Going Crazy... Productive Things To Do While Saving Up For Land to Homestead on?

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I know I need to get off but it's gonna take a little while. We just found our "therapeutic dose" (the lowest dose we need to not withdraw) like a few weeks ago. So not exactly ready to start tapering just yet. I'm just so worried because even tho I know we'll only go down like 1 mg a week im just worried about withdrawing and feeling ****** at work and calling in to work and ****... I know once I quit ill be fine, just worried about starting it before then. I know I shouldn't get on something else but I need help lol I'm sure I have adhd without the hyperactivity. I hyperfixate on one project for a while, forget about it, start another one, etc etc. How do you even make more time in the day to do anything even? It seems to take all day just to do basic **** like grocery shopping and cooking and eating lol that by the time I'm done with everything I HAVE to do, it's too late to do anything I want to work on or learn :/

Sorry we older generation didn't protect your future better. it will be hard to deal with but you have to be strong and keep on keeping on.
Most doctors turned into barbituate pushers in the late 1950s.
I like what the man said in 'ShawShank Redemption' " get busy living or get busy dying" of
Yes, I have been thinking i need to go see a psych as well, Neb. I really want to find a way (whether with meds or counseling) to get on top of this adhd or whatever. I actually did try to go see one a few weeks ago, but it's a huge pain in the ass cause I'm on an HMO plan and I have to get a referral from my primary dr. I tried calling and asking about getting one but never got a call back.

That sounds awesome minus the going to work part. I would love to work outside on my homestead all day doing hard work. I love doing it when we go camping. I just hate the stress of an hourly job with coworkers and clients and bosses and having to do bologna ass yank and crank dog training instead of the Leerburg methods I train my own dogs with and plan on using to do dog training once we move.

There is no such thing as the perfect drug.And some psych drugs are worse than street drugs except they are legal. You had the bad luck to be born at a time when drugs make millionairs and billionaires. Both on the streets and in dr. offices.
Far as a boss thats life. You have to work for a boss to make money and gain experiance to become the boss.
Sounds like you need a boot camp more than a dr.. Not being mean or rude just saying what I've seen from a couple of my own grandkids who are a couple years older than you.
One is doing great for past 11 months, the other one is doing very hard time till she is in her 40s. Drugs are the highway to hell for anyone who uses them. For acute pain they are great but long term you just go through withdrawals till they kill you,plain and simple.
I really am sorry you have to deal with this so young.:huggs:
I don't know how much 'tough-love' she can handle.
The first change you need to make, is to get a new fiance.
There are millions of people out there.
If your guy is 31, with a prison record, still living with his dad, you are driving down a dead-end street.
The free rent ain't worth it.
You are too young to spend your good productive years dragging them both behind you.
Great guys that already have land and don't just sit on their butts, await you:
Working on the land all day will end any bad habit you may have. Trust me, I know.

BONGO! What I was thinking but didn't say.
But these kids now are dealing with what us drug culture,free sex hippy BOOMERS left for them. But only they can fix it. If it feels good do it in the street [ remember that song,lol] .
Its easy to sit back and blame the youth when we let it get this way.
Yeah, cause in this society you just throw away anyone who ever effs up at all in their life and takes any longer than they "should". He was a stupid kid who happened to get caught (I've done the same stuff just not dealing and without a firearm and never got caught, does that make me a horrible person too?) and then forced to waste 5 years of his life in prison. He got laid off, and has a new job now though and is clean, so idk what people expect of him right now. I know we're living at his dad's rn. What do you expect him to do without 1 yr of employment history at his job and 3 months of paystubs and no credit little savings etc.? I guess no one can ever turn their lives around or decide to change or do anything different, right? We should just die cause we can't ever do anything better with our lives and are already too old and already effed up and ruined everything. Just like the cop told him when he called the cops cause his dad's gf started freaking out for no reason at all and throwing dishes and sharp objects at him and screaming at him and following him up to our room and stuff. And then the cops said it was his fault for living there at 30 yrs old even tho he forcibly lost 5 yrs of his life and just got a new job and therefore has no way of getting his own place yet, so idk I guess everyone just expects him to go die on the streets or something idk. You know the only person who's been there for me and loved me when I left my bad family and the only person I love completely more than anything and would literally die for me. Hes even risked going back to jail to help me out. I just don't know what people expect. I'm not leaving the love of my life just to find someone else to mooch off of when I'm in the same effing boat as my fiance so who am I to judge when we can just achieve our dreams through hard work and turning our lives around together? I'm not an effing gold digger (or land digger whatever).
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Yeah, cause in this society you just throw away anyone who ever ***** up at all in their life and takes any longer than they "should". He was a stupid kid who happened to get caught (I've done the same **** just not dealing and without a firearm and never got caught, does that make me a ****** person too?) and then forced to waste 5 years of his life in prison. He got laid off, and has a new job now though and is clean, so idk what people expect of him right now. I know we're living at his dad's rn. What do you expect him to do without 1 yr of employment history at his job and 3 months of paystubs and no credit little savings etc.? I guess no one can ever turn their lives around or decide to change or do anything different, right? We should just die cause we can't ever do anything better with our lives and are already too old and already ****** up and ruined everything. Just like the cop told him when he called the cops cause his dad's gf started freaking out for no reason at all and throwing dishes and sharp objects at him and screaming at him and following him up to our room and ****. And then the cops said it was his fault for living there at 30 yrs old even tho he forcibly lost 5 yrs of his life and just got a new job and therefore has no way of getting his own place yet, so idk I guess everyone just expects him to go die on the streets or something idk. You know the only person who's been there for me and loved me when I left my ****** family and the only person I love completely more than anything and would literally die for me. Hes even risked going back to jail to help me out. I just don't know what people expect. I'm not leaving the love of my life just to find someone else to mooch off of when I'm in the same ******* boat as my fiance so who am I to judge when we can just achieve our dreams through hard work and turning our lives around together? I'm not a ******* gold digger (or land digger whatever).

