Gov. Newsom Shocked California Looks Like ‘a Third World Country’

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Sep 7, 2013
18,374 December Union Pacific letter (below) to Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón explains just how bad it has been, and that this is no surprise:
Specifically, just over the past three months of intermodal peak season in preparation for holiday shopping, UP has had the following experience in Los Angeles County:
• On average, over 90 containers compromised per day.
• In partnership with Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD), and California Highway Patrol (CHP) we estimate over 100 arrests have been made of active criminals vandalizing our trains. UP alone making several dozens of arrests.
• With our law enforcement partners we have deterred hundreds of individuals from trespassing and vandalizing our trains.
• Of all those arrests, however, UP has not been contacted for any court proceedings.
This increased criminal activity over the past twelve months accounts for approximately $5 million in claims, losses and damages to UP. And that value does not include respective losses to our impacted customers. Nor does it capture the larger operating or commercial impacts to the UP network or supply chain system in Los Angeles County
But rather than doubling down on the source of these crimes, Fox 11 LA reports Newsom praised Proposition 47, Proposition 57 and AB 109, claiming they had helped reduce crime in the state: Proposition 47, which downgraded some felonies to misdemeanors; Proposition 57, which reduced prison sentences; and Assembly Bill 109, which shifted detainees from state prisons to local jails, FOX 26 of Fresno reported.

Proposition 47, reduced a host of felonies to misdemeanors, including drug crimes, date rape, and all thefts under $950, even for repeat offenders who steal every day. Proposition 57 now allows newly-defined “nonviolent” felons to qualify for early release, and parole boards can now only consider an inmate’s most recent charge, and not their entire history because of this proposition.
Even with LA police catching and arresting the Union Pacific thieves, they are out within the day because of the two propositions Newsom claims to support. These “criminal justice reforms” have produced the stark increase of thefts and robberies.
Gov. Newsom says on his website:

One month ago, Governor Newsom rolled out his proposed Real Public Safety Plan, which directly addresses rail theft and calls for bolstering local law enforcement response, supporting prosecutors in their efforts to hold perpetrators accountable, and getting guns and drugs off our streets. The Plan includes $255 million in grants for local law enforcement to increase presence at retail locations and combat organized retail crime, along with $18 million to create a dedicated state team of special investigators and prosecutors in the Attorney General’s Office to prosecute cross-jurisdictional theft-related crimes.
None of this has stopped the railway theft yet. Only strong policing with legal consequences to the theft will.
The governor’s reaction might as well be pure theater – remember, he endorsed Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón.

LA is a hole. Spent 8 years there. Dealt with the scum that were 4 doors away on the the other side of the freeway. Dealt with the hidden away homeless encampment that was hidden of the freeway exit. Didn’t deal well with camper people.
I could have stayed on my 1 acre, fenced and gated horse property and ignored it all. I fought back and the cops took the scumbags side. When my motion detector barn lights went on down by the road, I carried my “American Express” card. Even the cops said I was within my rights.

SF is just as worse.

When I was working, I went to several of the “horror” areas of LA. I actually laughed. It was equivalent to what I considered a safe area in the hood in a back east city. The big difference-back east, the cops protected me. I called and I had a cop within a minute. If I saw a cop and asked him to watch my back at a certain store, he would gladly do it. I had my legally concealed American Express card there.

The difference is what the police are allowed to do. And what the citizens are allowed to do.
Here is a pic of a camper person threatening me. 20 ft onto my property. LA cops wouldn’t do anything even after being shown several pics. No trespassing.

My crime- yelling you can’t park there. And according to the law, he couldn’t. The mayor told the cops not to enforce the law.
Here is a pic of a camper person threatening me. 20 ft onto my property. LA cops wouldn’t do anything even after being shown several pics. No trespassing. View attachment 14838
My crime- yelling you can’t park there. And according to the law, he couldn’t. The mayor told the cops not to enforce the law.
You NEED to move. . . .And fast!!! You have bars up on your home doors in a "peaceful time". What is going to happen in choas time??
You NEED to move. . . .And fast!!! You have bars up on your home doors in a "peaceful time". What is going to happen in choas time??
. That was at my gate,200 ft down the drive.
I moved 3 years ago. To a place where I very rarely lock the house. 4 miles from the freeway and the 3 miles up a 1 1/2 lane road. My BOL.
It may not be perfectly safe, but safer than there.
. That was at my gate,200 ft down the drive.
I moved 3 years ago. To a place where I very rarely lock the house. 4 miles from the freeway and the 3 miles up a 1 1/2 lane road. My BOL.
It may not be perfectly safe, but safer than there.
If that is your BOL, you really need to rethink your options.
My points from all of this. CA does not protect its tax paying citizens. They do protect the scumbags.

I really don’t want to live in CA, but that is where my honey is from and wants to be. She makes enough money for me to have be “retired”, I work harder trying to bring the property value up and at a higher rate than if I was working “for the man”. So far, i have been making a 100k+ a year and spending 20 For improvements. So you do the calculations for that.

If something happens to her, I have my plan. I will go back to a red state to be near my kids.

CA might be a beautiful place, if it wasn’t for their politics.
If Gavin Newsom is shocked California looks like a 3rd World country, he must be pleased. I am serious. These communist leftist types think this drug-bum, welfare, drug-dealer, dirty, poop everywhere, bicycles instead of cars, look is cool. This look is their inclusive goal. They want their cities to look like this.
Los Angeles is not Detroit. People say L.A. is the second largest city. That is a lie. Los Angeles has a city limit but the city just keeps going and going. South it extends at least to the latitude of San Clemente and maybe beyond now. That is almost to San Diego. East it keeps going almost to Palm Springs. There are over 10 million people in this city. The point is welfare. At this rate only drug-bums and illegal aliens are going to be found there picking through the ruins and someone has to support them. They need food and drug-bums need drugs.

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