Garden 2022

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Husband bought a timer for ours, got on Amazon. Urban sent me a link. We put them up with zip ties. I haven't used the timer because I haven't turned them off. I keep them a little close to the light with the kleenex box risers, then take them off the kleenex boxes when they grow a bit. I have two warming mats, but haven't seen much difference on the ones with the warming mats and the ones not. Our basement, though, stays temp stable, since there's no windows and only one door to get into it.
Husband bought a timer for ours, got on Amazon. Urban sent me a link. We put them up with zip ties. I haven't used the timer because I haven't turned them off. I keep them a little close to the light with the kleenex box risers, then take them off the kleenex boxes when they grow a bit. I have two warming mats, but haven't seen much difference on the ones with the warming mats and the ones not. Our basement, though, stays temp stable, since there's no windows and only one door to get into it.

So you leave the lights on 24/7 ?
The lights came with a pulley system for raising and lowering them, I don't know how high to put it over the plant or how long they should be on at a time.
I find that the plants like it when their top leaves are a couple of inches below the lights. I have mine on a timer from 04:00 until 17:00 each day, I have them rigged up to take power from the grid until 11:00 and then pull from the solar panels/battery bank/inverter till 16:00, when they switch back to the grid. I am using 2 timers and an automatic transfer switch. The LED lights draw 840 watts. I use a mix of the grow lights and regular LED white light, my light bars are spaced every 4 inches. I used wire ties to attach the light bars to the bottom of my shelves, I have 7 shelves with different height spacing to allow me to move the plants as they grow.
I find that the plants like it when their top leaves are a couple of inches below the lights. I have mine on a timer from 04:00 until 17:00 each day, I have them rigged up to take power from the grid until 11:00 and then pull from the solar panels/battery bank/inverter till 16:00, when they switch back to the grid. I am using 2 timers and an automatic transfer switch. The LED lights draw 840 watts. I use a mix of the grow lights and regular LED white light, my light bars are spaced every 4 inches. I used wire ties to attach the light bars to the bottom of my shelves, I have 7 shelves with different height spacing to allow me to move the plants as they grow.

Thank you for the help!
I keep my lights as close as possible without touching. I use tin foil all around and over the lights to keep the light strong throughout. I have s hooks on the shelf above the lights and chains to hang them. The s hooks and chains let me quickly adjust the height of the lights.
I got material for my grow room and got it framed today. After the stroke some days I just don’t do as well as others today was one of those days, it’s like I don’t think as clear as I did before. I have 7/16 osb for the outside and 1 1/2 foam for insulation and double bubble foil for the inside walls and ceiling. I did get it wired for lights and fans as well. Couple more days it will be ready for plants.

I finally got all the old soil and weeds removed from the walking spaces, I was about to apply leveling sand when the rain came in. I found a Leyland Cypress tree growing next to one of my walk ways, I removed a dozen of those things 20 years ago and now I find 2, each was about 6' tall and are a royal pain every time I walk by, they were cut off at ground level today.

The top frame kits for the raised beds have all been painted (very poor job, but it is just for weather proofing) and can now be assembled when I am not doing something else. One of the nice things about adding the layer of insect netting to the design will mean that they can catch the rain water and the netting will shade the plants a little, further reducing the demands for watering.

I am very happy with the way the garden "feels" this year, I resolved a number of issues that have been bothering me for years. The composter is working again and it will be producing soil soon. Feeding the composter kitchen waste is really reducing the volume of waste going to the land fill, now if I can just stop ordering from Amazon.

Once all the new paving stones (actually a mix of new and recycled) are installed it will make tending the garden a much cleaner and safer job.
I haven't been in the garden at all this week. Walked thru a little just before dark. My late taters are mostly all up. The early ones that got bit last week are coming back too. Onions are growing like crazy. Need to fertilize them. Asparagus is doing well and we are pretty much done with any harvest this year. Carrots, parsnips, and peas are all doing well.
I got material for my grow room and got it framed today. After the stroke some days I just don’t do as well as others today was one of those days, it’s like I don’t think as clear as I did before. I have 7/16 osb for the outside and 1 1/2 foam for insulation and double bubble foil for the inside walls and ceiling. I did get it wired for lights and fans as well. Couple more days it will be ready for plants.

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Nice. I built one/two of those.

Have you given thought to ventilation?

Plants need CO2.

yall setting up plant starting stations. this is now on my list in some form or fashion. for the last 20 plus years i have been spoiled. my friend has a large greenhouse operation and always started my plants for me. he is now getting older and this is last year doing custom items. i knew it was coming and i noticed this spring some of infrastructure has been taken down. i believe he is gearing his operation down for retirement.

so i will have to have something set up sooner rather than later. last year i was looking at 4x6 greenhouses..guess what? they are no longer least not the ones i wanted for the price. i will be searching and thinking and more but regardless its gotta be done before winter hits this year.
My fiance andi started some marigold seeds anf basil id say 2 months ago and we decided to buy an led light and it works wonders we leave it on all day turn it off at night. I shared pictures of them in another thread they look great! Now we have them in cups and put more new seedlings under the light. My fiance actually just plowed and disced our garden Friday! It's only my second year garden its like his 10+ years having one lol but im still super excited.
Yes sir, I bought vents for the door and have a fart fan I was trying to figure out how to use. Will that be enough?
UM!!!! My wife don't allow that word, they are called "TOOTS". I'm just messing with you...

Hey @elkhound, if your friend is taking down stuff you might be able to get used panels, benches, and such from him, so you can build your own little greenhouse.
Got some garlic planted. Also, the little apple tree we planted last year has 'almost' blooms on it. The orchards are in bloom right now. We are in a little colder microclimate with more wind which seems to keep us just a week or two behind schedule for the valley. It is fortuitous since we had a cold snap with snow. So maybe we'll get an apple or two from it (it's a pretty small tree still.) Lilacs are just beginning to open here and there - can't wait. It's been 2 years since they've bloomed all out (drought).
I ran out of sand on Saturday, HD was closed on Sunday so this morning I was there when they opened, loaded up the truck with sand and concrete (another project that has been on hold). Got home planning to unload the truck this evening. I looked to the east, 06:30 and couldn't see the sunrise? So I ran in and checked, we are expecting rain starting at about 09:00. The next 2 hours was spent unloading the truck and moving the concrete into a dry storage area. All of the walkways around the garden now have a layer of leveling sand, all of the beds have been topped off and are ready to plant.

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