Going Crazy... Productive Things To Do While Saving Up For Land to Homestead on?

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Grimm we ALL spill our guts on here at times,well maybe not all there are a couple who don't,lol. But you and I aren't one of them. I hope you get back to your own place soon and the firres stop causing somuch pain. :peace:

We were able to get home 5 days after being evacuated. Everything smelt of smoke but nothing the washing machine couldn't handle.
@tuliprox ,

I don't delete posts or threads.
If it gets violent or too nasty I may close it.

View attachment 51036

How do you feel about this?


Sometimes fate has a hand in it too,Like Jesus said" time and chance happens to us all.
Jesus used a building falling in on some people and ask if all those people were deserving or laacked faith, he answered them'time aand chance happenth to us all'.
I can't rememebr the exact quote or even book it wa in but some do have worse environments than others.
But basically your correct that after a certain age its all on you.:peace:
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Ibet TulipR is glad we got off her for awhile,:LOL:

I am still fighting with myself if I should respond to the "methadone is not really taking drugs" comment. Legally methadone is a controlled substance and used to help prevent withdrawal. That means it is used to keep the user in a 'high' state even if not for the mind altering effects. That by very definition is drug use/abuse and a person on methadone can not claim to be sober.

I need to add I am not saying Tuliprox is using methadone. I am using it as an example.
I am still fighting with myself if I should respond to the "methadone is not really taking drugs" comment. Legally methadone is a controlled substance and used to help prevent withdrawal. That means it is used to keep the user in a 'high' state even if not for the mind altering effects. That by very definition is drug use/abuse and a person on methadone can not claim to be sober.

I understand and this is a fact! It is also worse to come off of than herion or meth. So is Syblaxin'spl'.I have seen this with family and friends over the years. Another govenment remedy to destroy lives and control us all espeially the young.
What was"PS" ?

"Physics. Society"?


PS was/is a forum called Prepared Society. It was bought by Carbon Media Group and they soon started blocking members from using their own accounts for no reason. The bulk of the members migrated to this forum which was started not long after the "Great Member Ban of 2017"
I wish I could sit face to face with this young lady, and have a conversation.
I dealt with the public most of my business life.
You can tell so much more about people face to face....body language, eye positioning, facial expressions and responses to questions , without time to think about an answer, before writing it.

She is very young.
Sounds like she has made bad decisions.
Still is I think.

She seems to want everybody to agree with all she wants to do.

When we don't agree with her decisions, she tries hard to justify them.

IMHO she's got a lot to learn about real life.

It's hard to help someone that really won't listen to advice.

I'm old and learned so much in the school of hard knocks. Still am.

“Nothing great is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig. I answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen.” - Epictetus
I thought trolls just tried to screw with people online for no reason? And didn't waste hours of their time being upset and trying to reply and defend themselves? All I'm trying to do is defend myself and reply back to most of the posts. Sorry for probably having adhd and getting sometimes hyperfocused and other times very distracted? I didn't know it was a crime to reply to most posts...
I've actually thought about this thread a little. If you are a troll, the hammer is deserving. If you are really 22 and are looking towards homesteading, some things you have said that you might consider: "life is so hard, I want to lay down and die." You are saying this to several folks who have watched their friends die in combat so that you have the opportunities you have. I am certainly thankful they did not just "lay down and die." You have only to care for yourself, are currently working and not paying rent. I have been a single mom while going to school full time, working full time, and lived in a shop building a house so my ex wouldn't be able to take my children. I was awarded the state minimum child support less you think I was getting big bucks from that direction and I received no gov. assistance. I "excelled" with my job review, graduated with honors, house passed inspection, and I still managed to help coach little league, attend school plays, and read bedtime stories. I would have relished 'only' 40hrs/wk. I don't consider myself exceptional compared to others on this forum. Next, "I didn't realize this was a family forum. I thought it was adults only." It is adults only - respectful adults. Recognize the company you are among. And lastly "I want. . . " It is fine to want, but if you ask advice, are unwilling to put in the work required, and refuse all suggestions, don't expect lasting regards from others. As AH pointed out, there are many threads on how-to become more self-sufficient, gain skills, and succeed. You might start by reading, gleaning, learning all you can not just here, but your library, extension office, and locals.
Again, if you are being truthful, I wish you well. If you are a troll, I wish you far worse than the hammer of Grimm.
I wish I could sit face to face with this young lady, and have a conversation.
I dealt with the public most of my business life.
You can tell so much more about people face to face....body language, eye positioning, facial expressions and responses to questions , without time to think about an answer, before writing it.

