Garden 2024!

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They Thrive in Full Sun, but the sun down around the Carolina's is Hot going North and Coming back South...!!! Got to protect Them from that extra time under the overhead Sun... Up in upstate New York We had some back on the farm and they did well but the Sun didn't make the earth as hot up there as it does down here and Ekatarina is even a little further North... So She can Really Enjoy those Peonies, Wish They Bloomed even longer, just like the Lilacs up there... Got 10 Lilacs growing here and I can see the problem with the long span of the Sun overhead... Gotta put up some type of meshing to protect them between 11AM - 3PM otherwise they might burn a bit and no SPF50 will help...
I think they will bloom around mid June
Won't 🐝 long Now...!!! 💐

🌺 soon here...!!
cheating this year, I just got some pepper plants at the ace hardware. Usually I grow everything from seed but things are not working well this year. I think it hasn't been warm enough for my pepper seeds to sprout or something . Or maybe husband forgot to water them while I was gone....not sure

we have had 2 meals with stuff from the garden, salad yesterday, spinach today
have some really nice Kohlrabies also
If the Roots weren't eaten They should come back, Hope They do...!!!
Just got a couple more pics :


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Reinforced the Glads around BushiebooBoo's Shrine as the Wx says possible rain and wind before the coming AM :

+ 2 Hibiscis...


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A garden center a few mile away makes the best compost, so on my daughters driving lesson we swung by to pick up two bags for my poly tunnel.

I've spent the last month emptying my compost bins and topping up the outside beds, and one long one in the poly for winter potatoes. While at the center, I spoiled myself a little, picked up a pack of celery plants and one of carrots to plant out. They were 3.50 each, the same price as a pack of seeds, but at least they are started. I don't have great luck with carrots - they are edible but odd shaped and take ages to grow, so going to try them inside this year. I'll get them planted up this weekend. Last night I cut up 'collars' from cereal boxes and smeared them with vaseline to put around my squash plants - the egg shells aren't working, and all the wet weather has just multiplied the slugs. I leave planks on the beds, so they will hide under and I can pick them off; but every time I open the back door the dog brings me one!
In between the Rain Drops this AM :

That is Not rain Drops but the Colors Scheme of those Glads... Click 'em to Enlarge and See the Beauty...and They can bee Eaten...

"Gladiolus plants, known for their vibrant and ornamental flowers, have an interesting culinary history that has intrigued many enthusiasts. While gladiolus are primarily appreciated for their beauty in gardens and floral arrangements, there is a question that often arises among curious individuals: Are gladiolus edible?

When it comes to the edibility of gladiolus, it is important to note that all parts of the plant are indeed edible. From the corms to the blooms, gladiolus offer a unique culinary experience that has been explored for both their aesthetic appeal and potential nutritional benefits."


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and some New Rain Lilies :


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Got a friend with a Jack Russel or similar? Give it a day job! A dog will keep the squirrels out.

Funny, one winter in Buffalo ny I bought a wrist rocket sling shot, set up a shooting range in my basement for something to do. Couldn't do anything outside for all the snow. As it happened, many of my neighbors had bird feeders and complained about squirrels each summer…

Well, by May of that spring there wasn’t a squirrel left within 200yds of my house! For the price of a slingshot and a pkg of ball bearings. Several neighbors commented... "Don't know what happened to the squirrels but glad they left". 🤣
Got a friend with a Jack Russel or similar? Give it a day job! A dog will keep the squirrels out.

We have 4 dachshunds & several of them are hunters. The problem is that they generally come in & go out in mass. So a lot of the time none of them are out there.
Got my garden pretty much finished, and got peas, beans, tomatoes and pumpkins in. We’ll see how they fare in this climate. Looks like it might dip down into the 40s at night again next weekend, but I’m hoping they’ll revise that upward a little bit as we get closer. My red pepper plants want to go outside, but I just don’t think they’d like it in the 40s.
Just took a couple more of the progress...

004 I Believe will 🐝 Bright Yellow...!!!


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re #974 :

Yep, it's a Yellar One Again...

some-more rain Lilies and those Yellow Ones still 🐝 Blooming...

look in the middle of #008, little buggers keep on Poppin Up... ;)


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Just a small update: Something is eating the leaves of my pepper plants. I seem to remember a solution of dish soap & water might help. Cucumber plant is dead. Covered peppers are going well, the uncovered peppers are producing but the plants are small & so are the peppers. And tomato's, OMG! I've harvested 2 so far but have 4 more that will be ripe withing a few days. After that, I don't know because I don't even know how many there are. As a guess I'd say that there are at least 20 more of them but I'm probably low. I've never seen a bumper crop this big off of so few plants.

Oh & the tomato's that I've picked have at least 2 to 3 times the flavor of store bought. Reminds me of those we ate when I was a kid.
re #975... Did I type Yellow...?!?
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and more :


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New Glads grasping for Rain and Sun :


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still more :

#021 is the cluster in the back yard, almost 4' tall and just a couple getting stems in them...!!!


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More of the Special Place and more of Hibiscus :


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The garden is looking good, I'm happy. I got the 2nd application of fertilizer out in mid May then we got 3 good rains. Raining again tonight as i type. There's been an explosion of growth the last 10 days. Starting to worry I'm getting too much rain though, it'll ruin the melons if i do.

Did a little experiment... far left. I'll get a better picture tomorrow. On the left i have 2 half rows of corn. I delayed the 2 application of fertilizer about a week just for the row on the very far left. I want to see if I can delay when the corn is ready to eat a week or so, compared to the row beside it.

The garden is looking good, I'm happy. I got the 2nd application of fertilizer out in mid May then we got 3 good rains. Raining again tonight as i type. There's been an explosion of growth the last 10 days. Starting to worry I'm getting too much rain though, it'll ruin the melons if i do.

Did a little experiment... far left. I'll get a better picture tomorrow. On the left i have 2 half rows of corn. I delayed the 2 application of fertilizer about a week just for the row on the very far left. I want to see if I can delay when the corn is ready to eat a week or so, compared to the row beside it.

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Absolutely beautiful!!!!
Had some Blackberries with Me Breakfast this AM :


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Black Seedless Grapes bee a Growing :


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Last Years Cukes016 have Scattered and Started A-new :

Also starting some Cantaloupes017,018 :

and some "Giant Zinnas"019...?!?


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