Watch the language or they will ban you, maybe say ' screw up '?
He is currently a night shift front desk associate at a hotel. He is fairly proficient in woodworking and he used to do a lot of archery in boy scouts but is planning on practicing again once I get him that bow for his bday. He's been learning and practicing all kinds of different survival stuff like crazy. Like fire making, cooking on campfire, tying different kinds of knots, putting up tarps in different ways as different shelter types, etc. One thing he is incredible with is looking at something g and improving or fixing it. Hes also great at mental math. Hes great at cooking, he knows a lot about cars and car mechanics and fixing cars as well. I'm sure there's more I cant think of right now
I just need to lay down and die lol. Life is so freaking hard. Everything about it seems to beat you down til there's nothing left. I know it does suck that unfortunately there is no perfect drug, and the ones that seem to help the most seems to end up doing the most damage in the long run lol. This is why I just want to go eff this capitalist republican society and just go run off and live in the woods with my babies (fiance and cat and dog) lol
I was just about to say, I have not seen any way to edit posts, which is why I have been double posting.
Just something for you to ponder - from a crotchety old man, take it for what it is worth...
Take the responsibility for where you are in life. Don't blame it on others - this is your trip and you are the one walking it.
When you take the responsibility you also get to take the credit for getting better. You control your future, regardless of your past.
We have all made mistakes, been pushed down or fallen but it is what you do after the fall that determines your future. It is never a smooth road so when you trip recover and keep walking. Enjoy life as it comes at you and build on it every chance you get. You are the most powerful person in your life.
@tuliprox First, welcome aboard. Folks here are kind, generous, and as you've probably discovered truthful. There is a ton of info. on saving and making the most of what you have. When I read your first post, my first question is what is your passion? I think SD might have said that too. One thing to remember is "today". That's all you need to worry about today is just making the most of today - then do that again tomorrow. I'm sure you've heard of 'instant gratification.' What you are wanting is just that. Realize that there is no Ginny in a bottle to make that happen. If you are not pleased with your job, begin looking for something else while you still have this one so that you are not without work. Wanting to work at your own pace and do what you want with your days sounds fantastic = fantasy. I don't want to discourage you, but it won't be like that. Of course, it's what we all want to some degree, so we work towards it. It takes many small steps, not save X amount move and life is perfect. It sounds like you are working on becoming healthy - good! Focus on being healthy, it will only help you further yourself in the direction you desire. Be patient with yourself and realize it will take time.
Yep. I'm one of those that doesn't want to see those words.
So if you're staying with the fiance, have saved 5K, have free room and board right now, then you need to sit down and budget to see where you're at right now, and where you need to be to reach your goals. You are thinking 15K, but what will that get you? And if it only gets you the land, will you live in a tent or trailer? Many people have. You will have to have a job still. Not just Homesteading. You would starve to death, not pay your land taxes, and fail. So if you are thinking of making money from homesteading, then what would you do that would sell? Do you know how to do something that would pull an income? I know
it's tiring working 40 hr weeks. I've spent many years working 50 hour weeks easy, then come home to do the laundry, keep house, make a good dinner, take care of our family. Husband worked 50 hrs a week plus, too, and traveled alot for work. Raised 5 kids, and now 3 grandkids. Hate to say it, but 40 hr weeks with free rent is easy peasy compared to making money homesteading. So if you're serious, put it on paper and agree to it with your fiance. Have a goal. What's the 15K going for? Plan it out. Where are you going, how much it will cost, how much money do you need to bring in monthly to live on that homestead. If you have a goal, then it'll be something to work towards. You can't just say you'll be raising chickens unless you minimally budget a few hundred dollars to get started doing that.
I just need to lay down and die lol. Life is so freaking hard. Everything about it seems to beat you down til there's nothing left. I know it does suck that unfortunately there is no perfect drug, and the ones that seem to help the most seems to end up doing the most damage in the long run lol. This is why I just want to go eff this capitalist republican society and just go run off and live in the woods with my babies (fiance and cat and dog) lol
Perspective is a powerful tool. Can you see it sideways perhaps?
There is no drug that will make living easy. There are some drugs that can be used short term while you find that life can be great but most drugs just remove your ability to feel anything. That keeps you from living, loving and finding joy in the little things you do every day. When the drug starts to wear off all you feel is bad. That is why you need to find the things in life that bring joy and wonder for you. There are no drugs that can give you the pride of building something. Yep! It's hard work and sometimes it hurts for a long time but if you can feel pain then you can experience the rest that life has to offer. Get addicted to living! There is so much to do and build and be proud of. Be all you can be!
Maybe you can't edit on mobile cause I don't see any edit options

