Friendliest chickens?

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New Friend
Feb 3, 2025
When I’m finally able to get some chickens, I want to be prepared. What starter breeds would you personally recommend for someone who really just wants a small flock of friendly little garden companions? Bonus points for friendly breeds that are also decent egg layers with pretty feathers! Any other chicken tips or recommendations are most welcome!
When I’m finally able to get some chickens, I want to be prepared. What starter breeds would you personally recommend for someone who really just wants a small flock of friendly little garden companions? Bonus points for friendly breeds that are also decent egg layers with pretty feathers! Any other chicken tips or recommendations are most welcome!
My suggestion is to get on the McMurray McMurray or Strongbergs website and order one of their catalogs. They have good descriptions of all of their breeds with their pros and cons. That's the way that we buy all of our chickens. Been buying from these hatcheries for probably 25 years.
I buy ISA browns, tractor supply has them every spring. No fuss trying to order from hatcheries or picking them up at the post office. They are usually labeled pre-sexed layers. Just ask at the store. I stop on the way out of town after getting groceries. Just buy a few and bring them home anytime I wish.

They are a hybrid developed for european laying houses in the 70’s. They have a long track record and will out lay all the heritage breeds, over 300 eggs a year. They are also extremely gentle and will imprint on you quickly. Will think you’re their moma right away.

They are also on the small side, eat less feed but still lay very large eggs. Google "ISA browns", lot of people raise them and have a lot to say about them

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My wife has tried many different breeds over the last 30 years.
Some of her favorites are Buff Orpington, Araucana, Delaware, and Plymouth Barred Rock.

As far as Araucana roosters being difficult, that can happen with any breed. The one we have right now is a mellow fellow. There is no need to put up with mean roosters. I've had to dispatch several over the years.

For good information on the different breeds, go to
They even have a forum.
It's important to pick the right breed for your area, and for what you expect out of them. For our area it's important that we pick only cold hardy birds. We also pick breeds that lay well in cold weather. We don't provide heat or lights for our hens.
Our hens have been laying all through the winter. Some people want the 300 egg per year layers. I don't mind getting hens that lay less. I'd rather have more hens to make up for slightly fewer eggs.
There are countless books out there on raising chickens, and everyone has their own ideas.
I buy ISA browns, tractor supply has them every spring. No fuss trying to order from hatcheries or picking them up at the post office. They are usually labeled pre-sexed layers. Just ask at the store. I stop on the way out of town after getting groceries. Just buy a few and bring them home anytime I wish.

They are a hybrid developed for european laying houses in the 70’s. They have a long track record and will out lay all the heritage breeds, over 300 eggs a year. They are also extremely gentle and will imprint on you quickly. Will think you’re their moma right away.

They are also on the small side, eat less feed but still lay very large eggs. Google "ISA browns", lot of people raise them and have a lot to say about them

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I think with pics of them crawling on your legs, you pretty much nailed "friendly" 😍.:thumbs:

(aren't you glad I didn't post my friendliest... is 'fried'? :oops:🤣)
oops. :(
Over the last 20yrs I've tried several other breeds. One year after getting wiped out by a raccoon I hatched out eggs from a neighbor. Don't know what breed they were but looked like a sea gull got in the hen house. 🤣 Ugliest chickens I've ever seen. None had all the pluses ISA browns have. Especially convenience, I don't have to order by the dozen from a hatchery then meet them at the post office. I just stop by TSC and buy 5, 7 or 10, what ever number I wish and take them home. And they are little laying machines... they crank out the eggs.
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Most feed stores have spring chick days, and that's certainly a good place to source your chick's. There's several reasons why we don't buy chick's from our farm/ranch supply store;

1). It's over a 200 mile round trip
2). When they have their chick days we still have cold weather and 4 feet of snow at our place
3). We like to actually hold a catalog and chose only the chick's we want. We plan over the winter sitting by the wood stove at our leisure
4). The hatchery will send our order when it's the best timing for us
5). Our post office is only a 40 mile round trip vs. 200 miles to the feed store
6). We have rarely ever lost a chick through the mail

