Garden 2024!

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Neb Sorry to hear about the garlic. Thats terrible. If my harvest goes well, I'd be glad to send you some of 4 varities. I should know in a month or so.
Peanut Not sure about the peppers, mine have done ok so far, decent growth. I was late getting them out so they are just starting to produce a little
I have Wild garlic (Allium vineale), also called crows garlic & Field garlic, growing all over my property, be glad to send as much as you want.
It is an invasive weed here, but if you clip the heads/scapes off, the seeds/bublets will no reproduce.
Thank you!

I have been growing garlic in those raised beds for 7-8 years with the only issue being the wild turkey nesting in the beds. I have always had an abundance of garlic to use as seed stock, our usage and given away as gifts. Now it is start over.

I have a few thoughts but not sure which apply.

1) I was growing wild garlic which is native to the garden area but grown over 2 years to produce large cloves. Judging by the evidence, they may have been the first affected seeing all evidence of them and their leaves were absent. They were up hill from the other varieties. The fungus will run down hill.

2) All of the raised beds were topped off with 6" of mushroom manure and leaf compost from the same truck load. Contaminated soil?

3) Previous year was grown in in my back yard nursery. Maybe seed stock contaminated from my nursery?

4) A mild winter followed by a wet temperate spring?

Time may tell.

my 2 cents..rotation
That rabbit poop sure is great.


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Today I was doing my morning rotation in the garden areas and thinking about the article I read in the following post:

Usually I don't think too much about these things but I do remember from my college days how black body radiation could cause solar hot water heater coils to freeze even if the temperature never reached 32F/0C. Anyway I started extrapolating the contents of the article to my gardening and agriculture and it scared the crap out of me. Solar works best on cleared flat land, farm land which is one of my pet peeves, but the idea of a cooling effect in the night time and a warming effect in the daytime is a big deal. When we have cooler than normal nights many plants don't grow well and warmer than normal days will cause them to bolt prematurely. The temperature swings will also impact germination rates for many of our food plants.

I don't think that it's a problem today but I think it is something to add to my threats list....
Soon 2 🐝 Blossoming :


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More Hidden Cuties :

010-013 are in One little spot...

014 are between Me n Neighbors on the South...!!!


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Here are my figs... over a dozen little figs in this pic. They are a little bigger than a marble. We got a hard freeze last year in April, killed everyone's figs. In fact about half my trees are dead. Had to wait to see which ones came back this spring. I'll take a chainsaw to them this fall and cut out all the dead trunks, 2nd pic.

I might plant or keep/switch in pot and just transplant in bigger containers
tomatoes plants same for rhubarb

Oh! and a little bird happy there is water ...I put seeds on old
ceramic toilet top and I have that old used table for more than 15 years LOL
Birds like it even raccoons

And a visitor .........I have so many visitors
I should get install news cameras ...the one I have start to be very rotten




The man doesn't quit... 90yrs old and weed eating around the okra. It was a mistake not to plant 2 rows side by side so they could be plowed with the tractor. But this was what he wanted me to plant...

My other 'child' was also at it this morning! Mom - 89yrs, called, said something was beeping in their house. She was frying okra and squash. The house was full of smoke and of course the alarm was going off. I took the opportunity to put a new battery in the alarm. (she partially fry's okra or squash then freezes it. Can thaw and finish cooking at the same time this winter)

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The man doesn't quit... 90yrs old and weed eating around the okra. It was a mistake not to plant 2 rows side by side so they could be plowed with the tractor. But this was what he wanted me to plant...

My other 'child' was also at it this morning! Mom - 89yrs, called, said something was beeping in their house. She was frying okra and squash. The house was full of smoke and of course the alarm was going off. I took the opportunity to put a new battery in the alarm. (she partially fry's okra or squash then freezes it. Can thaw and finish cooking this winter)

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We all should live that long & have that much fun in life!
Never precooked okra, we just chopped & froze. I have to try that.
i think geoff lawton famous permaculture guy uses comfrey as a fast growing plant for chop and drop he does to build up matter on ground.

one place i hike wild comfrey grows every where in those woods.
The bees love them too.
There is a concept where you cut up the plant and put it directly on the ground, then plant your potatoes directly on top of it. We did it once, and it didn't get the great crop promised! I have two types, one native with a lovely yellow flower, and I just cut them when they get big and put them into the compost bin.
Here are my figs... over a dozen little figs in this pic. They are a little bigger than a marble. We got a hard freeze last year in April, killed everyone's figs. In fact about half my trees are dead. Had to wait to see which ones came back this spring. I'll take a chainsaw to them this fall and cut out all the dead trunks, 2nd pic.