She is very young.
Sounds like she has made bad decisions.
Still is I think.

She seems to want everybody to agree with all she wants to do.

When we don't agree with her decisions, she tries hard to justify them.

IMHO she's got a lot to learn about real life.

It's hard to help someone that really won't listen to advice.

I'm old and learned so much in the school of hard knocks. Still am.


So true but maybe if we do it grsually it will come back to her when she figures out after a few life lessons.
It would be a shem for a mind like hers to go to waste.Also emotions always rule over intelligence till we give in to the facts or continue in the pain.
Ayn Rand is one of my favorites on this one,lol. RALITY!
I've actually thought about this thread a little. If you are a troll, the hammer is deserving. If you are really 22 and are looking towards homesteading, some things you have said that you might consider: "life is so hard, I want to lay down and die." You are saying this to several folks who have watched their friends die in combat so that you have the opportunities you have. I am certainly thankful they did not just "lay down and die." You have only to care for yourself, are currently working and not paying rent. I have been a single mom while going to school full time, working full time, and lived in a shop building a house so my ex wouldn't be able to take my children. I was awarded the state minimum child support less you think I was getting big bucks from that direction and I received no gov. assistance. I "excelled" with my job review, graduated with honors, house passed inspection, and I still managed to help coach little league, attend school plays, and read bedtime stories. I would have relished 'only' 40hrs/wk. I don't consider myself exceptional compared to others on this forum. Next, "I didn't realize this was a family forum. I thought it was adults only." It is adults only - respectful adults. Recognize the company you are among. And lastly "I want. . . " It is fine to want, but if you ask advice, are unwilling to put in the work required, and refuse all suggestions, don't expect lasting regards from others. As AH pointed out, there are many threads on how-to become more self-sufficient, gain skills, and succeed. You might start by reading, gleaning, learning all you can not just here, but your library, extension office, and locals.
Again, if you are being truthful, I wish you well. If you are a troll, I wish you far worse than the hammer of Grimm.

I agree LadyL, as did I and life can be rough for sure but we also did this when America still a basically resembled a republic. Before our nation was being infiltrated by our enemies.
Kids today are lied to in our new society. Indoctrinated into thinking we are an evil people and only use others.
I never saw a pot joint till I was 20yr old. Much less harder drugs. Then came the commmunist teaching and lying to our youth. Drugs ,sex and The Man aka anyone working to get ahead in life was evil.
Marriage and family were still popular but not for long. All the free sex,drugs and ireesponsibility made men and women feel like they were missing out on all that " FREEDUMB" so divorce, fatherless kids became the norm.
I know for every child I had with my kids father some hippy chick with moldy flowers in her hair,haha was having one by him too. He had 7 kids in our 5 yr marriage and only 3 were mine. Becaue it wws a sin to beg back then I almost starved myself and year old child to death. I was a skeletin at 5 months with my next child. My girlfriend wjo was slaso starving with her year old son was 7 months PG. We started crawling to our babies who refused the water and screamed. Mama treid to tell me before I married him although he worked he spent it on women and wine. I had just turned 17 when we ran away snd eloped. But I was working helping support her and her two kids from her last marriage so I jumped from frying pan into fire.
But kids don't care about our sob stories because like me they know better and are wiser than their eelders.Me next 5 years would be a living hell to asembly line at GM got me and mine away from it all.
Life is not easy, and requires lots of hard work to be successful. Having a job is one thing. Many successful people are looking for different ways to earn money, to get ahead in life. I taught in the inner city for many years and have seen so many people who think that a hand out is the way of life. And, if they have a chance to get over on someone, they think they are smarter than others. That is part of a lifestyle.

