Friday Fives

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Friday 5’s Gardening 3/14/25

Under the light of the Blood Moon, these questions are sown to see what grows:

1. Do you save seeds from year to year from previous crops?

2. What is your favorite garden crop?

3. Do you use compost on your garden?

4. If you use manure, what kind/species do you think works best?

5. If you need seeds, who is your favorite supplier?

Next weeks Giver is @Ozarks hillbilly
Under the light of the Blood Moon, these questions are sown to see what grows:

1. Do you save seeds from year to year from previous crops?
Nope. N/A.
2. What is your favorite garden crop?
Good question. Probably Jalapeno peppers or onions. I can't grow weed around here. LOL
3. Do you use compost on your garden?
4. If you use manure, what kind/species do you think works best?
Cow or Chicken.
5. If you need seeds, who is your favorite supplier?
41 garden supply or burpee.
Next weeks Giver is @Ozarks hillbilly
Great questions!! 1) Yes. I dry them in paper towels and freeze them in baggies. When I take them out of the freezer I wet the paper towels and let them sit a couple of weeks before planting. 2) Tomatoes. 3) No. 4) Free donkey manure🫏. 5) Tractor Supply. Awesome theme @dademoss , I'm planting this weekend!! Directly sowing seeds outside!
Friday 5’s Gardening 3/14/25

Under the light of the Blood Moon, these questions are sown to see what grows:

1. Do you save seeds from year to year from previous crops?
Some years I have, but it doesn't happen every year.
2. What is your favorite garden crop?
It's a tie between tomatoes and potatoes.
3. Do you use compost on your garden?
4. If you use manure, what kind/species do you think works best?
Don't use manure
5. If you need seeds, who is your favorite supplier?
There's a really good farm market a couple miles from my house that has a good selection. I don't recall the brands they sell, though. That same farm market has really good prices on a big variety of seedlings in the spring.

Great questions!
Saving seeds: Some I save, some I don't bother. Did save lettuce seeds last year for the first time. Usually I was just saving the larger seeds like the squashes and sunflower.
Favorite garden crop? Tomatoes, snap peas, sweet potatoes, cucumber
Compost? Kinda. I feed food scraps to the animals. And use their poop as digested compost.
Manure: I use rabbit and chicken manure. Rabbit is easier because it can go straight into the garden, and chicken manure has to age, and I have to tractor it over from the large chicken manure pile.
Seeds: If I order online, it's usually Baker Creek. They have beautiful stuff, and a good supply of heirloom, which I prefer. But there's seed I'll buy at Dollar Tree and at Atwoods, too.
Saving seeds: Some I save, some I don't bother. Did save lettuce seeds last year for the first time. Usually I was just saving the larger seeds like the squashes and sunflower.
Favorite garden crop? Tomatoes, snap peas, sweet potatoes, cucumber
Compost? Kinda. I feed food scraps to the animals. And use their poop as digested compost.
Manure: I use rabbit and chicken manure. Rabbit is easier because it can go straight into the garden, and chicken manure has to age, and I have to tractor it over from the large chicken manure pile.
Seeds: If I order online, it's usually Baker Creek. They have beautiful stuff, and a good supply of heirloom, which I prefer. But there's seed I'll buy at Dollar Tree and at Atwoods, too.
I've been looking at Baker Creek Seeds online!! I really want to plant some heirloom tomatoes, looking at a few different kinds! There's nothing like a huge slice of a great tomato on a sandwich!!
Friday 5’s Gardening 3/14/25

Under the light of the Blood Moon, these questions are sown to see what grows:

