Garden 2021

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I only have okra and some late zippier peas left, planted the peas after gathering October beans. I wanted to plant some kale and collards but wher I buy plants ,the plants were ateup with bugs, nothing left nearly of the plants, so ther is a farm about a mile up the road,that raises such big beautiful collards for 3$ a huge bunch so I will buy some from them.
A coupla things: I picked 2 big bowls of tomatoes today - best picking yet. It's supposed to rain tonight/tomorrow so I covered the 4 plants that are most loaded hoping they don't split. Quite a few that will be ready in a few more days.
Also, you folks taught me something. I didn't know what determinate and indeterminate meant w/ respect to tomatoes. Germans are definitely indeterminate!!! Up the mountain, we had a good year once and the tomatoes grew to about 5'. I don't remember which kind. Here they just create a jungle. This year they are weird due to the excessive heat for 2 months straight, but the German is a monster. The first fruit from it should be about perfect when Hubby comes back from hunting.
Also, also, you all make me feel better. I can't seem to grow corn, but thought it was just me. Maybe but not definitely. This year the corn was smaller here again due to the heat. @Amish Heart That's a nice neighbor!
Here they are from last year View attachment 72278. Huge broccoli also
Them folks know how to grow collards!

My corn is growing great this year. The field corn, despite the hail damage is over 10ft and we may actually get a harvest. The sweet corn is about 5 1/2 ft tall. The field corn is behind it.
View attachment 72462
Looks nice... glad someone did well.

I felt so bad for dad when he accidentally plowed up the few corn plants we had growing... He was so embarrassed
I covered my tomatoes during the rains & so far it looks like they are okay. It wasn't rain like most of you have encountered.
Also, my beans are finally coming on! Crazy - they should be long gone, and they are now getting a bunch of young beans and many ripening. I'm not complaining - am happy. I've spent the past 3 days in the kitchen preserving food. I told Hubby I just feel the need to preserve as much food as possible.
field report. i dont like to give up late in season gardening. so in the heat i planted my fall garden in end of starting endish of july. i planted early sunglow sweet corn on july 16th and harvested first ears today sept 23rd...69 days from seed in dirt to ear in basket. not bad at all. the tomatoes i cloned are looking nice and filled with green tomatoes. might get to eat fresh tomatoes into october even after first frost around 8th we usually get.

