I got the OK to put a smallish squash/watermelon mound in, corner of the lot near an ornamental hemlock, 30’ tall or so. I trimmed some lower branches and the spot gets almost full day sun! Luckily, it was 10’ away from where the composter is, so I dragged it over. It was chuck full from two years of stuff! Sheesh, it was heavy. Likely did not help that I watered it a few days before as it was a mite dry. Yeah, live and learn.
What a pain to get all the compost out. Dig at it with a 4-tined fork, rolled some out, dug at it a bit more, rolled some out.. There just is not a convenient way to get a shovel or anything in that small opening. Composter is functionally excellent, operationally failure I guess!
Anywho… Product was absolutely beautiful. Hardly a smell to it, only because of some more recent stuff I had been adding.
I dug what I could around the hemlock roots and ended up just building up from there, so mostly a pile of compost in a slight depression.

This was my solution for gardening on a slope, you can see it drops right off there. I used the 2” branches I cut to form a ‘dam’ on the lower side, to hold it all back and covered it with the smaller branches from what I cut. They will brown as they die this summer and I can cover them with some triple shredded hardwood mulch so it has curb appeal to the neighbors. They actually liked the wall thing I built, thought it looked ‘rustic’ lol! I figure it will take a few years to settle in and will end up just a nice mound type thing for planting. 3 squash and 2 watermelon in it for this year. Tons of room for the watermelon to spread out there. If they fail, we can try pumpkins next year.
First pic is a view of the corner, composter hiding spot and the new mound is the dark spot just to the left.
Second pic is the mount itself. Likely it will expand in a few years as I add more stuff to it.