How do you keep deer out of your garden?
1st defense is a german shepperd. Works pretty good! If they are really bad then i break out the peanut butter. That always gets them!
I run a single strand of electric fence around the garden. Nothing special, simple fence about 3ft high. Then i get a jar of peanut butter, the cheapest, oiliest brand at the store and a plastic knife. I smear peanut butter on the fence. About every 7/8ft.
Deer can't resist peanut butter, they love it! They have to lick it off the electric fence! With predictable results... They won't be back for a month or so!

Edit to add… One year when corn was getting ready I had a problem with raccoons. I just lowered the electric wire to about 6 inches off the ground. Raccoons love peanut butter too!
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