birthday ( when I was like 10 or 11 I think) they brought this huge gift, in a wheelbarrow. I thought that was funny. I had to unpack many boxes to get into the little boxes hiding inside ( real presents LOL not poop!!)
Yes, my bro in law and I are pranksters. He once nailed my shoes to the side of his house. We went on a cruise together and he stole my menu card from the door, and replaced it with the earliest wake up call, with double prunes, and two glasses of prune juice, instead of my coffee. He also coated my cabin door with honey, so whenever I opened up the room, I got honey on my hand. This has gone back for 35 years.
Friday 5's. Simple and easy to copy&paste:

1. How many hours per day do you spend on the forum? (Tell the truth now! :waiting:)


2. What is your favorite wild animal?

Wild turkey

3. What is the most annoying sound you hear (or have heard)?

Alarm clock

4. What is the most fun thing you get to do every day?

Coffee and donuts in the morning

5. What is the best/worst prank you have ever pulled on somebody (or people)?
No pranks for me.

Proverbs 26:19

Well, a grand total of four (4) people answered my questions :(.
Even the "Indoor Chickens" thread even has 54 replies:rolleyes:, so I guess this is my 'back to top' bump...

1. How many hours per day do you spend on the forum? (Tell the truth now! :waiting:)
11-13, (I'm a junkie)🤪.
2. What is your favorite wild animal?
Oddly enough, the hummingbird. So many things about it that science can't explain, if they said they were brought here by aliens, I would believe it.
3. What is the most annoying sound you hear (or have heard)?
Worse than the Kamela Kackle, hands-down the winner is the whine of a mosquito buzzing my ear. I go bonkers slapping my hands in the air and dancing around.View attachment 171216
4. What is the most fun thing you get to do every day?
Crawling into bed, pulling the covers over my grumpy shoulder, and knowing it is absolutely the last thing I will have to do that day.:)
5. What is the best/worst prank you have ever pulled on somebody (or people)?
I have always looked forward to, and celebrated April 1st! I think my best was when I posted a thread title that said Joe had resigned as president...
My first post said: "APRIL FOOLS!!!", but nobody clicked on the thread!:oops: They just read the thread title and went bonkers.View attachment 171217
The mods had to edit the thread title to stop the madness. I was sure I would be in trouble, but they let it slide.
Why shouldn't the indoor chickens be number ONE??