@WVDragonlady Good to "see" you

Don't you have the new green house closer to the house now? (or am I mis-remembering?) How's it going? You like it?
@UrbanHunter I am inferior to many/most on this thread, but when you transplant your tender plants outdoors, do you water them in with manure tea? It gives them a little extra boost to help them through the shock. Also on companion planting, I've done some with mixed results. My joke is it really doesn't matter what I plant. It's God's garden and He has a sense of humor. Last year I had millet come up in my garlic. I did not plant millet, but there it was. Basil at the base of tomatoes does well. Had sunflowers amongst the cauliflower. I never planted sunflowers. We do have a lot of birds around here which could explain some things. This year so far, I have a couple either beans or peas coming up in the onions. I might have mentioned before, but have you read "My Handkerchief Garden"? It's free on Gutenberg.org & has some great ideas about intense gardening in small areas.
@Peanut Thank you for that chart. I have all of those but catnip and marigolds. We get plenty of aphids so will be planting a few in between the brussels and broccoli.
@elkhound That's a nice grinder! Should serve you well for a long time.
That's a lot of responses and still probably missed some. I'm finally catching up on this thread.
After the chat about store bought vs. seed spuds, I'm doing a little experiment. So far my seed spuds are sprouted a good inch or two and the store bought are just emerging. In all fairness, the seed spuds were further along when I planted them so it will be interesting to see what happens come harvest.
I have a couple artichokes planted, carrots seeded, onions and garlic are looking good, bush beans are sprouted, only 1 pole bean sprouted so replanted them this morning. Cilantro is sprouted, volunteer lettuce, and a few mystery plants. I need to go out and get busy again. We will go to the nursery this weekend so will be busy out there in the dirt getting tomatoes, peppers, etc. all bought and in the dirt.
Oh, my peanutbutter isn't sprouting yet. I might need to reseed that too. (I'm not growing peanuts. I'm growing peanutbutter
