Peanut thought you'd like to know. I ordered 2 bags of Azomite today. Found best price on e Bay.
I just cut a limb of one of my plants, cut off the lower leaves, and stick it in water for a few days. This one rooted in less than a week.
If you want you could dip the stem in rooting hormone. When you plant if, bury it up to the lowest leaves left. The entire stem will root.
Same here. I think they suffer more, but once they take off you can't tell much differenceI've literally taken broken tomato plants, pulled out the disconnected roots and stuck the stem in the same hole and they survive. I just give them some extra water for the first few days until they start to perk up, they do look completely wilted and dead when you first replant them but they recover usually.
I had been letting fallen fruit provide all of my tomato plants for years. They are latter than inside sprouts but work good for me.I watched a guy talking about collecting and replanting tomato seeds. It looks simple enough he said to just collect the seeds and they will just sprout if you keep them on a moist paper towel. Wow have I been over thinking this thing!
Any way to get the thickens to help?I'm feeding a few thousand grasshoppers...
:/ they have ate most everything. My squash plants do ok but they keep eating the flowers. Tomatoes have survived so far. The bigger onions are ok.
They dont like rosemary or lavender
I broke down and am utilizing sevin but still ..there are probably millions in this high valley..its overwhelming.
I could get bait but to risk my chickens is unacceptable.
I guess in a shtf situation, I'd try to grow as much indoors as possible n kill as many of the lil bastards that I could n save them for chicken winter feed. Or grasshopper
What are you using Azomite for.Peanut thought you'd like to know. I ordered 2 bags of Azomite today. Found best price on e Bay.
I plan to use it as a soil admendment. Something like 70 trace minerals and nutrients in it. I've never used it before, but Peanut has recommended it a few times on here. I finally found some I could get sent here reasonably. Peanut has been growing food long enough, I'll take his word on it.What are you using Azomite for.
Hope she's healing BP. Also, deer have helped themselves to some of my scarlet runners - erg!Still picking maters, cukes, and peppers every other day. I had to freeze 2 gallon bags on maters tonight, more later this week as they get fully ripe. Canning has been put on hold with the wife laid up. But we are sure enjoying eating what we are harvesting.
On the down side, deer ate up all my green beans and sweet taters I just harvested. Doubtful they'll come back. Okra still looks good.
Thanks LadyL. We see a Ortho Dr in the morning to see whats coming. ER Dr we saw said she expected surgery to install some screws and pins till it healed.Hope she's healing BP. Also, deer have helped themselves to some of my scarlet runners - erg!
How did my deer get way up there in your yard??Hope she's healing BP. Also, deer have helped themselves to some of my scarlet runners - erg!
I tell them all the time I let them eat because they will be eaten!!Venison steaks!
Got around fifty blueberry plants, five varieties & I only got a hand full because of a late May frost that killed the little green berries.Raspberries a plenty here- and our first blueberries- I only have 8 bushes, and probably won't get enough to freeze so might up them, depending on the cost. Started to collect nasturtium seed and popping them about for next year flowering. Have to transplant the chamomile I grew from seed and pick blackcurrants. I've been harvesting chard and spinach as lettuce and using kale and cabbage also.
Is there a seed swop thread here? Though maybe I'm too far away.
Chickens n turkeys....they help till they are beyond full...but millions of them..uggh..Any way to get the thickens to help?
I don't think there is a particular thread on Seed Swaps. I usually will just post something in this thread.Raspberries a plenty here- and our first blueberries- I only have 8 bushes, and probably won't get enough to freeze so might up them, depending on the cost. Started to collect nasturtium seed and popping them about for next year flowering. Have to transplant the chamomile I grew from seed and pick blackcurrants. I've been harvesting chard and spinach as lettuce and using kale and cabbage also.
Is there a seed swop thread here? Though maybe I'm too far away.
Need more fowl, chicks cleaned out fleas in a pen we kelp dogs in after the dog found a new home.Chickens n turkeys....they help till they are beyond full...but millions of them..uggh..