Don’t forget to stock up on either miso soup or fruit pectin…or make it yourself.
Not only does Watanabe’s study point out the efficacy of miso as a treatment of radiation injury, but also as a way to successfully mitigate cancer and hypertension. Misos used
in a study with mice, that had the longest fermentation period (180-days), increased survival time significantly. Colon cancers, azoxymethane (AOM)-induced aberrant crypt foci (ACF), breast tumors, gastric tumors, and lung tumors were suppressed with miso treatments. Even though miso is known for high sodium content, blood pressure in the rats was stabilized.
Miso was also studied after the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, by a physician named Tatuichiro Akizuki. Even though he and 20 other employees were in Nagasaki treating patients with acute tuberculosis, they did not develop radiation disease. He figured out it was because he and his staff consumed large amounts of wakame miso soup. Wakame is a type of seaweed that has also been shown to help reduce radiation damage.
When a Chernobyl-like nuclear power plant accident happened in the Ukraine in 1986, many Europeans consumed miso soup as a preventative measure to guard against radiation disease. It was these historical accounts of miso being an effective radiation therapy which inspired the more recent study.”