I was fairly young when I realized that I could not work on my feet. I fell down some stairs when I was around 19 or 20, and it took me a couple months before I could approach a chair easily or normally. I probably broke my tail bone, and being able to stand for any length of time is impossible for me, especially in a line that moves slowly. I am better if I am moving on my feet.

I am retired from teaching, but have a great amount of work with house sitting and pet care. I stop at people's homes, let their dogs out, feed them, take them for walks, or to dog parks. When dog parks were closed for the pandemic, dogs came to my house and hung out in my yard, playing, chasing squirrels and exploring. I also get booked to stay at homes to provide care for pets and properties. It is a great little business. I have to keep an appointment book to keep track of my appointments. I often have multiple requests for house sitting during holidays. I am honest, clean, and very reliable. I show up at the appointed time, every time, no excuses. I only go into necessary spaces. I am a huge respecter of people's privacy. I would never go into rooms that were not part of my job needs, and would never go through people's things, ever. I have heard stories about people having jewelry stolen, and other things, by dog and house sitters. Because people can trust me, I stay busy just by word of mouth. People talk, word gets around. Having integrity is super important in having this kind of business. I also have a squeaky clean record.

I believe having a pet business working with animals would be something that would make you happy. It is rewarding work. Rover is one way to get started. I have never used Rover, but know people who have to get started. Being a person of your word would be very important.
Whether you are addicted to heroine or methadone you are still an addict. After I told my doctor that I had stopped taking methadone she asked if I had any withdrawal symptoms. I hadn't and told her so. She came back with, "you probably don't have an addictive personality." Well I was taught that addiction is a physical process but I don't care because I am addicted to living life to its fullest. Not carelessly but I push the limits in every way I can. I occasionally have a glass of wine or a beer but you can count those on one hand for a year. I work as hard as I can, I play as hard as I can and I love completely and unconditionally. I apologize when I am wrong and praise the accomplishments of others. I help my neighbors, friends, and family and they help me. Good people abound and their deeds speak for them.

My mom always said, "if it's worth complaining about then do something about it." I figure if you are not able to do something about it then it's not worth complaining about. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself and I whine or ask for help. Either way it is done and I move on.

The folks here have been great and I thank each of you. I have grown to trust them all and a few I have grown to love. Some have it worse than I do and we pray for each other. Pain is just a part of life for some of us. We live with it, get professional help or ignore it for as long as we can. We share the good, bad and ugly but rarely dismiss each other. We don't always like what we or others do but we still respect the person.
Don't you have any specific questions for the other posts, like the canning ones, dehydrating, growing veg, saving seed, alternative heat, water, food storage, raising chickens, etc?

If you are going to be a homesteader, seems like you'd have alot of questions. Not just three pages about you saving up for land. But keep saving.

Yeah, I was trying to ask questions about how to start gardening indoors while we save. They mostly seemed to be ignored though. I was trying to ask about cheapest/most homesteady ways to gather/make supplies to start growing some veggies like lettuce and tomatoes indoors.

I apologize for being one of the many here who misjudged you and also one of the first to sarcastically attack you with humor at your expense.

TuliupR, don't let us run you off and understand that although we may disagree with some of your post doesn't mean we don't appreciate the fact your trying.

IMO your a very well spoken highly intelligent young woman.

Sadly websites are like everyting else in life, people want to be liked and part of the " CLUB". Cliques are formed along with what I call PMs posse's,lol start and even though some actually agree with others they will not offend the clique especially its leaders.

Nobody should investigate the private life of others but the web puts it out there.

If I come back to this thread which its probable ' if it isn't deleted ' I won't always agree either. We need some young people on here to teach but if you have a health problem [ drug addictions are one of the big ones] maybe put it in '

Homesteading & Country Living

Natural Remedies



Thank you so much. I really, truly, sincerely do appreciate the apology. I have always been a firm believer in second chances, provided that the person actually does want to change. I guess partly in the hope, albeit definitely not any expectation, that I would be treated in the same respect by most.

Oh yes, I absolutely agree with the clique thing. I have definitely been a part of other forums where I have had to PM new people to give advice before they get banned for "trolling", just because they are naive and don't know any better. I knew that if I said anything in the thread to defend them or even to just give the advice theybwere seeking, that I would risk being attacked just as much as they are already being attacked. And I didnt want to ruin my reputation or get banned, so I would just PM them my advice instead.

