Garden 2021

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I had some time in the garden today and gathered this.


Starting at the far left and working clockwise

Wild garlic (allium canadas) bulbiles and a few seed heads.

Wild garlic bulbs. Having been grown in good dirt they are much larger than what found in the yard last year. I plan to plant these cloves the end of September spaced about 4 inches apart in the hops they will develop larger bulbs and cloves. The bulbiles will get planted at the same time along with the tame garlic

Yellow onion that didn't get pulled last year.. I let a few go to seed and I will collect those.

Bunching onion seed heads to harvest seeds from them.

Bunching onions.

Egyptian walking onions. I gathered hundreds of the bulbiles and tossed them in an empty raised bed. They seem to take care of themselves so I just threw them in. That box should be thick with them next year.

Red onions left over from last year.

In the process of harvesting the walking onions, I discovered we have 3 Paw Paw trees. The third we thought was dead came back after all.

Not bad for not planting anything this year.

All I know about eggplants is they are purple but this site says...

When an eggplant has flowers but no fruit, this is due to one of two issues. The first thing that can cause eggplant flowers to fall off is a lack of water and the other is a lack of pollination.

Read more at Gardening Know How: What To Do For Eggplant Blossoms Drying Out And Falling Off StackPath
@Bacpacker I bought mullein seed too (see @Peanut laughing at us?) I almost laughed when I saw your post. Then I remembered I bought it too, from Baker. It is so tiny. I still have some from what I had gathered a while back (years) and it was still good to grow.
Mullein grows wild here, but it stopped coming up one year & I do not know why. I did not save seeds.
The hail fabric is definitely gonna happen. I had 5 beautiful bunches of grapes. Now I have 2 or 3 grapes on each bunch instead of a dozen or so..😥. No jelly for me. Overall the grape plants aren't too bad. The potatoes are beat up but my corn... It looks more like Johnson grass now. On a good note, I finally have green beans coming up in the greenhouse! Only took them 2 1/2 weeks to germinate.

The tan mineral tub in the background of the 3rd picture is just over half way full of rain from yesterday's storm.
This coming week is all about preparing for the new things I'm planting. After some planning, I'll be getting some containers.

Since my plants growth is back on track, I'm seeing huge progress, especially with the watermelon.
The spinach just sprouted.

I need to make a habit of adding to the compost bin. I still throw stuff away out of habit. And I need to put the bin in a more accessible place.
I got a couple of designs for vertical gardening and I'll be getting a quote on them some time this week.
I'm also thinking of renting some space in the little garden next door for the corn I ordered.

I downloaded two audiobooks on gardening. It'll be much easier to learn a bit while doing something else.
Picked almost 5 gallons of maters, 10-12 cucumbers, banana peppers, and my 2nd bed on onions. Got 4 5 gallon buckets from it. On the down side I threw away probably 15-20 onions that were at some stage of rot right in the bed. Not sure what happened with those. I've still got a 100' row left to pull, but they are just now bulbing. Wish we'd get some rain for them and the other stuff in that area. I don't have any drip systems down there.
Yesterday I trimmed out all the damaged leaves in my older squash plants (had an infestation of squash beetles) If I found eggs or the leaves were badly wilted I removed then at the root and put them directly into a bag, wasn't much left, then I added soil over the base of the plant and sprayed them down. I had 1 plant in the front that was really bad, then I found that it also had lots of vine borers, I just removed the plant whole, then sprayed down the container with bug juice. I was pleased to see that the plants I trimmed back had new growth showing this morning and blooms opening up. The second planting of squash yielded their first fruits today, half a dozen nice summer squash.

The tomato sauce I canned on Saturday looks nice, this morning the tomato plants have enough red fruit for about half a batch of sauce.
Does anyone have a method for dealing with Colorado Potato beetles that has really worked well for you? If I don't get them under control soon I will probably loose half my potatoe plants :cry:
BT spray: bt spray home depot
One of my favorite non-toxic insect control methods is the use of Bacillus thuringiensis, also referred to as BT. This bacteria will poison the potato bugs and work as an effective organic insecticide for many other species of garden pest as well.Jan 11, 2019
Does anyone have a method for dealing with Colorado Potato beetles that has really worked well for you? If I don't get them under control soon I will probably loose half my potatoe plants :cry:
A sacrificial variety works
Sevens dust

If less than 40% of the leaves are damaged it should be ok.

Thanks Elk. I'll give that a shot.
One thing I've notice last 2 years, I've only grown Yukon golds. I have saw a total of 2 beetles and 1 egg mass in that time. Growing Kennebec in the past, it was an ongoing battle to keep them at bay
I grow 5 varieties and the kennebec get hit but the other varieties barely. It has been at last 7 years since I had to use Sevins dist.