Last year Oct. 1, I pulled my tomato plants I was to tired of tomatoes and had done so many. This year, I am still at it and am going to take all I can get. We also have beans growing like crazy which I'm thankful for . I don't need any more green beans canned, but we're eating them fresh and leaving some for beans. Something just keeps telling me to store up as much as I can. I picked 3 big bowls of tomatoes this evening and will try to get them juiced before work tomorrow.
@Bacpacker What kind of squash are those?
I was going to try to make it to our little farm-store down the road that has good things, but they close at 5 and I couldn't get out of work early enough. Maybe tomorrow. I want to get some more onions and spaghetti squash and a few delicatas. I have dug a little deeper in growing squashes that won't cross w/ pumpkins. I have giant pumpkins to the east and regular to the west. That eliminates 2 of the 4 squash groups. I can grow cushaw or butternuts. I like cushaw so maybe next spring.
(PS thank you everyone who chimed in on the 4 squash types thread.) Seems like there's always more to learn.
It seems that everyone around us has pulled their gardens, too. I don't know why, because we're still getting a bucket of tomatoes and lots of peppers every single day. My green beans should be ready in a few weeks, too. Alot of the amish women think their gardens have to look perfect all the time, no weeds, nice rows. My cousins daughter pulled all hers out and tilled it because she didn't have the time to keep it perfect looking. I'm letting ours go as long as possible....loading up the dehydrator every day, canning alot, and freezing what I have room for.
Our tomatoes are done for us except for the cherry tomatoes. We’ve now pulled all the tomatoes except the two remaining producing cherry tomato plants.
Bell peppers have all of a sudden started going crazy. Eating a lot and putting a lot away.
Canned 9 more pints of pickled jalapeños with the last of the jalapeños. They are tiny now and not doing well so it’s time to pull the plants this weekend.
Zucchini and squash are still producing good enough for bread making. Not great for eating otherwise so we’re making bread to put in the freezer.
Corn plants are all pulled. Same with cucumber plants.
Cantaloupe is done so those plants are now pulled. Have a ton in the freezer for the freeze drier.
Getting a few decent watermelons so keeping them going for now. At the least I’m getting some good enough to put in the freeze drier. Supposed to be a really tasty treat so we will see how that goes.
Pumpkins, crookneck, spaghetti squash and harvest moons are all still going so we’re trying to keep as much as we can put away.
Wishing we could have had a fall garden this year it just wasn’t meant to be.
Last year Oct. 1, I pulled my tomato plants I was to tired of tomatoes and had done so many. This year, I am still at it and am going to take all I can get. We also have beans growing like crazy which I'm thankful for . I don't need any more green beans canned, but we're eating them fresh and leaving some for beans. Something just keeps telling me to store up as much as I can. I picked 3 big bowls of tomatoes this evening and will try to get them juiced before work tomorrow.
@Bacpacker What kind of squash are those?
I was going to try to make it to our little farm-store down the road that has good things, but they close at 5 and I couldn't get out of work early enough. Maybe tomorrow. I want to get some more onions and spaghetti squash and a few delicatas. I have dug a little deeper in growing squashes that won't cross w/ pumpkins. I have giant pumpkins to the east and regular to the west. That eliminates 2 of the 4 squash groups. I can grow cushaw or butternuts. I like cushaw so maybe next spring.
(PS thank you everyone who chimed in on the 4 squash types thread.) Seems like there's always more to learn.
I've got to dig back thru my notes and see what those squash are. I just don't remember. I am saving seed though. They are small, but very productive. I'd be glad to share some if you want to see how they do out west.
My tomatoes are still heavy with green tomatoes.
Sweet potatoes are still growing like crazy.
Watermelons are coming on.
Grand daughters carrots are going strong still.
Eggplant is starting to set fruit.
Cabbages are still alive.
Even the Okra is still going strong.
Next year I will have approx 48 raised beds for gardening instead of grass between my place and the sidewalk.
All the green space will be replaced with concrete.
My complex thinks it will easier to take care of the place.
My garden basically thrived on neglect this year due to my Dad's illness.
Yesterday I winterized 3 of my raised beds with new plastic top material and plantings of spinach, romaine, and onions. I had planted some marigolds as a pest control, but they grew to 5' high and overwhelmed my small spaces, I pulled them out to find sun starved beets and onions under them...

caterpillars got to my broccoli, so I just pulled the plants with the bugs attached...

I planted 2 types of bush beans and I have gotten two batches for canning off the small patch of Jade Beans along the south wall, the other bush beans on the west side of the lot produce okay but just didn't have the "look" for a good canning bean, we just cooked them up with bacon and potatoes... :)

I harvested tomatoes on Friday and made tomato sauce last night, yesterday I notice a bunch more have changed colors (I have lots of green ones out there that will need to be harvested over the next few weeks).

The peppers are producing slowly now and it is difficult to have enough ready to can them, either I don't have enough or the ones in the fridge go bad....

My laurel plants (Bay Leaves) are doing well in the house and I am trying to get the 2 growing stations operational again for the winter,

Years ago I did a very bad thing, I made a wire run to an unpowered outlet in the house to an outlet outside the house by the back door Kind of a 8===8 type of arrangement. Then I made up a couple of short suicide (male to male) extension cables (with lighted ends to show if it is powered), this is a very bad thing and you should not do it, but I did it anyway. The inside outlet happens to be right next to my growing station, so I can now use it to port power from my outside solar generator box to my indoor growing station (with the doors and windows closed). Anyhow that is how I am going to be able to use sunlight to power my indoor growing stations this year.....
There won't be any seeds sold here until May. Totally useless if they need to be started early. Even then, it's expensive and the packets hardly have any seeds in them.

It is squash season now, and there is hardly any variety. I found a few new ones on the weekly fruit and veg truck last week and bought two of each, just to get the seeds.