Again, I agree 100%. Unfortunately that is how the Internet is- everything is out there and I do know that. I've just never had anyone do anything so invasive to me before, and the only time it has happened to my fiance was when he was a young teenager and some Internet savvy guy got mad at him on an online game and found his home address and threatened him with physical violence with it as well. So that kinda creeper me out just because those are the extent of my experiences with that, ya know?

Thanks for the advice! We do plan on growing some things to help us if needed, but the more help the better for sure!

tulip, if you have questions about homesteading, we are here to help. If you don't want a reality check (the truth) sorry about that. Many here have dealt with drug issues, either their own or in their family. We wish the best for you but don't look for sympathy. You have a tough job ahead and only you can do it.

You complain about being on your feet for 8 hours to people that spend 16 hours, 6 and 7 days a week, doing backbreaking work, and loving it. I hope you can see how they might question your sincerity. The lives we have chosen are not easy, and we wish to be upfront about that, but we find them satisfying. Read some other threads, learn about other skills, and ask for clarification.

I'm not looking for sympathy, and I know not to haha, and thank you for the good wishes!

If you read one of my previous posts, you will see what I actually explain what I mean by this. I don't mind doing hard work all day long when I'm outside in nature all day and I have both my furbabies with me most of the time and I'm always either by myself or with my fiance and I'm just working to take care of ourselves directly, not to make money for someone else to pay other people so that I can have food etc to live and I'm not around a bunch of people socially and emotionally draining me all day. Doing the kind of hard work we do when camping and that we'll be doing on a homestead makes me feel tired and sore and accomplished and satisfied and happy and content. Doing hard work on the clock for someone else all day makes me feel tired and sore and drained and like I have no time or energy to do anything that I want to do. I honestly thought that that was how other people felt as well and that that would be understood, but I should have explained more thoroughly from the start I see now.

Everyone needs to stop being so worried about hurting someone else's feelings. You get your feelings hurt- boo hoo. It is part of life and you need to learn to deal with it. Clearly you never grew up being bullied or picked on for stupid reasons like most of the older generations did. The younger generations need to stop whining about bullying and trying to censoring everyone else and learn to ignore those that bother them. Life is not easy so take your rose colored glasses off and see it for what it is- an opportunity to do something great with what you are given both good and bad.

Not sure what this actually has to do with my post that you quoted lol? I never said any of that lol. So I honestly don't really know what you're even talking about tbqh. All I said was that I think that people nowadays need to stop and think for a minute (which ig is somehow bad to you? Idk I don't understand your point I'm regards to my post so I'm trying to figure it out) and not immediately jumped to the conclusion that someone is a "troll". I'm not saying that people need to worry about hurting others' feelings. I'm just saying that I've seen a lot of innocent people on a multitude of forums get attacked simply for asking a question just because the members don't like them or agree with them on something unrelated or partially related. They could easily just give advice without attacking, but instead choose to give zero advice and just attack. I'm not even talking about you specifically- I'm just talking about people in general. Thats all. And I am sorry if you and other here were bullied badly in school- yes, I was lucky enough to not have been subjected to very much bullying, and most of it was indirect and/or passive aggressive, never physically violent or really horrible. I truly do feel for those who did have to deal with that stuff back when it was much worse than it is now. Even my fiance dealt with much more than I did being 8.5 yrs older, especially since he was overweight in his earlier years. I'm glad that bullying has gotten better over the years, although by your post I'm not so sure if you are as it seems as though you're touting it as something to be proud of for "toughening up" those of you who were more severely bullied. Idk, thats just the vibe I got, but I could be wrong.

I had already typed all this out on the phone, but I'm just gonna post this and then respond to the rest of the posts since I was last on on the laptop since I'm home now. Possibly. Unless I decide to go to bed cause it is getting pretty late. We'll see. I've just been so tired I've been coming home and crashing and then having to force myself to wake up in the middle of the night/early morning and make my lunch for work the next day and stuff lol
I forgot to mention there are some good people here and full of knowlege even if like you not perfect so give them a chance.

