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Yesterday I changed the wheel base/track of the tractor. It had been set up for working hay. We used the old ford tractor for the garden. The old tractor needs a lot of work, new clutch, new hydraulic pump etc $$$. So, this week I had to convert the Massey for garden work. The wheels had to be wider, further apart.

Today I got the cultivators set up for tilling the garden on 36” rows. It needed 24 new bolts, some paint and the distance between the plows set.

I still have to adjust the planters… save that for another day. Won’t need them for a couple more weeks.

Bottom pick, old… when I get every implement and the tractor properly adjusted… planting and plowing is a breeze.
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the Jerusalem artichokes are in the ground :) I put some in a raised bed box and some on the edge of the garden , something should work...

Also put some asparagus roots I got at walmart ( I don't usually buy planting stuff there but wanted to try it) , we'll see if anything grows out of it

Husband tilled some rows for me to plant potatoes tomorrow . All we have is a crappy little hand tiller so him and son just do a little section at a time. We really do need better equipment but oh well....when we first started our friends down the road tilled our gardens for us. They ended up moving and no longer farming. Then we bought a tiller at rural kind made in China crap that couldn't be put got returned, huge hassle. I found one on FB marketplace but the people that had it were not going to prove it still worked ( looked 100 years old...) so there went that one. We ended up buying a hand tiller for a few hundred $
At least we have a plow!

Peanut, you need to come here with your cultivator and till our garden LOL
Peanut, you need to come here with your cultivator and till our garden LOL

The cultivators still need work. This coming fall I need to take them to a shop down the road. The guy can sandblast and paint them for me. They are made from US steel in the 60’s. Can’t buy equipment like this anymore so it’s worth my time to refurbish all the old farm equipment I have. It’ll last anther 60yrs for the price of paint and a few new bolts. I spent $100 on new bolts this week, only installed 24. But I have replacements for every bolt on it.
The cultivators still need work. This coming fall I need to take them to a shop down the road. The guy can sandblast and paint them for me. They are made from US steel in the 60’s. Can’t buy equipment like this anymore so it’s worth my time to refurbish all the old farm equipment I have. It’ll last anther 60yrs for the price of paint and a few new bolts. I spent $100 on new bolts this week, only installed 24. But I have replacements for every bolt on it.
our very old 1980s JD tractor still works, I just wished now in hindsight it had come with a loader and a tiller attachment
I planted 75 bare root strawberry plants last spring. They all lived and grew. This year, zero plants have shown. What are the odds of 75 not making it?
I just replanted 10 and have 50 more ordered. It is the normal bed where I always have berries so I know they grow there. They usually produce quite well.
Something ate them???
Finally found elderberry seedlings at a nursery here in TN. I planted 4, plus gooseberries and blackberries. Hopefully, I can get some elderberries to make a tincture.

I planted some cool crops this week, onions, lettuce, spinach, kale and snow peas. We go from Winter to Summer with maybe a couple of weeks of Spring so my crops usually bolt early. I planted 3 packs of onion seed last Fall and zero came up. I found some seeds I had harvested from some sets last year and just planted them to see how and if they grow. I'll probably have to go back to sets.
Can't even find roots. Plus, they are inside a fence which is inside another fence.
maybe grubs , happened to my broccolie last year. Husband ended up getting some insecticide to put in the ground ( and it worked) but I don't want to do that, so I just ordered some beneficial bacteria spray and some milky spore granules that will kill them without having to put poison in the ground
I am going to do an experiment, I will do a small section with the poison and see which works better just to see
So on to my next problem /question: planting fruit trees! I want to get some ( a few apples , a nectarine and a cherry all suitable for our climate ) . I have tried before and failed, after a few months the leaves fell off and they just died. Any advice? Our soil is clay but we can add composted manure. I don't know how to improve drainage for wet years. Do I need to add sand? I know tree roots go mostly out, not down . Or maybe I added too much compost? Or the manure was not composted enough ?
Where do you buy fruit trees?
@sonya123 If you set out apple trees be aware they are susceptible to Fire Blight which is common in rose bushes. Roses and apples are in the same plant family.

People usually don't make that connection but it's something to keep an eye on. Especially in summer when roses usually get hit with this blight.
@sonya123 If you set out apple trees be aware they are susceptible to Fire Blight which is common in rose bushes. Roses and apples are in the same plant family.

People usually don't make that connection but it's something to keep an eye on. Especially in summer when roses usually get hit with this blight.
The only rose bushes we have are right next to the house a long way from where the trees are going. And, I looked for disease resistant stuff, so for I am thinking of ordering something called " dutches of Oldenburg" and Haralson ( they are what I want in flavor , disease resistance and grow in our zone)