Garden 2021

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I'm worried about my watermelons. One is blooming, the other isn't. They've been planted at the same time, but behind the other in terms of growth. Slightly worried but I'll see how it develops. But does anyone have any ideas of what it could mean? Or how to speed it up if there is something wrong? I don't even know if there is anything wrong.
This mornings harvest. 4 cucumbers,a zucchini,2 sweet peppers, a couple black krims, a couple of hybrids I forget the name of lol, and loads of cherry tomatoes(sweet 100's) also the indigo cherry I'm trying this year is doing pretty well. I've noticed they take longer to ripen than other cherrys
garden2021 001.JPG
I have my ground broken up and composted with manure from my chickens sitting ready for an experimental winter garden . Inspired by our Canadian member " Rebecca " have brussels sprouts seeds waiting for planting and a touted cold weather spinach variety seeds for planting . I am living in Arkansas so with a row cover , have hopes of it succeeding . If this works it will be a huge thing for us in our survival quest . ----- Last night we picked and ate the biggest egg plant that I have grown in my lifetime . That bad boy was the basic meal for three adults as we called in our neighboring daugther-in -law for the feast . The plant it came from is in itself huge . This is a heirloom variety so I definitely plan on letting one of the fruits to fully mature for seed harvesting . These seeds I bought from " Seed King Express "out of Houston Texas , via computer . On my receipt it reads " Florida market Eggplant Seeds " .
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This morning I harvested green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, egg plant, and potatoes.... I wasn't planning to harvest potatoes, I thought they had died and I wanted to reclaim the soil from of the container, got about 2 gallons of taters out of the 15 gallon bucket...

Then I reconditioned one raised bed and planted sugar snap peas. I got around to the side yard and added 3" of reclaimed soil into a bed on the south wall, planted 2 3'X3' squares of bush beans separated some beets. (Carrying soil in 5 gallon buckets sucks...)

I finally have rain barrel water connected to the south wall raised beds, 1 less place to have to drag a hose to....

While I was picking green beans this morning I heard what sounded like a bee next to my ear, I looked over and about 6" from my face is this little humming bird, it is truly amazing that things that show up as you are quietly working in the garden.
This morning I harvested green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, egg plant, and potatoes.... I wasn't planning to harvest potatoes, I thought they had died and I wanted to reclaim the soil from of the container, got about 2 gallons of taters out of the 15 gallon bucket...

Then I reconditioned one raised bed and planted sugar snap peas. I got around to the side yard and added 3" of reclaimed soil into a bed on the south wall, planted 2 3'X3' squares of bush beans separated some beets. (Carrying soil in 5 gallon buckets sucks...)

I finally have rain barrel water connected to the south wall raised beds, 1 less place to have to drag a hose to....

While I was picking green beans this morning I heard what sounded like a bee next to my ear, I looked over and about 6" from my face is this little humming bird, it is truly amazing that things that show up as you are quietly working in the garden.
I was sitting on a bucket for a short break while picking corn the other night. A hummer flew right up to me so close I could easily have touched it. Gave me a nice view for maybe 10 seconds. Amazing little birds
I started making the plant stand. It's too low for my liking so hopefully tomorrow I'll add to it. Otherwise, it'll be Tuesday.

The spinach is growing nicely. The watermelon I was worried about turned out to be nothing. Just had to wait a few hours. My sister told me yesterday planting is a good exercise in patience for me, and I agree!
I started making the plant stand. It's too low for my liking so hopefully tomorrow I'll add to it. Otherwise, it'll be Tuesday.

The spinach is growing nicely. The watermelon I was worried about turned out to be nothing. Just had to wait a few hours. My sister told me yesterday planting is a good exercise in patience for me, and I agree!
If you are impatient grow corn.

You almost watch that stuff gow.

In case you have never grown corn...

Grow the plants in close cluster to aid in pollination. I grow mine in 4x4 foot beds with 25 plants in each bed. The seedlings transplant well so if 2 come up in one spot but none in another just move them around.


Never have. Thank you!
When I was a teen we had a small vegetable garden but I rarely paid attention to it. It's my sister who when reminded me we had one. Corn was growing in that garden. I wish I had been more interested in growing food then.

I was watching this video a few days ago and the man gives tips on growing corn. What do you think?

I love this guy. I do plant corn close when I do three sister. My Father planted dent corn in March for animal feed & sweet corn in may with beans, tomatoes. So we would eat field corn(dent) until sweet corn came in. I never knew a corn snob until I was a grown man.
Never have. Thank you!
When I was a teen we had a small vegetable garden but I rarely paid attention to it. It's my sister who when reminded me we had one. Corn was growing in that garden. I wish I had been more interested in growing food then.

I was watching this video a few days ago and the man gives tips on growing corn. What do you think?

He confirmed what I wrote. How can i argue?

rocks and more rocks with black soil in between is more like it. you know i started this garden last year to be my dream garden. its going to take awhile. but i am getting piles of slash from tree tops we are cutting now. i be burning lots for bio char come winter and soaking it in urine,worm casting tea etc. to charge it up.

its only beautiful if it produces..long time till harvest.
I keep screening out rocks. It takes a while, but I like the result.
Our only south facing windows are the 2 smaller bedroom windows and a bathroom window. Our larger windows face north. Sooo, yesterday when I saw one of those cheap little greenhouses on clearance for $30 I got one :) I've never had the opportunity to use a greenhouse so I'm sure there will be a learning curve come spring, but figured it's better to get it now while available.
Ordered more seed because it was too cold and my bean seeds rotted in the ground. At the feed store they had a display of seedlings and I snagged two punnets of snow peas to fill in the skips in the row. Skips in rows do my head in. Also got a comfrey plan and two punnets of nappa cabbage.
Today, I worked in the raised bed that I weeded last week, I added 60 gallons of recycled soil and 2 large bags on potting mix on top. I planted bush beans, onions, and beets for a winter harvest, it is on the south side of the house and gets full sun all day so they have a chance.

Then I replanted one of the 20 gallon tubs with potatoes, I put about 8" of dried leaves in the bottom, then a little recycled soil, then the taters, then about 3" more soil.... As the sprout I will add more soil a few inches at a time, until the container is full.

While I was working out there a humming bird buzzed my head, they are a lot of fun..

The wife made squash bread and it turned out great very close to pumpkin bread, I like mine with a glaze of butter, the wife likes hers with a little whipped cream. I saw more squash in the garden, but my wife made 2 squash casseroles and 3 loaves of bread trying to get what we had out of the fridge and I don't think she will be happy if I fill it backup with squash today.....
I ended up harvesting a mess of green beans, noticed some of the plants looked sick, something had been eating their roots at the base, so I pulled 2 plantings of them, cleaned the soil, tilled it down about a foot to work up any deep roots, raked it clean and replanted with some spinach, lettuce, and onions.....

Now that the water barrels are all hooked up and working I decided to move the picnic table containers to a small rack along the north side of the barrels, then I hooked up a water line for them and added emitters. I think that all but 6 plants and 5 trees are now on the irrigation system, at this rate by the time summer ends I will have everything covered by the irrigation system for next year....

That being said, after I watered tonight I only have 150 gallons left in the system, hope it rains in the next couple of days....

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