I would absolutely love to! Come on out and give me some advice on the questions I'm asking advice for pleeasee non-perfect people full of knowledge! I'm not trying to be sarcastic btw, just silly and honest. I know it can be hard to tell peoples' intent/emotions over text/internet sometimes, even I misjudge emotions/intent all the time. Just trying to clairfy :).

Also, just so everyone knows, I'm terrible at remembering human/internet names, so I'm mostly just replying to specific posts moreso rather than specific people.

@tuliprox ,

I don't delete posts or threads.
If it gets violent or too nasty I may close it.

View attachment 51036

How do you feel about this?


I assume you are referring to whoever it was that made that post that included how they will most likely be back to this thread, provided it is not closed, as I haven't mentioned this in regards to this forum? Thanks for letting me know as well though. I mean, yeah at the end of the day I suppose that is true. I think many factors such as those listed can absolutely affect us, but yes, at the end of the day, it is up to us to decide how to react to them.

Sometimes fate has a hand in it too,Like Jesus said" time and chance happens to us all.
Jesus used a building falling in on some people and ask if all those people were deserving or lacked faith, he answered them'time and chance happenth to us all'.
I can't remember the exact quote or even book it was in but some do have worse environments than others.
But basically your correct that after a certain age its all on you.:peace:

Definitely, I agree as well. Although I'm not very religious and am still figuring out my spirituality and exactly what I do believe in (though most of the Bible and my Catholic upbringing has mostly turned me away from Christianity specifically), I do agree with that quote and your post about it as well.

We all have obsticals that affect us. I'm sure you didn't plan to be in the position your in today and I know I sure didn't. Hindsite is always 2020 BIG PUN intended.:fun fun::thumbs:

Very true! Hahaha omggg, all of those "hindsight is 2020" and "I can't predict what'll happen in [insert # of years here] years; I don't have 2020 vision!" jokes are so insanely bittersweet now since 2020 has actually started (and now almost finished... that was fast).

I am still fighting with myself if I should respond to the "methadone is not really taking drugs" comment. Legally methadone is a controlled substance and used to help prevent withdrawal. That means it is used to keep the user in a 'high' state even if not for the mind altering effects. That by very definition is drug use/abuse and a person on methadone can not claim to be sober.

I need to add I am not saying Tuliprox is using methadone. I am using it as an example.

Since you don't seem to understand: Methadone Mythbusters: Do People Use Methadone to Get High? - Pinnacle Treatment Centers

Also, what I actually said was that methadone is a chemically/physically addictive substance that has withdrawal symptoms, just like caffeine and sugar do. However, none of these are considered "street drugs". I think you're thinking more along the lines of somebody who has never abused opiates, or not very much/for very long at all. Because yes, those people do get high off of methadone. But people who have been on strong opiates for 1+ years, use opiates that cross the blood brain barrier faster than any other drug, etc., those people do not get "high" off of methadone, all they feel is relief from withdrawal symptoms. Literally, if it weren't for the physical withdrawal symptoms, we would have been off them ages ago and never would have even taken methadone. Nothing we took did ANYTHING to us anymore, like I mean absolutely ZERO high. Our tolerances had gotten so high and we could only afford so much and the only stuff available was such terrible quality/low strength that we literally felt absolutely nothing except the occasional 1-2 second long very slight euphoria, and maybe about 15-45 min. of somewhat relief from withdrawal symptoms. It literally wasn't even fun anymore, and the only thing stopping us from stopping were the physical withdrawal symptoms, which is what the methadone is for. So, yeah, I am definitely clear-headed and sober. I can't force you to agree with me, but to each their own I suppose. If what I believe helps me continue my recovery, then that's all that matters to me. I'm not going to let someone on the internet try to tell me I'm wrong and that I'm not allowed to believe something perfectly logical and say I am that because the logic makes perfect sense. I consider myself "addicted" to a few things, including sugar, caffeine, methadone, etc. However, I do also consider myself sober, since I am off of all street drugs and I have a clear head 100% of the time and am never high off of anything that I take. I absolutely believe there is a difference in being addicted to certain things and being sober.

What was"PS" ?

"Physics. Society"?


Hahaha, I have been wondering this as well!

