We're not having a big garden again this year because we're still in limbo between Old House and New House.
But one thing I tried last year and will do again this year is air-layering fruit trees. Lead Farmer 73 on YouTube has a good video on air-layering pecans, if anyone is interested in learning more.
Last year I did 4 air-layers off a pear tree, and ended up with 3 surviving and going strong. They're off a standard and not grafted, so they'll be standards and a long time before fruit. But I don't care - they're a total bonus from something I was just going to prune off.
And the best part was getting some air-layers from and apple tree at the New House. It's and old tree and hasn't produced in the past few years, but it had been a strong producer previously, even without another apple tree around to cross-pollinate. We really wanted to save some progeny from it - and at least 3 of the 5 air layers we did are going strong this spring.
So now I plan to go nuts air-layering as much as I can at the Old House to bring to the New House. I might be a little out of control...