Okay, that might be a terrible way of phrasing. I'm looking to stay off the radar and keeping my presence unknown to law/government while blending into society. How can I stay anonymous while living in city limits where I live on the grid. I've already set up steps to keep our property purchase private and anonymous so our names are not associated with it. What else can I do to live in a way that keeps my life private and anonymous in society?
I sold a booklet explaining how to disappear into the American underground in the 1990s. I printed and sold it myself. It kept me afloat between jobs.
So, put the utilities in a relative, friend or girlfriend's name. The utility companies will do it with little coaching. Get a clean address. By this I mean find someone who is moving, get them to allow you to share that address for mail. Then open a post office box and produce a letter from this borrowed address as proof of residence. Your friends have moved, it is a clean address. Use burner cell phones, change every time you can. Work as a consultant and use a dba company or LLC to have your money paid to you. So far, all legal but If you are really desperate, use the Fredrick Forsythe (The Dogs of War) method. Go to a cemetery, find a person's gravestone your age who died as a child, take down the information, go to your County Recorder, get a Certified Copy of that Birth certificate and bingo, you become that person. I actually knew someone from Sweden who did this and got away with it until he died and a second death certificate was generated. The FBI send agents out.
But there is another way. Go to Los Angeles, 7th and Alvarado streets, park your car. A young Mexican guy will run up and ask you what you want. Tell him I.D. He will offer you various IDs at various levels of pricing. This is how illegal aliens prove residency for employment to perspective employers and the government/law enforcement looks the other way. You can buy a driver's license, green card, Social Security Card and number, incidental identification to verify the others like a library card. You can even get a passport. I was offered a Diplomatic Passport for $1500.00 in 1994. Unfortunately, it was a Bahamian passport and I do not look Bahamian.
Property, real estate, can be hidden too. How do you think Hollywood stars get away with not paying their bills? But this is getting harder because of pressure from counties over nursing homes. They came up with Tom Selleck and reverse mortgages which are a way to steal your home, not by the bank but by the county and nursing home when you get old. But the OP did not ask about real property.
There a many tricks to simply disappear. I learned all these the hard way---after they cost me money as a bill collector. When something costs you money, you remember and learn.