I got 31cpm today, thats high for me but not unusuall for background radiation. We had fallout from the Chernobyl disaster here in Sweden, it was forbidden to sell and eat meat from wild animals such as reindeer for some time because of high levels of Cesium. This was all the way up in the North so the **** spreads far. I check every lunch now if there is elevated levels because Putiins men has stormed Ukrainenien Nuceplants. I have seen on the web that you can buy Uraninite, it would be nice to check the shelter with a hot sample to se how good it protects. Uraninite is 158milionBequerel/kg så its pretty sparkling. Uraninite - Wikipedia
Its mostly beta-radiation from uraninite so it does not penetrate well, the real problem in a shelteris gamma-rays. Mindat.org
Its mostly beta-radiation from uraninite so it does not penetrate well, the real problem in a shelteris gamma-rays. Mindat.org
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