Yall nitice how we took the OP's original sales pitch and turned it into a 3 page conversation .
Are we that bad? I actually enjoyed reading every ones posts.
I noticed the guy who placed this post, took a defensive position on everything we pointed out. I get the guy was trying to make a commission, thinking he could just enter as a new member and entice each of simply because we were preppers. Granted, who wouldn't want something like that in the event of a nuclear blast. However, I don't think the facility realistically meets the planning requirements that we all see might happen in a real event. In fact, I find nuclear (MAD) the least of our worries. However, my point was simply that infrastructure could easily be defeated and was a security risk, requiring a competent defensive consultant to deter it from outside aggressors. I did find it hilarious, he used words like U.S. Special Forces and the other comment, which soured me from commenting any further. Wow, like I was impressed with the words U.S. Special Forces...you wouldn't anything that elite to take the facility down, just a determined force and as he commented, the owner had a plan in place. No offense, we all have plans, but I've learned not to place over the years everything into a stationary point.
As for bunkers, I've been a proponent for them, partially because I live in Tornado Alley (as I've said to some of our DPF members, realistically, that has a higher Z factor in determining my prep planning, rather than the nuclear fall-out issue. My stance only, bunkers or like facilities have and always be a temporary shelter, they are not meant to be cohabitated for extended periods, despite what those so called experts profess or the commercial builders state as the maximum time. I'd like to think of bunkers no different that the early sailing ships. The holds were dank, dirty and at times death traps...like many of us who are ardent followers of the theory that we must plan for self-sufficiency and protracted subsistence planning, I've often wondered how long a hydroponic bay using UV lighting will help my plants grow. I've played with oranges, lemons, apples, berries, not to mention most vegetables using UV and other methods underground. The yields have been somewhat up and down, and while I continue to test them and enter my data. I often wonder, when I see these commercial folks or the guy that used this post, why people believe they are simply safe behind thousands of tons of concrete or steel without having a redundant planning and logistical system.
In a follow-up comment: I know that our nuclear deterrent now revolves around a squadron of B-2 Bombers and the Ohio boats. The three active missile wings have been in the news lately, with everything from the general being removed to the cheating scandal with missile officers. I still believe it would be simply madness to launch our inventories unless we wanted to create a dead world. I think the leaders in the 60's and 80's, both realized it. Possibly also, why the United States still has analog communication systems in their missile command centers as their only means to communicate with the "Go Codes". Note: One good thing is that with analog, your not going to have the Chinese hack into it.
I've read many comments on this one and smiled to think we are all singing pretty much off the same page, hence why I think the guy, knew he was not going anywhere with us, possibly also why he hasn't returned since September. I have always appreciated DPF member's solidarity and friendship. One of the few markings of a great website and why we continue to learn from each other.