I understand and this is a fact! It is also worse to come off of than herion or meth. So is Syblaxin'spl'.I have seen this with family and friends over the years. Another govenment remedy to destroy lives and control us all espeially the young.

Yep, although I don't agree with the post you responded to, I do agree with the fact that the government pulls a lot of stuff like that on us for sure. I'm sure they have/could come up with something better than methadone, but like you said, they would rather have us get on something else addictive so as to control and charge us. Are you talking about Suboxone/Subutex/etc.? Yeah that stuff is extremely dangerous for those stupid enough to try to take opiates within 24-48 hrs of, since it contains Naloxone (sp?), which literally pushed the opiates out of your system and will in turn cause severe withdrawal symptoms. Unless you're pregnant, then they'll give you the one without that in it. I do not know if it is the actual chemical or just the possible effects that are the reason for that. Also, subs tend not to work very well/help very much if you have built up a pretty high tolerance to opiates. They will definitely still get someone with little to no opiate tolerance high though! Not to mention if you're trying to come off opiates, then you obviously have to wait 24-48 hrs before taking subs, or else you will very, very much regret it (haven't done it myself but have seen it and heard multiple stories first and second hand). Which, 24-48 hrs may not seem like very long, but when you have built up a pretty high tolerance, you will be feeling absolutely awful basically like the worst flu you can imagine after only 6-8 hrs or so. By 24 hrs. you're probably trying to check into a hospital and/or find relief because you literally feel like you're going to die even if you aren't.

I have been on here too long already so I'll read and respond to the rest of the posts some other time when I find time. I've gotta get back to bed for work now.
Yeah, I was trying to ask questions about how to start gardening indoors while we save. They mostly seemed to be ignored though. I was trying to ask about cheapest/most homesteady ways to gather/make supplies to start growing some veggies like lettuce and tomatoes indoors.

I'm not very skilled in growing food indoors, but some things to consider for outdoors is working up a small plot of ground to plant. Or build some raised beds from scrap lumber and scrap metal roofing. Fill them partially with logs, sticks, etc then top off with good compost. Or use 5 gallon buckets or containers. If you use buckets, make sure to drill 4 to 8 drain holes in the bottom.
Many ways to grow food. For indoors, depending on space, aquaponics or hydroponics may be an option. There are tons of videos on YouTube that breakdown many of these techniques. Good luck with your choices.
If you have questions about growing, post a question in the growing section of the forum, or start a new header.
Same if you have questions about raising chickens...go to the animal section and look for the chicken header.
This "going crazy" header has gone a little crazy.
I would absolutely love to! Come on out and give me some advice on the questions I'm asking advice for pleeasee non-perfect people full of knowledge! I'm not trying to be sarcastic btw, just silly and honest. I know it can be hard to tell peoples' intent/emotions over text/internet sometimes, even I misjudge emotions/intent all the time. Just trying to clairfy :).

Also, just so everyone knows, I'm terrible at remembering human/internet names, so I'm mostly just replying to specific posts moreso rather than specific people.

I assume you are referring to whoever it was that made that post that included how they will most likely be back to this thread, provided it is not closed, as I haven't mentioned this in regards to this forum? Thanks for letting me know as well though. I mean, yeah at the end of the day I suppose that is true. I think many factors such as those listed can absolutely affect us, but yes, at the end of the day, it is up to us to decide how to react to them.

Definitely, I agree as well. Although I'm not very religious and am still figuring out my spirituality and exactly what I do believe in (though most of the Bible and my Catholic upbringing has mostly turned me away from Christianity specifically), I do agree with that quote and your post about it as well.

Very true! Hahaha omggg, all of those "hindsight is 2020" and "I can't predict what'll happen in [insert # of years here] years; I don't have 2020 vision!" jokes are so insanely bittersweet now since 2020 has actually started (and now almost finished... that was fast).

