oh no, I hate that when that happens! Happens to our very large apricot trees EVERY year. They bloom, then it freezes. I think we have had a total of 5 apricots in the 9 years we have lived here...My blooming fruit trees got covered in snow today. I'm REALLY hoping it didn't mess up my fig grafts.
Peanut, you need to come here with your cultivator and till our garden LOL
our very old 1980s JD tractor still works, I just wished now in hindsight it had come with a loader and a tiller attachmentThe cultivators still need work. This coming fall I need to take them to a shop down the road. The guy can sandblast and paint them for me. They are made from US steel in the 60’s. Can’t buy equipment like this anymore so it’s worth my time to refurbish all the old farm equipment I have. It’ll last anther 60yrs for the price of paint and a few new bolts. I spent $100 on new bolts this week, only installed 24. But I have replacements for every bolt on it.