Garden 2024!

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Spent weekend in Georgia & got 15 blackberry plants & two & a half to three pounds of chipped potatoes for planting in the field. Do not need that many seed potatoes, but they were left over from BIL planting. He cut up five pounds & used about half of them in his garden.
So rather than throw them out, he gave them to me, so I have to turn the bed & plant them this week.
Onion, leek, and shallot seeds went into pots today.




Didn't count but estimate 2500-3000 seeds.

today scion gathering.3 different cultivars.first time really collecting. in past i just clipped and grafted on next tree.very limited in doing that.but now having what i call 'mother trees' i can get scion wood for various varieties.hope to really expand that ability as it will save tons of money.put these in baggie with some damp sawdust in refrigerator.30 scion or so...scion start at $5-6 and up so its real savings.

My onion slips arrived yesterday. Got home this evening and opened the almanac and looks like the 26th thru the 29th is good timing for them.
Gotta haul a load of compost to top off the onion, tater, and asparagus beds before then. Gonna fertilize the asparagus with some triple superphosphate before filling that bed. Just burnt off last years fronds to clean it up.
I received shipment of True Potato Seeds (TPS). Not seed potatoes mind you but seeds. They came with a nice write-up on hon to grow them. It made the point that every seed could produce a unique variety of spuds. Depending on the available garden space I may try 9 or 18 seeds. It will be interesting seeing how they develop.

I like experimenting!

i had to search to where TPS were being discussed. I am glad I posted the above because...

Today was the day to plant my TPS but I couldn't locate the seeds! The possibilities were my stash of seeds in the deep freeze or the pile of seeds waiting to be put in the freezer. Neither place.... Bummer. I checked other places but no seeds. So it looked like no TPS this year. I searched for this thread to update no TPS this year. But the clue " a nice write-up" was what I needed.

Checked my pile of paperwork and there were seeds!

Don't you love it when you accidently do something right?

And so it begins.
Had to order a few kinds of pepper seeds and wanted 1 kind of tomato "just in case" since it's a good one. Got the rest of my tomatoes and peppers planted today. Reigning it in a little this year. The seeds I had to order: Trinidad Scorpion, Ghost, and Purple Reaper :p I did find some habanero seeds locally. My peppers I saved for seed were in the summer kitchen and got too moist and melted. Will have to keep that in mind as I save seeds this year. Maddening to keep seeds and have them be a waste.
Retilled the garden, was going to plant the rest of the potatoes, but after planted the fig trees, the rain ran me out of the garden.
Maybe I should have waited till another day to buy fifty pounds of Diatomaceous Earth, fifty pounds of bone meal, also preorder fifty pounds of
blood meal. So guess tomorrow is planned.
Retilled the garden, was going to plant the rest of the potatoes, but after planted the fig trees, the rain ran me out of the garden.
Maybe I should have waited till another day to buy fifty pounds of Diatomaceous Earth, fifty pounds of bone meal, also preorder fifty pounds of
blood meal. So guess tomorrow is planned.
I know you live in the tropics down there, but do you freeze at all? Seems early for the fig.
They were out in pots all winter, they are cutting I grew my self. So they should be fine, never been in doors at all.
Yes we freeze, it got down to 19F earlier this month & they are fine. Some figs are cold hardy to zone 6, that year around, I am in zone 8a.
I do have thirty or so cuttings rooting in doors, but I bought them & therefore am babie them.
Hopefully I will have all the varieties I can use by this time next year. some are red, black, yellow, green, but they all could be Brown Turkey for all I know, guess I’ll find out in two or three years.
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I have tomatoes coming off the 4th generation of Siam plants in the house now... The plants have lost much of their dwarf nature, but they still self pollinate and the flavor has improved....