Since you don't seem to understand: Methadone Mythbusters: Do People Use Methadone to Get High? - Pinnacle Treatment Centers

Also, what I actually said was that methadone is a chemically/physically addictive substance that has withdrawal symptoms, just like caffeine and sugar do. However, none of these are considered "street drugs". I think you're thinking more along the lines of somebody who has never abused opiates, or not very much/for very long at all. Because yes, those people do get high off of methadone. But people who have been on strong opiates for 1+ years, use opiates that cross the blood brain barrier faster than any other drug, etc., those people do not get "high" off of methadone, all they feel is relief from withdrawal symptoms. Literally, if it weren't for the physical withdrawal symptoms, we would have been off them ages ago and never would have even taken methadone. Nothing we took did ANYTHING to us anymore, like I mean absolutely ZERO high. Our tolerances had gotten so high and we could only afford so much and the only stuff available was such terrible quality/low strength that we literally felt absolutely nothing except the occasional 1-2 second long very slight euphoria, and maybe about 15-45 min. of somewhat relief from withdrawal symptoms. It literally wasn't even fun anymore, and the only thing stopping us from stopping were the physical withdrawal symptoms, which is what the methadone is for. So, yeah, I am definitely clear-headed and sober. I can't force you to agree with me, but to each their own I suppose. If what I believe helps me continue my recovery, then that's all that matters to me. I'm not going to let someone on the internet try to tell me I'm wrong and that I'm not allowed to believe something perfectly logical and say I am that because the logic makes perfect sense. I consider myself "addicted" to a few things, including sugar, caffeine, methadone, etc. However, I do also consider myself sober, since I am off of all street drugs and I have a clear head 100% of the time and am never high off of anything that I take. I absolutely believe there is a difference in being addicted to certain things and being sober.

Hahaha, I have been wondering this as well!

Yep, although I don't agree with the post you responded to, I do agree with the fact that the government pulls a lot of stuff like that on us for sure. I'm sure they have/could come up with something better than methadone, but like you said, they would rather have us get on something else addictive so as to control and charge us. Are you talking about Suboxone/Subutex/etc.? Yeah that stuff is extremely dangerous for those stupid enough to try to take opiates within 24-48 hrs of, since it contains Naloxone (sp?), which literally pushed the opiates out of your system and will in turn cause severe withdrawal symptoms. Unless you're pregnant, then they'll give you the one without that in it. I do not know if it is the actual chemical or just the possible effects that are the reason for that. Also, subs tend not to work very well/help very much if you have built up a pretty high tolerance to opiates. They will definitely still get someone with little to no opiate tolerance high though! Not to mention if you're trying to come off opiates, then you obviously have to wait 24-48 hrs before taking subs, or else you will very, very much regret it (haven't done it myself but have seen it and heard multiple stories first and second hand). Which, 24-48 hrs may not seem like very long, but when you have built up a pretty high tolerance, you will be feeling absolutely awful basically like the worst flu you can imagine after only 6-8 hrs or so. By 24 hrs. you're probably trying to check into a hospital and/or find relief because you literally feel like you're going to die even if you aren't.

I have been on here too long already so I'll read and respond to the rest of the posts some other time when I find time. I've gotta get back to bed for work now.

Welcome back Tulip!:welcome::thumbs:
If you can get off drugs the military is a great option.

My father told me while in HS "When you graduate you have to get out, get a job or both."

The Navy let me satisfy both and got me started on a good career.


Sometimes but now or at least about 8 ye ago the military was putting lots of soldiers on drugs too. Don't know if they sstill do but they were giving anti depressant drugs for STDs that actually caused suicide, ,one of the side effects was suidide tendacy.:dunno:.Now they just indoctrinate them into all kinds of lifestyles and tell them how bad the white man is. 25 or 30 yr ago I'd agree military would be good idea,.

Obama fired 197 high ranking officers and replaced them with who knows what. I;m not insulting our troops for the ttakeing over of our military but this new Pentagon ain't what it use to be for sure.
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As for growing food indoors.
I have grown green beans inside in flower pots.
Same with peppers, tomatoes, onions,lettuce,garlic.

I grow microgreens and wheat grass for the cats and smoothies on our kitchen window sill. I did set up a seedling rack in the garage this summer so I can sprout my veggies early with grow lights.
Lighting is most important to grow indoors. And it ain't cheap setting it up. I'm one of the few alrernative growers here and I've tried it all. Best and less expensive is a small hoop house near the house if sun is available. Or a leanto on sunny side of house if space is available.

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