Simply amazing protein source for your chickens!!
Did you find some?Want to sell me some?
Simply amazing protein source for your chickens!!
Did you find some?
I have been planting canas, elephant ears and hastas on my land because most people see them as just flowers. I also plant asparagus that looks like weeds, and ‘junk’ trees people hate like mulberry. So many people are so accustomed of not eating anything they find out of the ordinary that I hope some of my edibles will be unnoticed.My wake up call on that one was many years ago when a prepper I highly respected, mentioned that he had witnessed migration of large numbers of destitute refugees before and it looked almost like a plague of locust had swept through as they moved on.
Every plant commonly known as edible, had been consumed and destroyed including private gardens, crops and woodlands. The only thing that was left in their wake were plants that were either thought poisonous, inedible or mistaken for such.
Again, in a TEOTWAKI event, migrants will learn as they go from others what to eat and what to leave alone.
If you live in the boonies, by the time those once clueless people get to your area, they will be fairly well practiced in both raiding and foraging so, one of your back up plans for food needs to be the art of stealth gardening. It is just common sense.
Happy new gardening season! Just received my Johnny’s Seeds catalog and am sitting here perusing it. Yes, I have a lot of seeds already…but I can’t resist getting some additional ones. Am thinking about creating a few lists of must have seeds and then buying numerous “sets” for neighbors and friends. First list will be Herbs for Cooking. Second will be Herbs for Medicinal Use. Third list will be Survival Vegetable Garden.
Does anyone have ideas about what they would add to these lists?Perennials
Thanks for letting me know that. That may explain where my hostas went last year. I accused my husband of mowing them downHostas used to be a favorite of deer coming out of a swamp into a yard. Fishing Line and CD discs used to keep them out .
Dollar weed is edible! Will have to look that one up. It's an Achiles Hill for me. Thanks!!Maybe look for these growing on your property.
Bitter lettuce
Dog fennel
Sheppards nettle
Spider wart
Dollar weed
Rattlesnake root
Fissell (celery)
Stinging Nettel
Cat brier
I have never heard of some of these. Maybe we call them by different names.Dollar weed is edible! Will have to look that one up. It's an Achiles Hill for me. Thanks!!
Dollar weedI have never heard of some of these. Maybe we call them by different names.
AKA pennywort.
If you don't pull up the roots, it will continue to spread, but at this piont I will just let it be and spread. Why not.Dollar weed is a pain in arse! It takes over most of my garden every year..all year long...I pull n pull vines and vines of it up constantly...gonna have to look up some recipes if it's edible!
You may enjoy this article.Dollar weed is a pain in arse! It takes over most of my garden every year..all year long...I pull n pull vines and vines of it up constantly...gonna have to look up some recipes if it's edible!
I found that in my yard last year. Figured out it was edible by using PictureThis Ap on my phone. I hadn’t tried it yet but give it to my chickens.AKA pennywort.
I have more worms in my garden than in past years. I guess it is the chicken bedding and cardboard.
As mentioned before, I am trying to not till this year. What do you guys with the weeds that come up in the rows. Pull or cover with mulch. I'm worried about vine borer and squash bugs if I use cardboard around the squash