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It was better than watching Fox news-feed.
At least reasoning adults know the movie was fertilize.
Still, the Idea of an earth where Tesla made it and Edison flopped intrigued me.
Imagine electricity pulled right out of the air! no wires to burn in a Carrington event!
The south won the civil war there I expect.
We are wonderful! #2 son and his lovely bride were over. She surprised me with a kiss on the cheek and then asked if the cigarette that I just made was hers.... I'm easy - a kiss will get you anything I have to give. She is a very special lady and I have known her as long as my son has. (middle school)
My wife and I are doing very well. we had a light discussion the other day and it seemed she cut it short quickly. I asked her if there was something I could do for her - you know a spanking or ropes or something ... There was a moment of blank stare and then she showed her sadness. I held her and she explained that she was in a mild depression (it happens at the seasonal changes) but the recognition was enough to change it. She got told that if she had a problem then we had a problem and I was the ONLY one that could have a problem that was my own - insert laughter here - and we were good again. I am glad she finds me funny.
well...I'm not sure where I left off on here honestly but a few things have happened in the last 2 years.
when I write this please know Im laughing because alot of it sounds like a depressing country
In the moment it was another few of those character building stages in life..but life goes on here on my homestead and it's not all dreary, I feel blessed to have such rich and meaningful experiences and as wierd as it might seem...well timed in my life's story in this Universe.
Of course it took some retrospect too appreciate how it all played out and some faith in the moment that for better or worse..this is my path so I have to roll with it.
So, I'd been dealing with a few health issues, the main issue that bothered me was my daily energy was fading, feeling beat up and tired, having issues driving home when Im on nightshift and just generally blah.
I've been working a high energy job at the mill and I have my homestead. I turned 50 last year and the doctor just kept saying your going through menopause. I kept saying it's got to be more..I went from a high energy person to dragging my butt, tired and beat up.
I found out last fall Ive been dealing with being hypothryoid after I insisted they check my thryoid levels.
Rewind back to about 2 years ago feeling pretty wiped out, my truck engine blew up.
So, I ended up putting a new engine in it as it was the cheapest option at the time. However the first engine was a total lemon and that took a year for chevy to get it right. Luckily, I have a 3 year warrentee on the new engine, so Im on engine #2 now.
Shortly, after my engine blew, I was tired of driving 60 miles a day to work, tired of busting my tired butt at work, not realizing It was a medical condition I was dealing with and I quit the mill and started working at the local store. Not alot of money but closer and not as physically demanding.
Shortly after I started the store, my sweet boy Hooch's kidney failed and I had to put him down. He is the handsome doggo in my thumbnail.
What a true blessing it was to have the few weeks I had left with him. Since I was closer to home and not alot of hours, I had more time at home and induldge my friend with walks and all that daily good stuff.

Unfortunetly, I have to go to work now. I am back at the mill. I will write more later :)

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