Gardens 2019

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Sorry Robin. . It is so depressing when you lose part of your crop. Have you thought about burying part of a 5 gallon bucket that has holes drilled at the bottom sides and filling it with water. I neighbor told me that was how one of his relatives grew a good tomato e crop during a drought. It was just a thought. I know I just about wanted to say to hec k with the garden this year when my corn didn't come up and then hit by squash bugs. I talked with my neighbor who planted the same corn I did. His didn't come up this year either so he replaced with a different variety and his is now doing very well. He even said he is willing to share in exchange of some pickles and jellies.
Seems like I just can't get out there everyday like norm this season. I had 5 huge yellow cucumbers that are going to the pigs in the morning. I did pick a good number of cukes and jalapenoes. I will be candying the jalaps to can up hopefully tomorrow. Also got 3 help peppers that got 1/2, seeds cleaned out at thrown into a bag for the freezer. In the morning I will need to pick my green beans. Some are past due picking so I will use them for seeds next time I plant.
Seems like I just can't get out there everyday like norm this season. I had 5 huge yellow cucumbers that are going to the pigs in the morning. I did pick a good number of cukes and jalapenoes. I will be candying the jalaps to can up hopefully tomorrow. Also got 3 help peppers that got 1/2, seeds cleaned out at thrown into a bag for the freezer. In the morning I will need to pick my green beans. Some are past due picking so I will use them for seeds next time I plant.

I have been watering daily, but the 5 I lost were young seedlings. I o my transplanted them because i was certain that there would be rain that day. Lol. I have more seedlings ready to replace them. The are too small right now. Hopefully, the temps will stay lower until we get a good rain.

I can't grow corn or any variety. I guess I have the wrong soil type.
1st week in winter Down Under - my broad beans are about 10cm high. Onions doing well. Have to plant more in the morning after a good sleep ( it's 2.26am here-just finished work). Silver Beet seeds in, nothing has come up yet. Winter tends to be a time where I adda lot of fertiliser/composts, not too much veggies-getting ready for Spring.
Just came in from watering. It doesn't take long for the soul to dry. We desperately need a good soaking rain.

I watered last night and by 10 a.m. the plants were drooping. My okra is to the worst start ever. It usually is one of my best producers. I'm going to replant a few seeds since a few didn't germinate.
I’ve got some yellow squash that’s just about ready to start picking. Pulled some onions and beets and canned a case of pickled beets today.felt good to add something of my own to the pantry again. Will taste them in three days or so and see how they turned out. Last year they were over cooked and got mushy. Not much worse than mushy beets...
Had to complete some changes to my pump and sprinklers today, but am good with watering again. Holding a hose is not good for 2 and a half acres! Even with this really dry spell all the plants are looking good at least.
I got out there at first light to start picking my beans. I went ahead and pulled the whole plant to feed the leaves to the goats. After that I did some wedding and tilling. By the time I got in, it was time to make granny lunch. Think granny said your beans are good at least 4 times. Good her good cause you are having them again at dinner time. After we got home, it was just about time to start the rest of dinner going to get back over there. Least I got some more done on a Christmas present quilt. It's 8 o'clock and about to eat dinner and get ready for bed. Work tomorrow, sooo, I did not get my jalapeno candied today. Maybe day after tomorrow.
I got out there at first light to start picking my beans. I went ahead and pulled the whole plant to feed the leaves to the goats. After that I did some wedding and tilling. By the time I got in, it was time to make granny lunch. Think granny said your beans are good at least 4 times. Good her good cause you are having them again at dinner time. After we got home, it was just about time to start the rest of dinner going to get back over there. Least I got some more done on a Christmas present quilt. It's 8 o'clock and about to eat dinner and get ready for bed. Work tomorrow, sooo, I did not get my jalapeno candied today. Maybe day after tomorrow.