1. Do you save seeds from year to year from previous crops?

2. What is your favorite garden crop?

3. Do you use compost on your garden?

4. If you use manure, what kind/species do you think works best?

5. If you need seeds, who is your favorite supplier?

Next weeks Giver is @Ozarks hillbilly
-I've tried saving seeds but always lose them, or bugs get in, or I forget them .... So I haven't in a couple of years.
-that's an interesting question, I've never thought about a favorite! To eat is probably cucumbers, to grow is squash cuz it's so easy.
- I sort of use compost? My chickens live in the garden over the off season, and I throw them all my scraps that would normally go in the composter and they go to work on it 😄. When I clean coops, the waste goes to compost and the previous, composted bedding goes back into the garden for them to spread for me.
- I just use my chickens because they're my garden clean up crew. I bought rabbit poop one year to support a local 4her and those plants were beautiful lol. It is the best.
- I've started buying from Urban Gardener in Westfield, IN because they sell my favorite native pollinator seeds and it's easier just to make 1 order.
I saw the questions early, but sorry. I have nothing to contribute. When we were first married, we grew tomatoes. Seemed like if you lived in this area that was the thing to do. All of my wife's family had gardens, and they all grew tomatoes. I don't even like tomatoes. Ended up giving most of them away. In fact, I don't like vegetables, period. So why would I put in that much work to grow something I am going to give away?

I hope you all enjoy your gardens. I know it is a labor of love. For Gardeners they are great questions, Dademoss.
Friday 5’s Gardening 3/14/25

Under the light of the Blood Moon, these questions are sown to see what grows:

1. Do you save seeds from year to year from previous crops?

2. What is your favorite garden crop?

3. Do you use compost on your garden?

4. If you use manure, what kind/species do you think works best?

5. If you need seeds, who is your favorite supplier?

Next weeks Giver is @Ozarks hillbilly
1. no, I admit it seeds are still relatively cheap and it;s too much I just buy new ones , plus some of the stuff I grow is hybrids, saving seeds doesn't work for those

2. I love almost everything we grow...hmmmm, that's a hard one but I think tomatoes. They grow well usually, they sell well, plus they can well and there is a million things you can do with them,. Next for me would probably be cabbages and zuccini same reason
No WAIT my favorite crop Indica weed!!! Without that my life would be still miserable....

3. yes, goat and sheep manure compost, plus a little chicken manure too

4. ours works well, everything grows well here IF the weather is ok ( not too wet or too dry or too cold or hot)

5. Jung seeds in Wisconsin ( mostly non GMO and they always sprout and do well) I got a catalog in the mail when we first moved here , went to previous owner
Friday 5’s Gardening 3/14/25

Under the light of the Blood Moon, these questions are sown to see what grows:

1. Do you save seeds from year to year from previous crops?

2. What is your favorite garden crop?

3. Do you use compost on your garden?

4. If you use manure, what kind/species do you think works best?

5. If you need seeds, who is your favorite supplier?

Next weeks Giver is @Ozarks hillbilly
1: Yup
2: 🤔 just one? I like growing beans 🫘 but I also like growing peppers (but I don’t eat them).
3: Yup
4: Bunny 🐰 or sheep 🐑
5: I’ve come to get different seeds from different suppliers: totally tomatoes, big joe’s (?), strictly medicinal, etc. I don’t remember the names of the places - would have to look in my email.

Fun questions 🌱
Are those the orange colored ones?
Yeah kinda. They kinda look like those long john popsicles color-wise.

Eta: they can even still have a little green in them.
1. If I could garden yes. I'd save from the biggest of each item.

2. No favorite, grow anything.

3. Absolutely. Use table scraps and newspaper, black and white only no color. No hot stuff like peppers, onion, garlic, radishes and the like. Manure but chicken manure is hot if you use too much and burns the plant. Read up on feeding worms. Feed the worms they feed the plants.

4. Any manure is good to mix in but be careful and make sure you don't over do it with hot manures.

5. I've seen several but Burpee seems all over. I'd like to grow berries too. They have a golden variety like blackberries. Never anything from companies like Monsanto. Frankenseeds, and don't reproduce so you have to buy them every year.
1. Do you save seeds from year to year from previous crops?
Yes, and sometimes I can find them next planting season.

2. What is your favorite garden crop?
Tomatoes , both cherry and regular. Peppers, but nothing hotter than a Jalapeño.

3. Do you use compost on your garden?
I have bin for composted grass clippings to use for mulch.

4. If you use manure, what kind/species do you think works best?
Have used rabbit, chicken, but now it will be composted horse

5. If you need seeds, who is your favorite supplier?
Baker Creek/Rareseeds but I have used others for things baker creek didn't offer.

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