No, enjoy YOUR day!
Feeling a whole lot better there my friend!Hey Jerry...!! still sick !?
I plan on it,I burned up out in that crap yesterday,COME ON WINTER!!!!Good Morning T/F !!
Another glorious day here in the Glen...sunny with a breeze...current temperature is 83 degrees, with a forecasted high of 90+ !!
Stay Cool...!!
Thanks,I need all the help I can get in this crap!!!Good morning T/F.
Morning Jerry, Shooter & all.
Up & out early this morning cause it's gonna be another scorcher today!
So keep cool, especially you Jerry & have a great day!
I'm doing fine thanks,wasn't real real hot yesterday and suppose to stay in the 70s today and low 80s tomorrow,I might actually be able to stand doing a little yard work,MIGHT I said,we'll see. :wink:Good morning T/F.
Morning Shooter, hows my Homie doing in this muggy weather?
Hey Jerry, you OK buddy, cause it's hot as hell out there!
Suppose to be another scorcher today folks so keep cool!