Beans keep producing all season. I pick on an average of 2 to 3 times per week.
I got out there at first light to start picking my beans. I went ahead and pulled the whole plant to feed the leaves to the goats. After that I did some wedding and tilling. By the time I got in, it was time to make granny lunch. Think granny said your beans are good at least 4 times. Good her good cause you are having them again at dinner time. After we got home, it was just about time to start the rest of dinner going to get back over there. Least I got some more done on a Christmas present quilt. It's 8 o'clock and about to eat dinner and get ready for bed. Work tomorrow, sooo, I did not get my jalapeno candied today. Maybe day after tomorrow.
Energizer bunny!
Beans keep producing all season. I pick on an average of 2 to 3 times per week.
I planted the bush type Italian Flat bean. These have a few pickings and then they are done. I have been wanting to try out the pole bean type but havent gotten to yet. Maybe next year. . . . I am looking at the Kentucky Wonder. I know the feed store sells them, just havent made my way up there yet. Hunny normally takes me up once a year to get seeds so next time that will be one I grab. I have to say I miss my Contenders. I havent planted any of those yet this year.
This is zero exaggeration ....... our ground is so dry and hard, you cannot even stick a sharp trowel into it. We have lots of clay. I've been adding to the garden soul for 19 years so the main planting area is a little better.

I'm going to add more sand since I got the load today.

As I've said before, I dig a hole and use it as a bowl. Then I add bagged soil, egg shells, sand, banana peel and a little Miracle Grow. Then I pray.
This is zero exaggeration ....... our ground is so dry and hard, you cannot even stick a sharp trowel into it. We have lots of clay. I've been adding to the garden soul for 19 years so the main planting area is a little better.

I'm going to add more sand since I got the load today.

As I've said before, I dig a hole and use it as a bowl. Then I add bagged soil, egg shells, sand, banana peel and a little Miracle Grow. Then I pray.

The good thing is that it’s supposed to rain a lot Friday - Sunday. We will see. The weather has screwed us before....
The good thing is that it’s supposed to rain a lot Friday - Sunday. We will see. The weather has screwed us before....
Yeah, I’ve been watching the weather reports closely too. Gave up thinking about washing the trucks with the dust cloud that follows you on the driveway. They say rains are coming, and I’m hopefull, but still planning to water each day until it actually does.
It's been sunny and warm here, 70 - 72, but then its supposed to be in the 30's on Friday. One forcast predicted snow too. I'm just hoping that we don't get frost with it.
I would be happy with a dip in temps about now. Upper 80’s into the 90’s here. It’s hard to stay motivated outside middays.
I don't remember where, but some Liberal said someone had committed a hate crime by spreading some type of yellow powder all over her car.

It was pollen. Libs are crazy.
I never thought about this yellow powder being part of a "hate" crime. Mother Nature must really be a hater.
Liberals say the dumbest things.
It started raining at 5:30 this morning and has not stopped. Weatherman said we could expect up to seven inches. If coarse today is the day I have had to go out multiple times to check up on goats. Last week I had a baby that had his leg broken at feeding time. One of the bigger goats must have ran him over. It got reset and bandaged using old toilet paper tubing and popsicle sticks. He mom and brother were separated to the sick barn area till it heals up. There is a shed up on piers that we store all our wood in so it has the 2in x 1 in sure around the bottom so babies can not escape. Well this baby got his popsicle leg caught on the fence and couldn't get it out. Leg still looks and feels straight but I am sure it did not help it any with his healing.
Yes, finally some rain! Mostly drizzle but a couple times with a bit more. That’s actually perfect as when it’s really dry any hard rain just runs off vs soaking in. Looks like we have more for a few days yet on its way. Never thought I’d be so happy to see rain.
It started raining at 5:30 this morning and has not stopped. Weatherman said we could expect up to seven inches. If coarse today is the day I have had to go out multiple times to check up on goats. Last week I had a baby that had his leg broken at feeding time. One of the bigger goats must have ran him over. It got reset and bandaged using old toilet paper tubing and popsicle sticks. He mom and brother were separated to the sick barn area till it heals up. There is a shed up on piers that we store all our wood in so it has the 2in x 1 in sure around the bottom so babies can not escape. Well this baby got his popsicle leg caught on the fence and couldn't get it out. Leg still looks and feels straight but I am sure it did not help it any with his healing.
Hope you have a boat....

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