• Two New features staring today. - The first will security lock account if user didn't login for two years - The second will warn and security lock account if password found in data breach ( even if user is recently active) .. it will also warn users about weak passwords during registration. The compromised is from a data base list, and not from anything on this forum. If you are logged in all the time, this will not effect you. It only works when logging in.

Happy Birthday!

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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Busy day, so I'm late.

Happy, happy Birthday to @Tacotom ! I know you were here today, but we hardly see you comment anymore. Please check in with us and update us about what's going on with your life.

Taco tom, birthday.JPG
Thanks Every1, so far it is Grrrrrr8...!!! Publix Market said take Your pick between a "Bar Cake or Premium Ice Cream"...

Me Choice was :

too go with those Cakes ^^^:thumbs:
Last edited:
This is how the pkg looks :

it was a toss-up between that and this :

I made the Right Choice as it is Goooooood...!!!

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