I would absolutely love to! Come on out and give me some advice on the questions I'm asking advice for pleeasee non-perfect people full of knowledge! I'm not trying to be sarcastic btw, just silly and honest. I know it can be hard to tell peoples' intent/emotions over text/internet sometimes, even I misjudge emotions/intent all the time. Just trying to clairfy
Also, just so everyone knows, I'm terrible at remembering human/internet names, so I'm mostly just replying to specific posts moreso rather than specific people.
I assume you are referring to whoever it was that made that post that included how they will most likely be back to this thread, provided it is not closed, as I haven't mentioned this in regards to this forum? Thanks for letting me know as well though. I mean, yeah at the end of the day I suppose that is true. I think many factors such as those listed can absolutely affect us, but yes, at the end of the day, it is up to us to decide how to react to them.
Definitely, I agree as well. Although I'm not very religious and am still figuring out my spirituality and exactly what I do believe in (though most of the Bible and my Catholic upbringing has mostly turned me away from Christianity specifically), I do agree with that quote and your post about it as well.
Very true! Hahaha omggg, all of those "hindsight is 2020" and "I can't predict what'll happen in [insert # of years here] years; I don't have 2020 vision!" jokes are so insanely bittersweet now since 2020 has actually started (and now almost finished... that was fast).
Since you don't seem to understand:
Methadone Mythbusters: Do People Use Methadone to Get High? - Pinnacle Treatment Centers
Also, what I actually said was that methadone is a chemically/physically addictive substance that has withdrawal symptoms, just like caffeine and sugar do. However, none of these are considered "street drugs". I think you're thinking more along the lines of somebody who has never abused opiates, or not very much/for very long at all. Because yes, those people do get high off of methadone. But people who have been on strong opiates for 1+ years, use opiates that cross the blood brain barrier faster than any other drug, etc., those people do not get "high" off of methadone, all they feel is relief from withdrawal symptoms. Literally, if it weren't for the physical withdrawal symptoms, we would have been off them ages ago and never would have even taken methadone. Nothing we took did ANYTHING to us anymore, like I mean absolutely ZERO high. Our tolerances had gotten so high and we could only afford so much and the only stuff available was such terrible quality/low strength that we literally felt absolutely nothing except the occasional 1-2 second long very slight euphoria, and maybe about 15-45 min. of somewhat relief from withdrawal symptoms. It literally wasn't even fun anymore, and the only thing stopping us from stopping were the physical withdrawal symptoms, which is what the methadone is for. So, yeah, I am definitely clear-headed and sober. I can't force you to agree with me, but to each their own I suppose. If what I believe helps me continue my recovery, then that's all that matters to me. I'm not going to let someone on the internet try to tell me I'm wrong and that I'm not allowed to believe something perfectly logical and say I am that because the logic makes perfect sense. I consider myself "addicted" to a few things, including sugar, caffeine, methadone, etc. However, I do also consider myself sober, since I am off of all street drugs and I have a clear head 100% of the time and am never high off of anything that I take. I absolutely believe there is a difference in being addicted to certain things and being sober.
Hahaha, I have been wondering this as well!
Yep, although I don't agree with the post you responded to, I do agree with the fact that the government pulls a lot of stuff like that on us for sure. I'm sure they have/could come up with something better than methadone, but like you said, they would rather have us get on something else addictive so as to control and charge us. Are you talking about Suboxone/Subutex/etc.? Yeah that stuff is extremely dangerous for those stupid enough to try to take opiates within 24-48 hrs of, since it contains Naloxone (sp?), which literally pushed the opiates out of your system and will in turn cause severe withdrawal symptoms. Unless you're pregnant, then they'll give you the one without that in it. I do not know if it is the actual chemical or just the possible effects that are the reason for that. Also, subs tend not to work very well/help very much if you have built up a pretty high tolerance to opiates. They will definitely still get someone with little to no opiate tolerance high though! Not to mention if you're trying to come off opiates, then you obviously have to wait 24-48 hrs before taking subs, or else you will very, very much regret it (haven't done it myself but have seen it and heard multiple stories first and second hand). Which, 24-48 hrs may not seem like very long, but when you have built up a pretty high tolerance, you will be feeling absolutely awful basically like the worst flu you can imagine after only 6-8 hrs or so. By 24 hrs. you're probably trying to check into a hospital and/or find relief because you literally feel like you're going to die even if you aren't.
I have been on here too long already so I'll read and respond to the rest of the posts some other time when I find time. I've gotta get back to bed for work now.