I'm planning to put up a new trellis system along my south wall to support some sort of vine plant (green beans), I also plan to use it to support a drape of deer netting over my onions and garlic as a critter had decided to dig up everything it can get to. The ebb-flow containers I made in the greenhouse area are working out better than expected, although they are not true ebb-flow, they do work. I'm anxious to start collecting rain water, but it's still to early. I'm thinking I will turn the system on around the first of April. The day sound appropriate.

The son is taking the wife to a ballet this afternoon for her birthday, I may sneak over to HD to "explore" their seeds and plants...
The neighbor reminded me it's time to plant peas. I realized how most things grown around here are all the same type and all at the same time, thought it was tradition at first, and it could be. But I realized most of the ladies get their seeds from the Hardware Store in our town. That's all they have access to, unless they make their monthly trip to Walmart. And he just sells a few things, like cucumber seeds are only Marketmore. And two types of tomato seeds. So...I have a large area where we took down the turkey run, that is heavily fertilized and ready to go. Maybe some peas there, and next month, some beets and sunflower there, too. Glad your plants did well while you were gone, Urban.
Last weeks warmth and my remembering to water has made the garlic and onions jump up- the chard I cut back has returned so I cut some today for lunch. Cabbage seeds are starting to sprout. I put most of my seeds into the little trays with plastic lids and then into a little plastic greenhouse inside the poly as I knew the frosts would be back. Today I planted peppers and have them on the window sill inside. I'm hoping to grow them as perennials this year. The rhubarb has reappeared also, and I got one of my compost bins emptied.
Took half a days vacation. Hauled a load of compost. Filled both onion beds and 1 tater bed. Put what was left on the 2nd tater bed.
Had a few garlic left from last year I missed digging. Had enough sprouts when I lifted them to plant 4 3' rows. I think there was 25 or so.
Suppose tobrain tomorrow and Wednesday, so I figured I'd better make hay while the sun was shining. Wednesday and Thursday are prime planting days this month for root crops
Spread out the blackberry seedlings.


Some of the onions have sprouted. Broccoli seeds got planted. Fig trees are starting to put on leaves. One of last years grape vines is starting to bud out. I ordered some hardware mesh for the bottom of the new raised bed going in this year.



You had a picture of scion wood, I think - that's the cut and bundled twigs? I'm just starting to read about all this. The new place came with a half dozen overgrown apple trees and I want to learn to prune and propagate apple trees. What do you do to preserve the twigs? Do you keep them in water or what? It seems to me they'd dry out and die, just being clipped and put into bundles, so I must be missing something.
You had a picture of scion wood, I think - that's the cut and bundled twigs? I'm just starting to read about all this. The new place came with a half dozen overgrown apple trees and I want to learn to prune and propagate apple trees. What do you do to preserve the twigs? Do you keep them in water or what? It seems to me they'd dry out and die, just being clipped and put into bundles, so I must be missing something.
Wrap the bundles in tight saran wrap. Keep in the refrigerator.

Today I was checking the indoor growing station, the cuc's have started making little thingies. We are expecting a warm rainy day so I ran out and opened my raised bed tops to catch some natural watering. The temperatures are expected to drop back down to freezing overnight so it's still too early to turn on the water collection system.

I feel a little lethargic and unwilling to do much work on garden projects right now. I did buy some 7' metal fence posts that I will paint white and use as a trellis this summer. I wanted something that can support green beans and could be used to fence off my south facing raised beds in an attempt to keep the critters from "helping" me out so much.
Today I was checking the indoor growing station, the cuc's have started making little thingies. We are expecting a warm rainy day so I ran out and opened my raised bed tops to catch some natural watering. The temperatures are expected to drop back down to freezing overnight so it's still too early to turn on the water collection system.

I feel a little lethargic and unwilling to do much work on garden projects right now. I did buy some 7' metal fence posts that I will paint white and use as a trellis this summer. I wanted something that can support green beans and could be used to fence off my south facing raised beds in an attempt to keep the critters from "helping" me out so much.
You’ve been on the go a lot! You might need a day walking in the woods, or just a nap in the treestand.

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