the potawatomi lima beans i am growing came from link joel provided above...nature and nurture seeds.
Way to go first timer! Congrats.
Them folks know how to grow collards!Here they are from last year View attachment 72278. Huge broccoli also
Looks nice... glad someone did well.My corn is growing great this year. The field corn, despite the hail damage is over 10ft and we may actually get a harvest. The sweet corn is about 5 1/2 ft tall. The field corn is behind it.
View attachment 72462
I've got to dig back thru my notes and see what those squash are. I just don't remember. I am saving seed though. They are small, but very productive. I'd be glad to share some if you want to see how they do out west.Last year Oct. 1, I pulled my tomato plants I was to tired of tomatoes and had done so many. This year, I am still at it and am going to take all I can get. We also have beans growing like crazy which I'm thankful for . I don't need any more green beans canned, but we're eating them fresh and leaving some for beans. Something just keeps telling me to store up as much as I can. I picked 3 big bowls of tomatoes this evening and will try to get them juiced before work tomorrow.
@Bacpacker What kind of squash are those?
I was going to try to make it to our little farm-store down the road that has good things, but they close at 5 and I couldn't get out of work early enough. Maybe tomorrow. I want to get some more onions and spaghetti squash and a few delicatas. I have dug a little deeper in growing squashes that won't cross w/ pumpkins. I have giant pumpkins to the east and regular to the west. That eliminates 2 of the 4 squash groups. I can grow cushaw or butternuts. I like cushaw so maybe next spring.
(PS thank you everyone who chimed in on the 4 squash types thread.) Seems like there's always more to learn.
I've got to dig back thru my notes and see what those squash are. They are small, but very productive.