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Peanut, are your trees twenty foot apart or father apart?
I ask because I have four small figs, planted twenty feet apart & I have six different varieties of figs that I will plant next Spring & need to space them close but not touching, with room to walk around them. I came up with twenty feet, because I have seen plant that were fifty year old & ten foot in diameter, with a fifteen foot limb spread.
Peanut, are your trees twenty foot apart or father apart?
I ask because I have four small figs, planted twenty feet apart & I have six different varieties of figs that I will plant next Spring & need to space them close but not touching, with room to walk around them. I came up with twenty feet, because I have seen plant that were fifty year old & ten foot in diameter, with a fifteen foot limb spread.

All my trees are within 50ft, 3 groups of trees... Laid out in a L shape. Used to have a 4th bunch about 100ft away that i cut down. My elderberry is growing in that location now.

My trees grow in bunches, Each bunch is 10/12 ft across. I can drive a tractor between groups 1 and 2. Groups 2 and 3 are closer, sort of a wide path between them. Group 2 has another path through the middle also.

Figs a prune (9)a.jpg
Just in case someone hasn't seen them before... White Peaches. They taste a lot different than yellow peaches. Not as sweet and a little tangy.

When dad and i had a 200tree peach orchard 50 trees were a variety of white peach. White peaches make great pickled peaches. A favorite here in the south, I've eaten them since i was a kid. We had a list of customers to call each summer when they got ripe. Most would be pickled.

One white peach tree still grows by my corral. Usually get 5 or 6 for eating each summer, I picked two yesterday.

The man doesn't quit... 90yrs old and weed eating around the okra. It was a mistake not to plant 2 rows side by side so they could be plowed with the tractor. But this was what he wanted me to plant...

My other 'child' was also at it this morning! Mom - 89yrs, called, said something was beeping in their house. She was frying okra and squash. The house was full of smoke and of course the alarm was going off. I took the opportunity to put a new battery in the alarm. (she partially fry's okra or squash then freezes it. Can thaw and finish cooking at the same time this winter)

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Can't keep them old guys down. Mine has built 3 raised beds, but still has 3 spots down in the field he plants stuff in. He's 87. Mom tries every year to get him to cut back. She don't put up much besides peas, green bean, and okra now days
@Bacpacker and @Peanut we are quite the club. Mine is 89 and everything is in raised beds or standing planters so dad can roll all around them on his wheeled garden chair. Keeps him out of trouble and my hair. LOL I know I won’t have the strength and stamina he has because he’s running me ragged. Tomorrow he’s going up to the cabin and my brother will get a taste of what I deal with and then he’ll call me and tell me I should have more medals on my chest than Patton.
Our order from Ty Ty nursery came today. Back in February I ordered some Concord grapes, Thomcord grape, Einset grape and some Gold raspberry plants. I asked for a June 1st delivery because of our late frost. We'll plant them tomorrow.
I was on a garden forum, that talked Ty Ty nursery down, I thin it was in 2010 or earlier.
Are you saying they are a good nursey to buy from?
@joel Do you prune your fig trees? This first pic is the last time I pruned mine. Took a chainsaw to them. Pruned group 2 and 3, the next year i did group 1 in my earlier post.

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This pic... brought in donkey manure, bentonite and azomite, few hundred pounds of each. There are dozens of new sprouts each year growing up from the roots in this pic. I cut most of them.

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All the growth in the bottom pic is from the stumps I left the last time i pruned. (i posted earlier, #1070). I have to prune my trees else they'll get out of hand. These figs have been growing here over 100yrs, my grandpa ate from them.

Figs a prune (9)b.jpg
Our order from Ty Ty nursery came today. Back in February I ordered some Concord grapes, Thomcord grape, Einset grape and some Gold raspberry plants. I asked for a June 1st delivery because of our late frost. We'll plant them tomorrow.
Concord grapes are my favorite.