had a car wreck

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
We got our running around done, and was heading. didn't even get 1 mile out of town, and then someone turned in front of us.and we hit. i was going between 50 to 55.. it totaled the van. mom n me are in pain. her chest and back..
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I am so sorry to hear that Jim!! Hope you both can heal quickly.
I Got 3 xrays..mom is getting a cat scan...DAMN this back pain..i normally can deal with pain..but this freaking hurts..and inormally have nothing to do with pain pills..but im takeing them..2 tylonal..and 2 something else..
We got our running around done,and was heading.didnt even get1mile out of town.and then someone turned in front of us.and we hit.i was going between 50 to 55..it totaled the van.mom n me are in pain.her chest and back..
I'm glad you're doing as well as you are. That kind of speed has killed many. I tell people all the time that driving in a car is the most dangerous thing you will ever do. Just always remember, things can be replaced, you can't.
I am so sorry for you and your Mother. Very glad though that for the most part you're both ok. The first few days will be the worst and praying for that to be at a minimum. Speedy recovery for you both.
well.we're home.mom has a compreson fracture of the sturnum,and some brusies.my spine or something got brused badly enough where it feels frctured.but yet the 3 xrays says no to the fractue.i got prescribed ibuprofen.robaxin-750 and ultram..but wont go with the ibuprofen.on account pain killers we have..due to my moms health,she already has the meds she needs..
Dang it jim! Im glad u guys are ok. Bruises sometimes hurt even more than fractures. Time is working for you guys, its gonna hurt a lil less every day. Well, its actually gonna hurt a lil more when all the adrenalin from the accident is out of your system but then its gonna hurt a lil less ;). Im glad you are allright brother!
Jeez sorry to hear of your misfortune, I'm glad you both survived, back pain is a bitch to deal with, Do you have TENS machines in the US, they are normally used to ease pain inpregnant women but they DO work very well at easing severe back pain esp neck and lower back.

Ah here we go, well worth having in your medical preps.

Hate to say it, but go with a big name ambulance chaser, and try to get the money you'll need out of this. Those hospital and dr. bills are going to be hard to budget for and quantify (even with insurance), so best to get someone the other guy's insurance company will pay quickly, and well.
my mom called her insurance.and we're covered.we're even covered up to $20.00 on car rentals..
these pic's i took myself..

only thing i can think of,is that happened when we hit..and i just noticed the red on the hood for the first time.and the pick-up is red..now im wondering if the truck came up on the hood any....
Did you at least get to sell the coins?
we got a phone call from my moms insurance this morning..ALL of our medical expense's are covered.that includes E.R. vesit,my 3 xrays,her cat scane.my 2 presriptions.etc etc..all covered by her insurance.now it's a matter of getting the police report once it goes through the chain of comand,or what ever.we'llgetting a rental car friday.and thats when we'll be going to where the van was towed to.and i think that persons truck as well.and thats when we'll get that persons insurance info,and other info as well.only expense we'll have so far.is the car rental.insurance pays up to $20.00..and we pay any thing over that.and gas for it..friday is when we'll get the rental car.
we got a phone call from my moms insurance this morning..ALL of our medical expense's are covered.that includes E.R. vesit,my 3 xrays,her cat scane.my 2 presriptions.etc etc..all covered by her insurance.now it's a matter of getting the police report once it goes through the chain of comand,or what ever.we'llgetting a rental car friday.and thats when we'll be going to where the van was towed to.and i think that persons truck as well.and thats when we'll get that persons insurance info,and other info as well.only expense we'll have so far.is the car rental.insurance pays up to $20.00..and we pay any thing over that.and gas for it..friday is when we'll get the rental car.
Again, just glad you weren't hurt worse.
i guess this week has finally caught up with me.we went to town and got the rental car,.then went 3-4 other places.then went home.i must of taken at least 4 naps while on the sofa.in which each one didnt last any less then 1 hour...and im still more tired then normal this morning.or should i say.slower then normal at getting started this morning..
i guess this week has finally caught up with me.we went to town and got the rental car,.then went 3-4 other places.then went home.i must of taken at least 4 naps while on the sofa.in which each one didnt last any less then 1 hour...and im still more tired then normal this morning.or should i say.slower then normal at getting started this morning..
Just be happy with the fact that you are still here and so is mom. . . it could have been much worst in the kind of collision you had. Heck even after chores this morning we did the hour drive to visit the son and soon to be mamma of grandbaby. After I got home I had to take a nap before evening chores and I don't have a good excuse except getting old
well,a woman with my moms car insurance came our yesterday.we will be getting something for for the injurys,for being put out.or what ever.so that means some cash money for me..so im adding stuff to my,need to buy list.in which,the most important items will be at the top of it.and the least important will be at the bottom of the list..in which i'll delete each item as i buy them..
well we're getting more for the van then we figured.and to top it off.we had a chair lift installed for her scooter 2 or 3 years ago.in which we're getting our money back for that as well
well,things are looking up,some what.on our settlement from our last years accident..so i started window shopping for a truck.came across a 1997 nissan compact truck,that i can get for 1700.but thats only if i get my settlement before it's sold..it needs a new set of tires on the rear,,freon for the ac.and a radio.other then that.i didn't find any thing terribly wrong with it...
well,things are looking up,some what.on our settlement from our last years accident..so i started window shopping for a truck.came across a 1997 nissan compact truck,that i can get for 1700.but thats only if i get my settlement before it's sold..it needs a new set of tires on the rear,,freon for the ac.and a radio.other then that.i didn't find any thing terribly wrong with it...
Be careful of the ac. I'm far from a good mechanic, but needing freon usually means needs expensive ac repair. A good working system does not leak freon. Good luck.
yeah,i know 2 honest mecahnics.in which i can stop by.and talk with one of them about it,if i feel the need to do so..and thats why im window shopping in advance ..i want to make a smart choice on one.

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