Everyone's situation is different, so chose what works best for you.
We have mostly Buff Orps, Jersey Giants, Americauna, Easter Egger, Russian Orlaf. And a mix of all of them, barnyard mix at this point. I added 5 Barred Rock supposed pullets (hen) from the feed store last year and they all turned out to be roosters. The last of those two will be butchered in a couple weeks along with about 8 more roosters. So, I like heavy weight mellow birds, and I have two very large coops, so at this point, they are barnyard mix babies. Just add in a few newbies from the store here in there.
We have some Salmon Faverolle hens. They are friendly birds. And considered a duel purpose breed. They don't lay as many eggs as some other breeds though. We also have some Bielfelders. They lay more eggs and are also considered duel purpose birds. I really like the Lemon Cuckoos, probably misspelled the name.
Some Anconas are always good to have around too. They do a good job of always looking out for danger from the air and will alert the other birds. Ginger Broilers are really good meat chickens.
I've enjoyed the Black Astrolop breed over the years..cold hardy, friendly, duel purpose n good mama's and my old rooster ..Capt. Jack is a funny goofy big guy. Very chill breed but I have added some color to my flock.
I only get cold hardy breeds where I'm at as well.
So like mountain trapper already mentioned..maybe start looking at breeds that will be able to handle the weather conditions in your area. That will give you a starting point on what breeds you can look at to begin with.
I agree with most of what is said here. Orpingtons at the top for friendly and decent layers. Nobody mentioned Cochins, super sweet and pretty quiet, average layers and cute feathered feet.

I have mostly Easter eggers and production red type hens because they are cray cray and seem to survive better in the woods where we live. My rooster is a big ol splash Marans. I have 4 more EEs coming next month and 8 or 10 D'uccles. They are a bantam breed, not good layers, but super in the personaility department.. feathered. legs.

One BIG warning: Chickens can be addictive, and chicken math is a real thing.
As a child we had wild chicken, no pen they lived in the trees or barn/horse stable.
We did not feed them, we would listen to the hens to find the eggs. Every spring there would be twenty or so chicks, because we missed a nest of eggs.
Today I would buy black Australorp, they are a cross from down under & do good in pasture. Pasture chickens get up to 40% of their food from the land & they are healthier & so are their eggs. The pasture egg have more than DV of store bought eggs.
As a child we had wild chicken, no pen they lived in the trees or barn/horse stable.
We did not feed them, we would listen to the hens to find the eggs. Every spring there would be twenty or so chicks, because we missed a nest of eggs.
Today I would buy black Australorp, they are a cross from down under & do good in pasture. Pasture chickens get up to 40% of their food from the land & they are healthier & so are their eggs. The pasture egg have more than DV of store bought eggs.
We have too many predators here to let our chickens run loose. But I did fence in about a half acre that they can run in. Plus I started last fall on fencing in 10 acres for some pasture pigs. The chickens will have run of that area too. During winter the chickens stay pretty close to the coop. Chickens don't like snow very much, while the ducks don't seem to mind it.
We have too many predators here to let our chickens run loose. But I did fence in about a half acre that they can run in. Plus I started last fall on fencing in 10 acres for some pasture pigs. The chickens will have run of that area too. During winter the chickens stay pretty close to the coop. Chickens don't like snow very much, while the ducks don't seem to mind it.
Once in a blue moon, we would find lots of feathers & no chicken, father said hawk, but it could have been a fox. I never saw wildcats or black bears, but they lived in the swamp. We had chicken snakes & rodents, like everyone.
I saw a bear proof hog pen, made of large logs in a Foxfire book, so I know mountain people had more predators than us sandlappers.
Once in a blue moon, we would find lots of feathers & no chicken, father said hawk, but it could have been a fox. I never saw wildcats or black bears, but they lived in the swamp. We had chicken snakes & rodents, like everyone.
I saw a bear proof hog pen, made of large logs in a Foxfire book, so I know mountain people had more predators than us sandlappers.
We have bear, mountain lions, wolves, fox, coyotes, bobcats and snakes up here. For the chicken runs I use 5 and 6 foot high 2×4" wire. The fencing that I'm using on the pasture pig run is made from 4 foot high hog panels with 2 strands of barb wire on top. So far nothing has gotten in.
I've read some of those Fox Fire books, and no way would I want to live anything like that.
Once in a blue moon, we would find lots of feathers & no chicken, father said hawk,
We had one last year take a few . I saw him do it and chased him off . Then we put a big plastic owl with a head that turns in the wind on top of the baby coop and the hawk didn't take any more.
But they are all in a fenced pasture . We had them running around unfenced when we first moved here and a racoon killed most of them. DId shoot the stupid racoon out of a tree it climbed . I think they are my least favorite animals right after ticks and cockroaches.

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