Garden 2024!

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Today it's 50F and Raining so I opened up the tops of my raised beds, the plants inside are doing well with a nice salad mix. I may turn on my rain water collection this weekend. It's a high risk decision, but it could mean that my rain barrels are full by the first of April and I can start shifting to a major gardening effort. Watching the post that @Bacpacker put up, I may want to put in a bottom watering system for some of my outdoor tomatoes, now would be the right time to do something like that here. That reminds me that I need to start making my list for supplies from Drip depot, I always need more valves, lines, and emitters...
The beds with onion and garlic in them now are showing about 9"s of green, not bad. I planted some raspberries and grapes in the hopes that when it warms up they will take hold.

The indoor tomatoes are doing fine, but I trimmed the tops of some of my "extra" plants to see if I can force them into a smaller bush arrangement. I am getting little salad tomatoes every other day or so off my 2 SIAM plants now. I am to the point of being ready to move lettuce outside to keep the salads flowing. From now until it gets warm I will be moving plants outside about once every 2 weeks. (When your garden is a postage stamp you have to make the most of what space you have.)
The cucumbers that I planted in late January are now showing fruit.
I may start some more plants for transplanting soon, squash, cucs, and paste tomatoes are what come to mind.

The Greenhouse:
The greenhouse system is working well, the watering system is okay, but I wish I had about 100 gallons of water that I could fill the pump tank from. I have found that carrying 20 gallons of water to the station 3 gallons at a time is a PIA. I would like to move a couple of the cucumbers out the the greenhouse, but a cool nights can really set back delicate plants, but by April I think I could risk a couple of plants :)
I just worked up the big bush hog to run the fields and get them ready to start turning and dressing.
I will take the blade and run the gullies out as soon as I finish and then disk them.
Probably do a lot of Peaches and Cream Corn and have some for trade with our trader that does tons of purple hulls.
Sister in Law is out of town till late in the year with Niece so we are down a PEA picker HEHEHEH.
Potatoes, Tomatoes, Peppers, Lettuce, Onions, and Okra. maybe the apples and pears will do another good run.

I need to start some bees, we have had a lot of people that kept them pass, and the kids don't want to and have let them go.

I have a lot of places close with heavy white and red clover that would support a few hives. It is a pain to do unless someone will be willing to keep them after I catch the express we need bees though.
I’ll do it. Pick me pick me 😁😂😄 I do want bees at some point but will need to wait until we move.
My dwarf peach trees from Stark Bros. The planting guide recommended at least a 7 gallon pot. I used a 10 gallon but feel it’s too small.
What variety did you buy?
I was finding really delicious peaches from the local farmers market. I asked what variety they were? Red Haven. There are a few related varieties, and another one named Crest Haven. This is what I purchased from Starks for my yard. I also purchased dwarf sized. I don't get peaches every year, but one can hope!
Planted 10 roots for asparagus today, 5 Mary Washington and 5 purple passion.

I realized that my raised beds need some work. Last summer the fence was repaired. The raised beds are right up on the fence. I used cedar landscaping timbers to build the beds, but the timbers by the fence rotted out. Wood in front is fine. I replaced that rotting wood with bricks that I stacked to the height of the timbers. When the fence was repaired, many of those bricks were just scattered in the bed. It took me several days of working on the bricks in 2020 when I put them in.
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Yeah here too, but we don’t plan on living here forever at which time I will be hosting some of the little critters 😍
My trouble is a long standing feud with bees, wasps in particular. I will stop mowing for a honeybee, I will launch a tactical nuclear weapon on a wasp :p
I started one from a seed off our old one that was sick and not a good candidate to take scions off of. It is much later coming ripe (and flowering) and has the biggest juiciest free stone peaches. We got a bumper crop off of the new tree last summer. It was the first harvest and they didn’t disappoint. I picked off all the fruit the two years prior so it had a chance to get some strong branches. I imagine they will just get bigger each year for the next few, they made great peach chips for the dehydrator and they can beautifully while also being great as fresh eating. Puts the red haven to shame for flavor.
It's Ok, I am taking the Fig tree, the peonies and the daffodils/crocus to the new house

The daffodils and Crocus came from one of Lori's supervisors, the Peonies are from her grandma's house. and I planted the fig tree last year.
I have to say, when we moved, Hubby was very patient with me as I brought plants with us to the new place. I will do so again when we move. My peonies and strawberries in particular are special to me.
Saw a couple of Bumble Bees and a Mess of Honey bees in Me Shrubs... and a Watcher in the last pic... tail can bee seen just above center and a tad to the Right...!

Seems the Watcher Picture has moved into 2nd Place #007...!!! o_O


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Last night as I was grazing at the growing station (eating lettuce and tomatoes) I noticed 6 2" long cucumbers! If I can get cucumbers without pollinators I will be so stoked. I also noticed that the tomatoes that I forced into dwarfism by trimming are putting out new growth at every branching point, if they become fruiting suckers then I can claim success.

The rain is back today and it's 50F so I will open up the raised bed tops so everything gets a drink. I may try to take a picture or two as I'm making my rounds.
Very little gardening for me this year.
Might be able to do a few things but not like usual

I should be able to bend over to plant the sweet potato slips buy the time its ready (april)
Hope you are healing well!! Whatever gardening you can do will be therapeutic!!
What variety did you buy?
I was finding really delicious peaches from the local farmers market. I asked what variety they were? Red Haven. There are a few related varieties, and another one named Crest Haven. This is what I purchased from Starks for my yard. I also purchased dwarf sized. I don't get peaches every year, but one can hope!
They are Bonanza and Honey Babe miniature. I just checked and both are now out of stock.

Been a week and they are still alive. They stand good chance. LOL

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