Oops sorry I just saw people's post about how to do it on mobile, thank you!! For some reason those posts didn't show up at first for me.
I'm not very techy - took me a looong time to figure it out.

I use laptop but don't know how to use the phone for :dunno: anything except calling. And since everyone text now not good at that either.
I told grand kids I don't text, bet they all celebrated now legitimate excuse for ignoring me.:). But we do corresponde on facebook.
On the phones you have 3 dots on the left below your post (after posting it). Click the dots and a menu drops down then click on "EDIT".
I use laptop but don't know how to use the phone for :dunno: anything except calling. And since everyone text now not good at that either.
I told grand kids I don't text, bet they all celebrated now legitimate excuse for ignoring me.:). But we do corresponde on facebook.
Same here! I call myself a texting virgin and have no plans to change that status. If they have something to say, just call me.

Same here! I call myself a texting virgin and have no plans to change that status. If they have something to say, just call me.


Thats what I say. But then they say calling is old fashioned so they don't call. They are nice on FB so guess I have to roll with the flow. To a certain extent of course. I don't care for some of them doing their jive talk but huess every generation has that. Beatnics to hippy to jive,lol.
I just need to lay down and die lol. Life is so freaking hard. Everything about it seems to beat you down til there's nothing left. I know it does suck that unfortunately there is no perfect drug, and the ones that seem to help the most seems to end up doing the most damage in the long run lol. This is why I just want to go eff this capitalist republican society and just go run off and live in the woods with my babies (fiance and cat and dog) lol

I guess your boyfriend could build you a campfire and hope a squrrel runs up and commits suicide ,cleans and cooks itself so yall don't have to chase it down or put forth any real effort .lol. Netherland is not real.:LOL:
I think the Netherlands are real lol? And I have said this whole time that I want to put in the work on a homestead, I just hate punching a clock and doing bs yank and crank dog training instead of real dog training like I want to do. So I really don't understand where you're coming from.

Lol, what is "jive" even??

My passion is *real* dog training. My favorite are Leerburg methods/trains of thought as far as dog training goes. That is one of the many things that I plan on doing out there to make money. Later on, we plan on also breeding, raising, selling and training (only training the dogs obviously) dogs, goats, and chickens as well.

I would much rather have the stresses of trying to feed myself/take care of myself/survive rather than have to work and punch a clock to make money to buy food and worry about coworkers and bosses and hours etc etc.
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I think the Netherlands are real lol? And I have said this whole time that I want to put in the work on a homestead, I just hate punching a clock and doing bs yank and crank dog training instead of real dog training like I want to do. So I really don't understand where you're coming from.

Lol, what is "jive" even??

My passion is *real* dog training. My favorite are Leerburg methods/trains of thought as far as dog training goes. That is one of the many things that I plan on doing out there to make money. Later on, we plan on also breeding, raising, selling and training (only training the dogs obviously) dogs, goats, and chickens as well.

good luck.

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